New Jersey Watchdog has sniffed out a 42nd double-dipping top county cop, thanks to another tip from a reader. Monmouth County Undersheriff Robert J. Dawson’s double-take totals $184,000 a year - his $88,000 salary plus a $96,000 pension.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Dawson, 47, retired from the Spring Lake police on Feb. 1. Two weeks later, he was sworn into office as a Monmouth County undersheriff.
He is one of three double-dipping undersheriffs on the staff of Sheriff Shaun Golden, along with fellow “retirees” Michael W. Donovan Jr. and Theodore Freeman. Donovan collects $178,000 a year – a $92,000 salary plus a $86,000 pension. Freeman gets $151,000 a year – his $92,000 salary plus a $59,000 pension.
New Jersey Watchdog’s investigation found 42 top county cops – 16 sheriffs and 26 undersheriffs from 20 counties – who are collecting more than $3 million a year in pensions, plus their county salaries. For full details, click here and here.