NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

James F. Button, age 74, of Gloucester City formerly of Girardville, PA
Face of Defense: Airman Honors Vets Via Baseball

Audubon Mayor Declares a State of

To all Audubon residents:

Hurricane Irene is expected to hit our area early Sunday bringing with it high winds and more rain in one system than we have experienced in decades. We may experience many downed trees and flooded basements in our area and possible power outages as a result. PSE&G will have additional crews out to service our area and will coordinate their efforts with Audubon's Office of Emergency Management (OEM).

I am declaring a State of Emergency in Audubon effective 8:00am Saturday August 27, 2011. As such, we are requesting the following from residents:

those who have driveways, please remove your vehicles from the streets to aid in our emergency response efforts
secure any loose items around their properties such as lawn furniture, grilles, and trash cans
make sure you have candles and flashlights and other emergency provisions
call 911 to report any emergencies

If necessary, Audubon High School's lower gym will be available as a shelter.

More information will be made available as this storm moves closer to our region.

Thank you and God Bless,

Mayor John Ward

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