HUNTING AND FISHING: Artificial Reef; Antler Point
Saturday, August 20, 2011
New Jersey's Artificial Reef Program marked an historic achievement on August 10 with the reefing of the Arthur W. Radford. The decommissioned destroyer is the first warship ever sunk off our coast and is now located 28 nautical miles southeast of Cape May at the Del-Jersey-Land Reef in 130 feet of water.
The Radford Reefing Project was a collaborative effort between the U.S. Navy and the states of New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. The vessel will provide habitat for more than 150 species of fish and marine life and will quickly become a premiere recreational fishing destination. Additionally, its colossal size and diversified structure will appeal to scuba divers of all skill levels.
For more information on the deployment, including reef coordinates and a photo of the sinking, visit on the division's website.
In response to a request to the NJ Fish and Game Council to add Antler Point Restrictions (APR) to five southern New Jersey Deer Management Zones (DMZ), the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife conducted a scientific survey to obtain a concensus of opinion from deer hunters in the proposed zones.
Based on the survey results, the recently approved Game Code Amendments provide that DMZs 28, 30, 31, 34 and 47 will have APR regulations beginning with the 2011 Fall Bow Deer Season.
For details on the survey results, including the survey assessment document, visit on the division's website.
- Former Navy destroyer to be sunk off coast of Cape May, used as artificial reef
- Former sailors gather for a final farewell to the USS Arthur W. Radford
- NJDEP Division of Fish & Wildlife - State Record Grass Carp Caught
- Hunting and Fishing: Surf Fishing; Game Code Amendments; Heading Out of State?
- Group Overcomes Odds to Replenish Oyster Reefs