NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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 The major redecking of the Walt Whitman Bridge, is in full swing and long term lane closures have begun.  Other construction projects include Deck Truss Rehabilitation on the Ben Franklin Bridge as well as structural repairs on the Betsy Ross and Commodore Barry Bridges. Routine maintenance, repairs and inspections requiring occasional lane closures take place on an almost daily basis on all four bridges. With this in mind DRPA officials are urging drivers to slow down and observe posted speed limits, particularly in work zones.  


Walt Whitman BridgeImage via Wikipedia

DRPA CEO, John J. Matheussen, says “the goal is to get you to where you are going safely as well as protecting workers in our construction zones.  We want to remind drivers there are men and women working on the bridges every day who are also someone’s father, husband, son, sister, daughter, or mother dedicated to maintaining our bridges.”


Accidents in work zones are a major concern and they happen all too frequently.  The speed limit on the bridges is typically 45 mph, but, in construction zones, speed is restricted to 35 mph.

DRPA Police Chief, David McClintock, says “the Authority has in place a no tolerance for speeding policy which includes using unmarked vehicles for speed enforcement as well as periodic slowdowns in the Walt Whitman Bridge construction zone to allow trucks safe access and egress.”  McClintock adds “other distractions such as talking on a cell phone, changing a compact disc, applying makeup, or eating should be avoided at all times and particularly when driving through a construction zone.”



The U.S. Department of Transportation points out the most common crash in a work zone is the rear-end collision, so remember to leave two seconds of braking distance between you and the car in front of you.  

The Delaware River Port Authority is a regional transportation agency.  DRPA owns and operates the Benjamin Franklin, Walt Whitman, Commodore Barry and Betsy Ross Bridges, and PATCO.  The DRPA also owns the RiverLink Ferry.


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