Letters: The Bottom Line
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
On Oct. 18, the Greenwich Tea Party Patriots of South Jersey hosted a forum for both Democratic and epublican candidates running for office in the upcoming election. The purpose was to provide all candidates the opportunity to address their platforms and to reinforce why they should be elected to their respective positions.
The local tea party mission is to bring as much information as possible prior to each election. Why? Because this non-partisan organization continually seeks the best candidates who care about upholding the state and federal governing constitutions within the frame of their original intent, and genuinely wants to reverse the current track that America is on.
There is always an open invitation to the public each time a meeting or event is scheduled. So, why wouldn’t every candidate want to attend, even if only for a small amount of time?
Of course, it is possible that candidates can overbook their schedules. But every candidate should be trying to visit as many mainstream organizations and groups as possible, to win and gain confidence in the candidates’ ability to achieve the greater good if elected. So, why wouldn’t every candidate want to attend the tea party forum?
It is unfortunate that attendees were left wondering why all three of the Third Legislative District Democratic candidates were unable to attend at all. This wasn’t a last-minute invitation, because the requests began in early September.
Each person who attended this forum had the opportunity to leave with a wealth of information and the ability to distribute and disseminate it to many other friends and fellow voters within the next three weeks.
Bottom line, the tea party wants to know what every candidate has to offer to the residents of New Jersey if elected. Bottom line, the tea party does not believe that only one political party has all of the answers. Bottom line, the tea party will be active for, and very supportive of, any candidate, regardless of party line, who will speak for the people, work for the people and work to get America back on track.
Bottom line, we wanted to hear what every candidate had to say at the forum.
Arvene Kilby