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Hunting and Fishing



Hunters who are successful in the upcoming deer hunting seasons are encouraged by the Pennsylvania Game Commission to consider participating in the state’s Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) program, which channels donations of venison to local food banks, soup kitchens and needy families.  Pennsylvania’s HSH program is recognized as one of the most successful among similar programs in about 40 states.

“Using a network of local volunteer area coordinators and cooperating meat processors to process and distribute venison donated by hunters, HSH has really helped to make a difference for countless needy families and individuals in our state,” said Carl G. Roe, Game Commission executive director. “Pennsylvanians who participate in this extremely beneficial program should be proud of the role they play. HSH truly does make a tremendous difference.”

A white-tailed deerImage via Wikipedia


Started in 1991, HSH has developed into a refined support service for organizations that assist the Commonwealth’s needy.  Each year, Hunters Sharing the Harvest helps to deliver almost 200,000 meals to food banks, churches and social services feeding programs for meals provided to needy Pennsylvanians.

“This program is all about the generosity of hunters and their desire to help make a difference,” Roe said. “It’s a program that many hunters have become committed to and enjoy supporting. After all, what is more gratifying than providing needed food to families?”

As part of the program, hunters are encouraged to take a deer to a participating meat processor and identify how much of their deer meat - from an entire deer to several pounds - that is to be donated to HSH.  If the hunter is donating an entire deer, they are asked to make a $15 tax-deductible co-pay, and HSH will cover the remaining processing fees.  However, a hunter can cover the entire costs of the processing, which is tax deductible as well.

HSH established a statewide toll-free telephone number – 866-474-2141 - which also can answer hunters’ questions about where participating meat processors can be found or other general inquiries about the program.

To learn more about the program and obtain a list of participating meat processors and county coordinators, visit the Game Commission’s website ( and click on “Hunters Sharing the Harvest” in the “Quick Clicks” box in the right-hand column of the homepage, or go to the HSH website (




Hunters and trappers are reminded that they still are required to display their licenses on an outer garment, said Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe.


“The Game Commission is supporting legislation to remove the statutory requirement that licenses be displayed, and thereby allow hunters to place their hunting license in their wallet with other ID,” Roe said. “However, until such time as the General Assembly removes this statutory requirement, hunters and trappers will need to continue to display their licenses.”

Al Ristori writes: Legislative action needed to save artificial reefs!

With the current legislative session nearing its end, anglers will have to work hard to make their voices heard in the Assembly so the state's artificial reefs can be saved for the sportfishing public that paid for their construction with donations in addition to federal Sport Fish Restoration funds derived from an excise tax on the fishing tackle we buy. 

In the last session it was then-Assembly Speaker Joe Roberts (D-Camden) who wouldn't let the bill come up for a vote after it had sailed through the Senate.

This year's obstacle is Assemblyman Nelson Albano (D-Cape May), who is chairman of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Once again, the companion bill to A1152 long ago passed in the Senate --- but Albano has refused to schedule a hearing in his committee.

The N.J. Outdoor Alliance (NJOA) has gathered a bipartisan majority of the Assembly as co-sponsors, so the bill should be quickly passed and sent to Gov. Chris Christie if it's allowed to come to a vote. 

Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande (R-Monmouth) wrote to Albano requesting that he schedule a hearing: "These artificial reefs were created for recreational anglers only. The reefs are paid for by a tax on recreational fishing gear. The Federal Sport Fish Restoration Act states that the reefs are meant for hook and line and spear fishing only. It is time for New Jersey to join with neighboring states and take action to protect these reefs."

Pete Grimbilas of Reef Rescue notes that the artificial reef program is basically dead in the water as the federal funds were stopped since the DEP hasn't been meeting its responsibility to maintain the sportfishing purpose the funds were supplied for. That could be quickly corrected if Albano can be moved.

Anthony Mauro, chairman of the NJOA, said, "I'm glad to see the overwhelming support that Bill A1152 is receiving from the majority of our state legislators. Assemblywoman Casagrande is one of 50 co-sponsors of Bill A1152. This is the most co-sponsors of any outdoors related legislation in recent memory. It means that if the Bill A1152 is allowed to be heard, it would pass and go to the governor for his signature. It is in the best interest of recreational fishermen and women that Bill A1152 be heard in the next few weeks, before the current legislative session ends."

Mauro continued, "It is up to recreational anglers to contact Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (973) 395-1166, and Assemblyman, Nelson Albano, Chairman, A&NRC, (609) 465-0700, and ask that Bill A1152 have a hearing and a vote. Let them know that you expect the State of New Jersey comply with the Federal Sport Fish Restoration Act and that you want federal funding restored to New Jersey's Reef Program." 




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