NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Earthquake Hits East Coast; Cherry Hill Fire Dept.Responds
Video 2 : Gloucester City NJ after the

Video 1: Gloucester City NJ, Sunday, August 28,


(CNBNEWS.NET)Touring Gloucester City Sunday around 10 AM looking for storm damage from Hurricane Irene. The video begins at Greenwood Avenue, to Highland Blvd/Johnson Blvd. to Essex Street ending up at the former CG Base on King Street.

What we found was some fallen trees and tree branches along with local flooding.

Gloucester City Police Chief George Berglund said there were no problems except a  couple people did get stuck when they drove through a flooded street. He also said some trees did fall down because of the storm but no one got hurt. 

Berglund said, "Gloucester City Marine Terminal, (Holt)  offered the police department the use of a 21/2 ton army surplus vehicle for any emergencies. We did use the vehicle to aid some people who were stuck in the middle of a flooded street. We also used the truck to help the Brooklawn Police Department with people who needed assistance after their cars got  stuck in the water around the flooded traffic circles."

Berglund said the City and the Brooklawn Police Department appreciated the help from Mr. Holt.


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