BROOKLAWN RESIDENT: Are Turkeys Really the Menace You Make Them Out to Be?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sorry Bill but are the turkeys really the menace you and Joan describe?
With all our problems, especailly in Gloucester City and increasingly in Brooklawn this article reminds me of republicans whining about the financial burden public television places on the federal budget. I know well of the turkeys you mention in Brooklawn and let me share my experience.
cans. We then pass the river which is so polluted I can’t even let this water loving dog take a dip in the summer not to mention the filthy disgrace which is the river line.
We then stroll down Pershing Ave and come out at the bottom of Chestnut where we have been charged by an off leash pit bull(not the only time) whose owner’s friends are encouraging the dog to “get him”. I am now carrying my 75lb. dog til
all is safe.
We pass a dilapidated apartment building on our way to the other side of town, we head behind the American Legion and onto Lake Avenue where there is a beautifully wooded lot with a family of turkeys. We both watch them kind of amazed that these creatures have decided to make a home here. It’s the most pleasant part of the walk.
We then head up 6th Avenue, down Bergen and then pass over the railroad tracks where we get a stone thrown at us through a passing train by a neighborhood kid. It isn’t the greatest walk but it’s all we can accomplish on the weeknights. If only those darn turkeys didn’t make such a mess of things.
Sean McFeeley
116 Chestnut St.