NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Joseph Savage age 84, of Camden City; Navy
Thoughts of a Regular Guy: Goodbye, Illinois

LETTERS: Edison, Disney, Jobs and


What do these four men have in common?

Letters-to-the-editor If any of them tried to do now, what they did in the past, government regulations and taxation would prevent them from even starting their enterprises!!

 If any of them had tried to do what they did in countries that favored socialism, the “fruits of their labor” would have been confiscated and distributed “fairly” to all.

 Would they have continued their efforts if that were the case?  I doubt it. 

 Would they have ever done what they did, willfully (or as well), if their ideas were not protected by patent laws?

 Will our patent laws remain in place or will they be changed to give the government a bigger role in the overseeing of creativity, invention and business start-ups?

 Is that “progress” with all the wonderful government “protection,” or does it prove socialism and A-21 (think Big Brother) are alive in our country?

 Government does not create ideas or expand them.

Government kills jobs and innovations! 

 Think about that the next time you flip on a light, visit Epcot Center or use the technology available to everyone  -  and vote appropriately.

Pastor Rob Bremer, Chairman, Sevier County Tea Party



 The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance


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