NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Doris E. Schultz
Obituary: Gary F. Weston, of West Deptford

The Williams Family of Gloucester City Annual Reunion

Group photo of the Williams, Devine, Mergenthal, Weber and Finanger familys. The reunion was held at Paul Devine's home on the Chesapeke Canal, Maryland. (continued click link)

NOTE: Click photos to enlarge...

 There were 12 children of the late Harry and Thersea Williams. They grew up in the 900 block of Somerset Street, Gloucester City.
Five are still living.  Sons Steve and Ed Williams and daughters Irene, Pat, and Mary. 
Left... Pat "Williams" Mergenthal surrounded by her daughters Dolores and Claire sitting and her nieces Pauline and Christine standing.
Right...(left to right) Steve Mergenthal, Luke IMG_2227 Williams and Joe Devine.
 Left...IMG_2228Mary "Williams" Weber being hugged by her nephew Gary Devine.
Right...Ann Williams married to the late Frank Williams with daughter Christine on the left IMG_2234 and niece Claire "Mergenthal" Blake in the center.

 Below...Looking out at the Chesapeake Canal from Paul Devine's home. In the foreground are family members.  



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