NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Heroes To Hero 5K Run/Walk Oct. 15
Stevens Wins DIII CAANJ Cup for First

Deadline for Black Bear Hunting Permit

The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife reminds hunters that the black bear hunting permit lottery application period ends 11:59 p.m on October 15. Application for permits can be made online or at license agents.

A total of 10,000 black bear hunting permits, allocated by black bear hunting areas, will be available to properly licensed hunters and farmer hunters. Only hunters with a current, valid NJ firearm license may apply. There is a non-refundable application fee of $2.00 per lottery.

There will be two lotteries this year; an initial permit lottery and a secondary/leftover permit lottery. Black bear hunters have the option of applying for a second permit in the secondary/leftover permit lottery, however the second application can not be for the same black bear hunting area. Only two applications may be submitted per individual: one application for the initial permit lottery and if desired, one application for a different bear management area for the secondary/leftover permit lottery. Only one bear may be taken, regardless of the number of permits one possesses. 

More information on black bear hunting permits is provided at . 


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