DRWC Seeking Proposals-cnbnews.net
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Design for Columbia Avenue Connector Street
The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is hereby seeking proposals from reputed, qualified and experienced firms to design streetscape improvements to Columbia Avenue between Girard Avenue and Penn Treaty Park to include landscape architectural services for streetscape design which may include all or some of the following elements; street trees, paving, crosswalks, 1-95 underpass treatment, signage, and lighting.
To access this RFP, CLICK HERE
Preliminary Design for Delaware River Trail
The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is hereby seeking proposals from reputed, qualified and experienced landscape architecture or urban design firms, to complete conceptual design for approximately 4.5 miles of the Delaware River Trail from Pier 72 South (approximately Mifflin Street) to Lehigh Avenue. The overall goal is to advance the plans set forth for the trail in the Master Plan for the Central Delaware to a more specific design level so that individual sections can be implemented utilizing a consistent palette of materials, furnishings, and lighting to create a cohesive waterfront experience. The consultant(s) will create a preliminary design for the trail, to include trail alignment, materials and furnishings, and cost estimates.
To access this RFP, CLICK HERE