NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
If life was fair, Elvis [Elvis Presley] would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead. `~Johnny Carson
« August 2011 |
| October 2011 »
On Tuesday night, I obtained a faxed copy of a sample Gloucester City Ward 1 ballot for the November 8th general election. The faxes arrived just as you see here. Note the placement of the "SAMPLE" stamp on the first page. Is it the sign of a hurried hand or partisan gamesmanship? Note that the text is mostly visible on the public question section of the ballot. The names of the candidates obscured by the stamp are as follows: Keith Walker - Republican, State Senate William Levins - Republican, General Assembly Terrell A. Ratliff - Republican, General Assembly Ian M. Gill - Public Safety First, Camden County Board of Chosen Freeholders According to the Camden County Clerks Office, it's unusual that the county would fax a sample ballot in advance, but the county will sometimes send ballots upon request. Sample ballots will be mailed to the residents of Camden County...
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Republican Party Chairman Mike Pascetta invites Candidate’s Murphy & Wallace to Public Debate WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, GLOUCESTER COUNTY, NJ (September 27, 2011) — The Chairman of the Washington Township Republican Party, Mike Pascetta, announced today that he has invited the two Mayoral candidates to a formal public debate to be held in October. Republican candidate Kevin Murphy and Democrat candidate Barbara Wallace are running for mayor in a special election on November 8 to finish the term of former Democratic Mayor Matt Lyons, who was forced to resign this summer. “Debating issues that are important to Washington Township in a public forum gives the residents a chance to hear firsthand each candidate’s platform, qualifications and passion for an important leadership position in this community,” said Kevin Murphy. “I am looking forward to debating my opponent in an open, fair and balanced setting where all residents and students can participate.” “Kevin has...
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R11-119 RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF MERCHANTVILLE, COUNTY OF CAMDEN, AND ST A TE OF NEW JERSEY , AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE BOROUGH CLERK TO CERTIFY, PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION 11-95, THE REDEVELOPER AGREEMENT AND THE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMEMT WITH THE DEVELOPER AS IT RELATES TO BLOCK 9, LOTS 2, 3 AND 4 IN THE BOROUGH OF MERCHANTVILLE WHEREAS, in order to implement the West Maple Avenue Redevelopment Plan and carry out the redevelopment projects in the area designated by the Redevelopment Plan, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Merchantville has determined that it is necessary to designate a redeveloper for same; and WHEREAS, Borough and Citadel Wellwood LLC have agreed that Citadel Wellwood LLC will be the redeveloper designated to undertake the historic restoration of the multi-family building (606 West Maple Avenue) located on Block 9, Lots 2 and 3 and the development of...
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Date Published: Friday, September 23rd, 2011 Bed bugs are bad enough but, now, according to a report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the sprays consumers use to rid themselves of the pests have been linked to illnesses. According to Bloomberg News, bed bug insecticides were linked to one death and 80 illnesses. The CDC study can be accessed at here. Bloomberg News noted that the study is the first of its kind to review the matter. Image via Wikipedia Most of the issues originated with so-called “do-it-yourselfers” who were found to have used the chemicals inappropriately or who used the wrong product. Most cases took place in New York City, said Bloomberg News. The CDC was only able to retrieve data from the seven states that track these issues, including New York. In all cases, beg bugs are ubiquitous, the pests have made...
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What's Happening in Ocean City Coming Next Week-Indian Summer Weekend with Huge Block Party, Fireworks, Seafood Center, Table Sales and new Music Festival by Bubba Mac (see story after Farmers Market*) (Oct. 1) The Annual City Wide YARD SALE will be held at the Tabernacle Grounds, 5th and Wesley Ave. from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and at homes throughout the City. There will be table sales in the downtown from 6th to 11th Sts. along Asbury Ave. Maps with locations of sale spots throughout town will be distributed Thursday-Saturday at City Hall Annex, 9th and Asbury Ave., the Chamber of Commerce Information Center on 9th St. across from TD Bank, at various locations in the downtown and at the Tabernacle the day of the sale. (Oct.1) The RED, WHITE AND BLUE ALUMNI WEEKEND will hold its annual Parade on Asbury Ave. starting 10 a.m. on Saturday. The Parade will...
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The party featured a performance by the Westmont Philharmonia Accordion Orchestra, birthday cake, face painting, book mark making, tattoos, contests and more. Camden County Freeholder Board Director Louis Capelli and Freeholder Ian Leonard, as the board’s library liaison, joined Camden County Library System Director Linda Devlin in speaking about the branch’s history of serving the people of Camden County. The branch announced that Mark D’Tamaso of Haddon Twp. won a basket of assorted chocolates from Bayard’s Chocolates for a contest at guessing the branch’s average circulation that was part of the day’s events.] ### Established in 1921, Camden County Library System seeks to meet the recreational, informational and educational needs of its customers with locations in Bellmawr, Camden, Gloucester Township, Haddon Township, Merchantville, Winslow Township and Voorhees. The Library is governed and supported by the Camden County Board of Freeholders and the Camden County Library Commission. Camden County Freeholder Scot...
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New Peregrine Pages Posted Although the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife's Jersey City Peregrine Webcam went offline in June, volunteer observers and staff continued to monitor the birds through the summer. Two new pages displaying photographs of the fledglings' early flights and a mid-air prey transfer between an adult and its young have been posted on the division's website. To view the new prey transfer page, visit ; for the new Fledge-Watch page visit . A detailed account of the entire 2011 season (including the fate of the chick removed from the nestbox in May) is chronicled in Nestbox News at . ARCHERY DEER SEASON BEGINS ON SATURDAY HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania’s fall archery deer season is set to open throughout the Commonwealth, and represents the beginning of big game hunting seasons in the state, said Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe. Statewide archers can hunt antlered or...
Read more → On Wednesday, the National Federation of Independent Business petitioned the Supreme Court to review a decision from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding ObamaCare. The Obama Justice Department feels good about its general track record defending the law in appeals courts, and has also filed a petition with the Supremes. The Administration could have kept things bottled up in the 11th Circuit for a while, but most observers agree it would go all the way to the highest court sooner or later... and if "later" meant after the 2012 elections, there might have been a very different Justice Department arguing the government's case, with decidedly less enthusiasm. From a legal standpoint, this is the main event: The heavyweight title fight between Obama’s health care scheme and the nation that never wanted it. If the Supreme Court upholds the 11th Circuit’s decision on the unconstitutionality of the individual mandate,...
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On September 15, 2011. Age 80. (nee Powell) Of Cherry Hill. Loving wife of the late Dominic R. Viti. Survived by her son, Dominick and daughter, Louise and her brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Catholic Rite Of Committal Private in Calvary Cemetery, Cherry Hill. Condolences and memories may be shared at under the obituary of Ruth Viti. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142
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By Chris Concannon Gloucester City News BELLMAWR NJ-As the sun began to set on the afternoon of September 12, a tree was planted on the front lawn of the Bellmawr Park firehouse on Essex Avenue to honor a young drowning victim. Bradley Calhoun, who would have turned 6 years old on the 12th, was the tragic victim of a freak drowning accident over this past Fourth of July weekend. His father, Tom Calhoun, is a retired Chief from Bellmawr Park Volunteer Fire Company. The idea to purchase and plant the Dwarf Chinese Maple came from friend and fellow firefighter Kurt Peterson who, along with his wife, Ashley, researched to select the tree. Peterson said they chose the small maple, as it will have a chance to grow from the tiny sapling it currently is. It was also noted that On the Edge Landscaping of Bellmawr would finish the area around...
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Division to Stock Dog Training Areas The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife will be stocking quail on eleven (11) Dog Training Areas prior to the November 12 opening of the pheasant/quail season. The quail are stocked for dog training purposes only. The dog training areas are located within the following WMAs (listed north to south) and will be stocked for training on October 8, 15, 22 and 29: Whittingham, Pequest, Black River, Clinton, Assunpink, Manasquan, Colliers Mills, Stafford Forge, Glassboro, Millville and Tuckahoe. All dogs must be properly licensed. Hunters should note that they may exercise or train dogs on any WMA from September 1 to April 30, however, the exercising or training of dogs is prohibited on any WMA on November 11, 2011. For more information on division dog training areas, including regulations, visit on the division's website. PA GAME COMMISSION ANNOUNCES FALL PHEASANT STOCKING PLANS Image...
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The federal agency responsible for managing emergencies nearly created one itself when its funding ignited a congressional battle that almost shut down all government operations. The trouble began when the Obama administration told Congress that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) didn't have enough money to keep operating during the last week of the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, reigniting what critics say has become a pattern of Democratic obstructionism to prevent Republicans from cutting spending. But this time Senate Democrats were almost left holding the bag when the funding clock ran out for FEMA Monday night and not only had Democrats blocked the Republican measure, but their own bill failed to pass as well. Then a curious thing happened—FEMA said they could scrape by with $114 million they discovered through some creative accounting. "In my view, this entire fire-drill was completely unnecessary," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.–Ky.)....
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Glassboro, NJ, September 28, 2011 - The voters will have an opportunity to meet and hear what the candidates in the November election have to say regarding their experience, accomplishments and vision for the county with four events scheduled throughout Gloucester County prior to the election. The only incumbent and female serving with the Gloucester County Board of Freeholders, Heather Simmons, has been serving since January 2011, having filled Steve Sweeney’s position on the Board following his resignation to devote his time to serving as NJ Senate President. During her term in office, Simmons has been the Freeholder liaison for the County Department of Economic Development and Public Works, addressing the necessary resources to broaden programs for skills and workforce development, creation of jobs, higher education attainment and career opportunities to help improve the lives of residents of every age group within Gloucester County. WHAT: Meet the Candidates events scheduled...
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My dear sisters and brothers, For the past 11 years, I have been treated for Type II diabetes. For a little more than a year, I have been suffering from chronic kidney disease, which is now at Stage IV. This means that I will in the near future begin dialysis. Over the past two months I have had a series of medical procedures to prepare for dialysis. One of these procedures had complications which necessitated a hospital stay due to an infection which is now being treated by intravenous antibiotics. When I begin dialysis, after a period of training at a center, my dialysis will be done at home six days a week, up to three hours per day. This should enable me to be able to continue an active work schedule both in the office and for the celebration of liturgies in our parishes. I am very grateful for...
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By Anne Forline Gloucester City News The Gloucester City Board of Education approved a contract for a new grant writer during last week’s meeting. Curriculum Director Liz Curry said that $1.4 million of the district’s grants are up for renewal within the next several months. It is important for the school district to have an experienced and efficient grant writer in place so that all of the deadlines are met, Curry said. Regarding personnel matters, the School Board approved a motion relating to new hires, leaves of absence, 2011-2012 substitute teachers, aides and security guards, salaries and retroactive payments. Concerning curriculum, a motion was approved to allow the purchase of criminal justice materials for the high school as well as library skills curriculum for Kindergarten through sixth grade. The Board okayed a motion regarding the adoption and implementation of a state-mandated and district-wide harassment, intimidation and bullying policy. A motion...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News During September’s Mount Ephraim Board of Education (BOE) meeting, Business Administrator Melissa Raywood announced that the annual audit has been completed. She said the audit will be presented at next month’s meeting by auditor Mr. Robert Stewart from Inverso and Steward of Marlton. Also, the Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund, which is known as "E-Rate,” will be providing the district with a rebate in the amount of $11,466 to offset the cost of telecommunication services. In other news, George Gies of Mount Ephraim Basketball requested that there be no increase in facilities fees for the use of the school gym as the league is still suffering the effects of the economy. The School Board granted Mr. Gies’ request, and will leave the rate at $1,500 for this season. Gies said the program keeps the players and their friends who...
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By Sara Martino Gloucester City News Gloucester City officials dedicated the Freedom Pier Saturday morning, and then announced plans for a new restaurant to be built on it overlooking the Delaware River. Near the end of the dedication, City Councilman Nicholas Marchese asked Don Bigley and Jeff Lucas to come to the podium. “Ott’s on the Waterfront will have an unusual concept, will be a family place to dine and will be our sixth Ott’s Tavern,” Owner Jeff Lucas told the more than 100 people in attendance on a crisp, sunny day September 17. Permits and other details still have to be worked out, but they will start building as soon as a green light is given, he said. “I want to welcome everyone for being here for the dedication of the former United States Coast Guard Base and Immigration Station,” Marchese said to start the program. “This dedication of...
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BARACK OBAMA 2012 CAMPAIGN Friend -- Not everyone knows how to prepare for a dinner like this. As someone who's eaten countless meals with my husband, I want to tell you the one thing to do if you're selected to join him... Just relax. Barack wants this dinner to be fun, and he really loves getting to know supporters like you. I hope you'll take him up on it before Friday's deadline. Will you donate $3 or more today and be entered to have dinner with Barack? These dinners mean a lot to Barack. They're a chance for him to talk with a few of the people who are driving the campaign -- and a chance for him to say thank you. So come prepared to tell your story, and say whatever's on your mind. Don't miss the opportunity to be there. Donate $3 today, before the September 30th deadline:...
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PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22, 2011/PRNewswire/ -- Terror Behind the Walls, America's largest haunted house, celebrates 20 years with two brand new, state-of-the-art attractions, a special Encore Night, and the return of the Eastern State After Dark VIP Tour. Image by abeams via Flickr Located inside the walls of Eastern State Penitentiary, a real massive abandoned prison at 22nd Street and Fairmount Avenue in Philadelphia, PA, Terror Behind the Wallsattracts over 100,000 visitors from around the world and is consistently ranked among the top 10 haunted attractions in the country. In 2011, Terror Behind the Walls runs on select evenings from September 23 through November 12. Two New Attractions: For the first time ever, the event designers are launching two brand new attractions in a single year. The Gauntlet is a high energy opening attraction for the show, featuring overhead catwalks and custom props above an outdoor maze. The second new attraction,...
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press release September 27, 2011 [OPIS] - ConocoPhillips is in the process of idling a few oil products terminals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in conjunction with the mothballing plan of its 185,000-b/d Trainer, Pa., refinery, a company spokeswoman told OPIS on Tuesday. ConocoPhillips will idle its Philadelphia G Street oil terminal, a second terminal at Chelsea, Pa., a Woodbury, N.J., tank farm and east line pipeline. The oil major is looking for buyers for those midstream assets. Image via Wikipedia The shutdown of these terminals should allow other competing regional terminals to sell more rack volumes. In addition, ConocoPhillips is looking for a buyer for its 33.3% stake in the Harbor oil products pipeline, the spokeswoman said. The Harbor pipeline is an 80-mile, 180,000-b/d refined product, common carrier pipeline originating near Woodbury, N.J., and terminating in Linden, N.J. This pipeline stake in New Jersey may appeal to Sunoco Logistics,...
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PHILADELPHIA—Federal agents and Philadelphia Police officers this morning arrested 15 members of a drug trafficking organization operating out of the federally subsidized Courtyard Apartments-Riverview and other areas of South Philadelphia, announced United States Attorney Zane David Memeger and FBI Special Agent in Charge George C. Venizelos. A 60-count indictment unsealed this morning charges Mayoshi Sanders and his co-defendants in a drug conspiracy in which the Sanders Drug Trafficking Organization (“DTO”) peddled crack cocaine and other controlled substances within the housing development and various other locations, primarily in South Philadelphia, and used residences at the housing development as stash houses. According to the indictment, the Sanders DTO distributed in excess of 500 grams of cocaine and 280 grams of crack cocaine between March 2009 and August 30, 2011, with Sanders obtaining his cocaine supply from co-defendant Alfred Jenkins, among others. The Sanders DTO allegedly sold drugs in and around the South...
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Summer is over an we are moving rapidly into the heart of the political season hear in New Jersey. Politicians jockey for position and beg for votes while the public continues its ever growing apathetic malaise toward the disingenuous musings of a corrupt and out of touch system. The lines of government and politics blur more frequently and the line of what is legal vs what is ethical blur even more. SJC has been collecting signatures and educating the public all summer on the pay to play issue and we are preparing to present those petitions to the Municipal Clerk of Gloucester Township very soon. Once we do that the People will have their say on this issue because those whom we elected refuse to do the right thing. We are planning to host a Freeholder Candidates Forum on October 25 moderated by the League of Women Voters. This is...
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By Terence P. Jeffrey September 25, 2011 Subscribe to Terence P. Jeffrey's posts ( - In an "urgent" call to action distributed as a bulletin insert at Catholic churches across the country on Sunday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said that a new federal regulation proposed under President Barack Obama's health-care law "poses an unprecedented threat to individual and institutional religious freedom." The proposed regulation would require all private health-care plans to cover sterilizations and "all FDA-approved contraceptives"--which include "emergency" contraceptives such as ulipristal (or "Ella") that can cause an abortion both before and after an embryo implants in the mother's womb. The bulletin insert asked Catholics to visit a page on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S.C.C.B.) from which they could send an email message to the Department of Health and Human Services protesting the proposed regulation. The regulation is undergoing a standard public...
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MORRISTOWN, N.J., Sept. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) and members of the New Jersey League of Municipalities today held Emergency Response Summit meetings in Morristown andTinton Falls to discuss steps that could be taken to enhance communications between the company, elected officials and emergency responders if another large-scale weather event affects the state. Hurricane Irene resulted in more than two-thirds of JCP&L's 1.1 million customers losing power – the largest ever impact from one storm. Restoration efforts were severely hampered by the widespread nature of the damage, inaccessible roads, flooded substations and more than 20,000 wire-down hazards. New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) President Lee A. Solomon, along with other BPU staff, also attended the meetings to hear what improvements could be implemented quickly between utilities and local officials to enhance emergency communications should another major storm hit...
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(Trenton) - The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced the start of construction on a project to widen and improve the Route 168 (Black Horse Pike) intersection with Benigno Boulevard in Bellmawr Borough, Camden County. “This is a cost-effective solution that will reduce congestion on the local roadway system in Bellmawr and provide better traffic flow at this important intersection,” Commissioner James Simpson said. NJDOT’s contractor, Mount Construction Co., began preliminary construction operations last week. Route 168 carries one lane of traffic in each direction through the intersection with a dual-use turning lane located in the median. All lanes on Route 168 will be maintained between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. during construction, with traffic shifts in place utilizing the existing highway shoulders. During overnight hours, single-lane closures may be implemented on each roadway, with traffic shifts and alternating traffic patterns. During a later stage of construction Benigno...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News Although Hurricane Irene did not do as much damage as originally anticipated, various borough departments were prepared for the worst during the last weekend of August as it passed through New Jersey. Mount Ephraim Fire Department Chief Brian Gilmore told the Board of Commissioners at last week’s meeting that the firehouse had been manned from 2 p.m. on Saturday until 6 p.m. on Sunday firefighters were ready for any possible hurricane damage. During that weekend they pumped the basement of the Budget Inn, which allowed the tenants to stay put, Gilmore said. The Office of Emergency Management was manned by eight people around the clock. During the week prior, Coordinator Jay Vilardo monitored the weather and began to prepare the various borough departments. Commissioner Andrew Gilmore prepared food at Mary Bray School for those who helped out that weekend. Vilardo thanked the school...
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Public Notice: PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Borough of Brooklawn on Thursday, september 29, 2011 at 10:00am for a 2011 Ram 5500 Chassis-St Reg Cab 60" C/A 4x4 or Equal. Bid specifications may be obtained from Barbara Lewis, Borough Clerk, 301 Christiana Street, Brooklawn, NJ 08030. Bid documents may be picked up Monday thru Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. the Borough of Brooklawn reserves the right to reject any or all bids either in whole or in part, and also to waive any informality in any bid or bids received. Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the bidder's name and address on the outside with "2011 Dump Truck" written on the outside. Said bids shall be addressed to Barbara Lewis, Borough Hall, 301 Christiana Street. Brooklawn, NJ 08030. Bids must be accompanied by bid bond...
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FOLSOM, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--South Jersey Gas today received approval from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to further reduce rates, which will save residential customers on average 3.4 percent on their natural gas bills. “With wholesale gas prices trending lower and with our customers using natural gas more efficiently, we’re pleased to offer this overall rate reduction to them, while providing them with the superior service they have come to expect and deserve” As a result of this rate reduction, an average residential customer will see a decrease of $4.61 on a 100-therm monthly natural gas bill. This decrease follows a $22.7 million bill credit issued to customers in March 2011. When coupling this new rate reduction with the March bill credit, SJG’s residential customers will see a total 9.4 percent decrease in rates this year. In addition, SJG implemented a 10.6 percent rate reduction in 2010. With the new...
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PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA) announces that Community College of Philadelphia will receive a $600,000 grant under the Predominantly Black Institutions Program of the U.S. Department of Education. Image via Wikipedia "Community College of Philadelphia performs a critical role as the place where African Americans and other minority students can begin their journey in higher education and increase their life chances. It has the largest African American and Latino enrollment in Pennsylvania ," Fattah said. "Without CCP there would be no higher education and no enhanced job prospects for thousands of Philadelphia young people." The one year grant is expected to be renewed for three more years, for a total of $2.4 millionthrough 2014-15, according to the Department of Education. The grant will allow CCP to plan, develop and implement programs to serve more low and middle-income Black American students. It is also designed to...
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reprinted with permission of New Jersey Watchdog Posted on September 22, 2011 New Jersey Watchdog has sniffed out a 42nd double-dipping top county cop, thanks to another tip from a reader. Monmouth County Undersheriff Robert J. Dawson’s double-take totals $184,000 a year - his $88,000 salary plus a $96,000 pension. Dawson, 47, retired from the Spring Lake police on Feb. 1. Two weeks later, he was sworn into office as a Monmouth County undersheriff. He is one of three double-dipping undersheriffs on the staff of Sheriff Shaun Golden, along with fellow “retirees” Michael W. Donovan Jr. and Theodore Freeman. Donovan collects $178,000 a year – a $92,000 salary plus a $86,000 pension. Freeman gets $151,000 a year – his $92,000 salary plus a $59,000 pension. New Jersey Watchdog’s investigation found 42 top county cops – 16 sheriffs and 26 undersheriffs from 20 counties – who are collecting more than $3...
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On September 25, 2011. Age 65. (nee Leap) Formerly of Gloucester City and Phoenix, AZ. Loving wife of 40 years to the late Vincent J. Dailey. Loving mother of Vincent J. Dailey, Jr. and the late Matthew D. Dailey. Dear sister of Emma-Jean Murphy. Geri was a longtime parishioner of St. Mary’s R.C. Church in Gloucester City. She was the Past President of the Townsend C. Young VFW Post #3620 Ladies Auxiliary and a past committee member of Boy Scout Troop 185 in Bellmawr. Geri’s favorite hobby was to play bingo. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her Mass of Christian Burial which will be celebrated on Saturday, October 8th, at 11 AM at Saint Mary’s R.C. Church: 426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Geraldine M. Dailey Memorial Fund: P.O. Box 358, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Condolences and memories may be shared...
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CNBNEWS POINT OF VIEW BY BILL CLEARY ( This morning while walking Erica a car and a SUV collided at the intersection of Lane and Thompson Avenues. The car coming down Lane Avenue was traveling towards Thompson at a high rate of speed when it reached the intersection. At the same time the driver of the SUV made a rolling stop at the Stop sign and entered the intersection. The two collided in the middle of the streets sending the car towards me and my dog. With seconds to react I let go of the leash, hoping the dog would run in the opposite direction of the oncoming car. At the same time I jumped in the other direction to avoid the car that was heading straight for us. As for Erica, when the car crashed into the fence I heard her yelp! I thought for sure she was hit....
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North Jersey Residents! Beware of Black Bears The NJDEP is advising residents and outdoor enthusiasts in North Jersey, especially in areas regularly frequented by black bears, to strictly adhere to guidelines for eliminating or securing potential black bear food sources during the fall period when bears feed extensively to build fat layers for hibernation. Black bears may be especially on the hunt this season for high calorie foods, such as food scraps in household trash and bird seed from outdoor bird feeders, due to localized scarcities of acorns and other tree nuts, which are an important black bear food source. The following simple rules for living in black bear country--particularly Morris, Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon, northern Passaic, northern Somerset and western Bergen counties --will help minimize conflicts with black bears: * Invest in bear-proof garbage containers. If not using bear-proof garbage containers, store all garbage in containers with tight fitting lids...
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A priest of the Diocese of Camden, Msgr. Checchio has served as rector of North American College in Rome since 2006, after serving as vice rector there for three years. The Pontifical North American College, founded in 1859, is the U.S. national seminary in Rome. The title prelate of honor is a papal honor bestowed on diocesan priests. Msgr. Checchio was appointed a papal chamberlain by Pope John Paul II in 2000. Msgr. Checchio, 45, studied canon law at North American College and was ordained in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Camden, on June 20, 1992. While in the Diocese of Camden he held a number of parish and administrative positions. He served as secretary to Bishop James T. McHugh, vice chancellor, director of communications, moderator of the curia and episcopal vicar for administration of the diocese. He also served in the Tribunal and as a member of the...
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Here's something you don't have in common with 22,883 other supporters of this movement who tell us they live in New Jersey. That many of your neighbors have decided to own a piece of this campaign by making a donation of whatever they could afford. For some, that meant just $5. For others, it meant $100 or more. But each had their own personal reason for giving. Our records show that you aren't one of the 22,883 people in your state who have stepped up for 2012. Now's your chance to change that. Image via Wikipedia Make a donation of $3 or more today to support the campaign before the critical September 30th deadline. Here's why you should join your neighbors in supporting this campaign: We've been running the numbers, and with hundreds of thousands of individual donors across the country -- we are now well on our way to...
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By: Rep. Tim Huelskamp | 09/23/11 3:29 PM It’s been said a thousand times: Congress had to pass President Obama’s health care law in order to find out what’s in it. But, despite the repetitiveness, the level of shock from each new discovery never seems to recede. This time, America is learning about the federal government’s plan to collect and aggregate confidential patient records for every one of us. In a proposed rule from Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the federal government is demanding insurance companies submit detailed health care information about their patients. (See Proposed Rule: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Standards Related to Reinsurance, Risk Corridors and Risk Adjustment, Volume 76, page 41930. Proposed rule docket ID is HHS-OS-2011-0022 The HHS has proposed the federal government pursue one of three paths to obtain this sensitive information: A “centralized approach”...
Read more → Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has postponed acting on proposed drilling regulations that could bring hydraulic fracturing and thousands of new natural gas wells to the vital watershed. The DRBC was supposed to act on the proposed drilling regulations during a meeting scheduled for September 21, but according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, it has now scheduled a two-hour meeting to “consider adoption” of the regulations on October 21. The Delaware River Basin, much of which sits atop the natural gas-rich Marcellus shale, encompasses parts of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey and provides drinking water to 17 million people on the East Coast. It covers 58 percent of the land area of New York City’s watershed west of the Hudson River, and the city has spent almost $1.5 billion to protect the drinking water it obtains from the watershed. According to the Inquirer, several counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania...
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By Michelle Bauman Washington D.C., Sep 22, 2011 / 02:45 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, president of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ conference, urged President Obama and his administration to end their attack on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the religious freedom of those who support it. Image via Wikipedia Archbishop Dolan warned in his Sept. 20 letter that by continuing its current course of action, the administration would “precipitate a national conflict between Church and State of enormous proportions and to the detriment of both institutions.” In an accompanying analysis, the bishops’ conference said it is concerned that if the administration continued its fight to redefine marriage, Catholic individuals and institutions would face lawsuits for supposed “sexual orientation discrimination” in their efforts to serve the common good in areas including employment, education and adoption services. “Society will suffer when religious entities are compelled to remove themselves...
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Inefficient programs that don’t solve problems and are passed against the will of the American people seem to be the Obama Administration’s forte. Now their high-minded aspirations of a health care revolution are quickly unraveling as fatal glitches in Obamacare become apparent. Next up for implosion? The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, otherwise known as the “CLASS Act,” which creates a government-run long term care insurance program too costly to sustain. At a time when entitlement programs in America have spun out of control, liberal proponents of Obamacare were pushing a new one that had no hope of staying afloat. Now, they are trying hide the fact that they were wrong as another bungling layer of Obamacare is exposed. From its creation, the CLASS Act was completely unsustainable as written into law. The problem? Due to the effects of adverse selection, the program would charge high premiums that...
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Date Published: Friday, September 23rd, 2011 Listeria outbreak linked to Colorado cantaloupes continues to grow. Yesterday, we wrote that the death toll had, sadly, doubled to 8 people. Today, it turns out that the total number of states involved is actually 22, five more than was previously reported. According to the most current reports, said Reuters, 55 people in 10 states have fallen ill, with most sickened in Colorado, where the cantaloupes were grown and harvested, citing the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Not all 22 states have reported illnesses, said Reuters. As we’ve written, 300,000 cases of whole cantaloupes grown at Jensen Farms were shipped between July 29th and September 10th, 2011 to Illinois, Wyoming, Tennessee, Utah, Texas, Colorado, Minnesota, Kansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The additional five states now included are Arkansas, California, Idaho,...
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A 38-year-old fire lieutenant with the Lancaster Township Fire Department (LTFD) collapsed and died of an apparent cardiac issue during a live burn training exercise with the Lancaster County Fire School on Sunday morning, according to a news release from the fire department and a local news agency. LTFD identified the fallen firefighter as Keith Rankin. The news release said Lt. Rankin suffered a "medical emergency" during the training exercise. Fellow firefighters performed "life saving efforts," but Rankin could not be revived. Local news agency, Intelligencer Journal of Lancaster, said Rankin, who had been running the live burn at the fire school, was talking with fellow firefighters when he collapsed with no warning. Some of the members of the 25 towns attending the school performed CPR on Rankin, but he never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead at Lancaster General Hospital. An autopsy was scheduled for Sunday, but the local...
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Please note two new RFP Opportunities have been posted on the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation website at REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Design for Columbia Avenue Connector Street The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is hereby seeking proposals from reputed, qualified and experienced firms to design streetscape improvements to Columbia Avenue between Girard Avenue and Penn Treaty Park to include landscape architectural services for streetscape design which may include all or some of the following elements; street trees, paving, crosswalks, 1-95 underpass treatment, signage, and lighting. To access this RFP, CLICK HERE Preliminary Design for Delaware River Trail The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) is hereby seeking proposals from reputed, qualified and experienced landscape architecture or urban design firms, to complete conceptual design for approximately 4.5 miles of the Delaware River Trail from Pier 72 South (approximately Mifflin Street) to Lehigh Avenue. The overall goal is to advance the plans set...
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Camden, NJ – Monday, at a topping off ceremony, Congressman Andrews and local officials unveiled the completed steel framework for the new Rutgers graduate housing building, which has created 250 construction jobs and will create 25 retail jobs upon completion. Congressman Andrews has been a supporter of this project since its inception ten years ago, and has played a key role in its negotiations. His efforts led the Rutgers Board of Governors to approve the construction of the project, which is bringing new jobs, new revenue, new residents and a brighter future to South Jersey. This new facility, located at Fourth and Cooper Streets, addresses the housing shortage for graduate students looking to reside near the Camden campus. The majority of the 102 units will be configured as three or four bedroom apartments, and will include bathrooms, kitchens, and living areas. Once completed, this new building will also include 7,000...
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Gala, Art Show & Sale September 26-Oct. 2, 2011 Plein Air Brandywine Valley is a painting and photography competition, show and sale featuring the beauty of the Brandywine Valley interpreted by 130 of the finest artists of our nation. Painting, drawing and photography opportunities for artists will take place from Monday, September 26-Friday, September 30, 2011. On Friday, September 30, 2011, artwork will be completed and judged. Winners will be announced at the event’s gala opening for the art show/sale at the Tatnall School in Wilmington. The Gala will be held from 7:00-11:00pm. Be the first to preview works and meet the artists. Tickets ($125) are still available and may be purchased at On Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2 the Art Show and Sale continues at Tatnall School from 10:00am-4:00pm on Saturday and 12:00-4:00pm on Sunday.
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The 300 watt station — WSMJ-FM, 91.9 — will start broadcasting later this year from Cape May to Ocean City with 18 hours of EWTN programming. It’s expected to go 24 hours in 2012 to include contributions from local pastors and programs in Spanish. A local group called Soul Mates for Jesus, Inc., formed the corporation establishing the radio station. They have been working for three years for the permit from the Federal Communications Commission. Their mission statement is: “Soul Mates for Jesus is a non-profit corporation dedicated to teaching the Truth as defined by the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church through radio communications. Led by the Holy Spirit, we seek to bring knowledge and counsel into our lives through the eternal and everlasting words of God." The tower the station is transmitting from is located on Indian Trail Road, Burleigh, N.J. The station is non-commercial. via Related...
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Advertising Services ad agency and PR firm, 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 (484-562-0060) gave over 100 passes for use of the school's students to Matt Goetting, VP of Strategic Development (r ) and Ken Taylor, Director of Physical Activity at Girard College. The reserved seats were to any game of the Camden Riversharks at Campbell Field. The distribution was part of the firm's continuing community affairs program. Bill is also a newspaper publisher, radio show producer and owner of the Philadelphia Advertising & Business Show, to be held Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at the Villanova Conference Center.
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September 24, 2011; Lions’ Stadium; Ewing, NJ Ewing, NJ ….. Fueled by a pair of big defensive plays in the fourth quarter, The College of New Jersey football team secured its third straight win as the Lions held off visiting Morrisville State College 28-14 on Saturday. The win puts the Lions at 3-0 for the second time in the last three seasons, with a 2-0 mark in New Jersey Athletic Conference play. The loss knocked the Mustangs to 0-2 in the conference and 0-3 overall. With TCNJ clinging to a 14-7 lead in the fourth quarter, sophomore Nick Bricker (Middletown, NJ/Middletown South) forced a fumble as the Mustangs were driving deep in Lions’ territory as Shawn Brown (Long Branch, NJ/Long Branch) pounced on the free ball at the TCNJ 17. Brown factored in on the next big play as well as he reached up and intercepted Mustang quarterback Lemar Johnson’s...
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reprinted with permission of by Lois Beckett ProPublica, Sep. 19, 2011 As we reported last week, many states havefailed to implement simple and effective checks for teacher cheating. Scandals involving cheating by teachers and schools to pump up ever-more-important student test scores swept the country this summer. But they've also been happening for years, and oversight is only now beginning to catch up. Here's an overview of some of the most shocking instances of teacher cheating, plus a few episodes that may have been overblown. The 'Lake Wobegon' Effect (1987-89) One of the earliest investigations of teacher cheating was spearheaded by John Jacob Cannell, a family physician from West Virginia who was shocked to hear that his poverty-stricken home state, with high rates of illiteracy, was performing above the national average on standardized tests. Cannell latched on to the issue and discovered that students in 48 states were supposedly...
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The point? At any given time, especially in the world of 24/7 news coverage, a major gaffe can sink an otherwise strong candidate. So the fact that many Republicans are already writing President Obama’s political obituary a year out from what will be a close election is not just naïve, but political stupidity. And it will be a close election. In addition to the billion-dollar war chest the President will have, the most important aspect that commentators and politicians are missing is that the popular vote—and by extension most polls—are meaningless. The only thing that matters is getting 270 electoral votes, and Obama already has, at a minimum, 164. And when you add the states he will likely win, including electoral prize Pennsylvania, which hasn’t voted Republican in 24 years, that number rises to 224—just 46 shy of victory. Is the President’s road difficult? Absolutely. The economy is in shambles...
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PATCO Pilot to start September 26 and lasts one year; commuters can get their card online CAMDEN, NJ. – When the PATCO Wave & Pay ANYWHERE Visa® Prepaid Card pilot program kicks off on Monday, September 26, PATCO riders will be able to use the same payment card for transit and retail purchases. This is the first open payment pilot using a transit-agency branded contactless prepaid card in the world. The PATCO Wave & Pay ANYWHERE Visa Prepaid Card is one of the lowest-fee prepaid cards on the market, and does not require a bank account or credit rating to use. Riders can use it to wave and pay at PATCO gates and parking terminals, just like the current PATCO FREEDOM® Card, and anywhere Visa debit cards are accepted including telephone and online purchases. The cards can be loaded, reloaded and managed many ways, including online at, at the...
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