Letters:Campaign to End Pay to Play Moving Ahead-cnbnews.net
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Summer is over an we are moving rapidly into the heart of the political season hear in New Jersey. Politicians jockey for position and beg for votes while the public continues its ever growing apathetic malaise toward the disingenuous musings of a corrupt and out of touch system. The lines of government and politics blur more frequently and the line of what is legal vs what is ethical blur even more.
SJC has been collecting signatures and educating the public all summer on the pay to play issue and we are preparing to present those petitions to the Municipal Clerk of Gloucester Township very soon. Once we do that the People will have their say on this issue because those whom we elected refuse to do the right thing.
We are planning to host a Freeholder Candidates Forum on October 25 moderated by the League of Women Voters. This is an excellent opportunity for the voters to ask questions of those seeking office and receive unfiltered answers. Volunteers will be need so if you have time or want to help out let us know.
Sunday October 2 we will have a booth at the Gloucester Township Pumpkin Festival. We will be talking to the public and being good neighbors on a hopefully crisp fall day. The event is 9-4 and we still need a few volunteers to be in the booth. Even if you can spare an hour or so it would be greatly appreciated.
More info to come along as we go forward. Achieving good and honest government is not easy and it takes each of us doing our small part to make it happen. Thanks for the support that you have given and we look forward to great things in the coming weeks and months. Remember that an educated and involved citizen is what corrupt government fears the most.
Be well,
Tom Crone
Executive Director
[email protected]