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American Legion World Series: Brooklawn Faces Las Vegas Today at 1 PM

Midland, Mich., comes back on Brooklawn, N.J., for victory | mich, midland, brooklawn - The Star Online : The Newspaper of Cleveland County

Andrew Schorr went 2 1/3 innings in relief for Brooklawn (45-5), walking four and striking out one while surrendering four hits and six runs to take the loss.

Joe Santone’s three hits paced New Jersey’s 10-hit attack.

“We had some opportunities where we didn’t get the guys in from third with less than two outs,” New Jersey coach Dennis Barth said. “But they threw a good pitcher, and he battled all night.”

He hopes his guys can keep playing after Sunday’s 1 p.m. game against Las Vegas.

“We’ve been to the World Series pretty long, and this is the best World Series we’ve ever been in. Hopefully we can come back and win (Sunday).”

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