NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« July 2011 |
| September 2011 »
By HELENE COOPER 4:33 p.m. | Updated Speaker John A. Boehner all but rejected President Obama’s request to speak to a joint session of Congress next Wednesday by offering an audience the following night. Mr. Obama had asked to deliver a much anticipated speech outlining his proposals to boost employment and the economy on Sept. 7 — the same night as a scheduled Republican presidential debate, as it happens. In a letter to Congressional leaders on Wednesday, Mr. Obama said it was his “intention to lay out a series of bipartisan proposals that the Congress can take immediately to continue to rebuild the American economy by strengthening small businesses, helping Americans get back to work, and putting more money in the paychecks of the middle class and working Americans.” Mr. Boehner responded with a letter saying that Sept. 7 was not so good for a presidential address before a joint...
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By Jane Gervasoni U.S. Army Public Health Command ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md., Aug. 30, 2011 - More than 40 years ago, Army 1st Lt. Robert C. Berkshire earned a Bronze Star Medal for valor during his service in Vietnam. Army 1st Lt. Robert C. Berkshire takes a break during his deployment to Vietnam in 1970. Berkshire recently received a new Bronze Star Medal -- the original had been stolen along with his duffle bag at the end of his Vietnam tour of duty -- to replace the one he'd earned more than 40 years ago. Courtesy photo (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution imageavailable. On his way stateside following his Vietnam tour of duty, Berkshire's duffel bag was stolen -- in the duffel bag was his Bronze Star. He never saw his medal again. After his honorable discharge from the Army in 1971, Berkshire never said anything to his family or...
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Chief U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn has restrained Alabama from enforcing an immigration law that was slated to go into effect on September 1; Judge Blackburn will rule on the merits of this injunction no later than September 28. Catholic League president Bill Donohue explains why the law is flawed: Every state has a right to enforce reasonable laws designed to thwart illegal immigrants from entering and settling in its communities, but the Alabama law that was scheduled to be operative on September 1 is not reasonable. Its principal flaw lay in its failure to ensure religious liberty. When the bill was first introduced last March, its author, State Senator Scott Beason, did not allow for religious exemptions. In practical terms, this meant that "harboring" an illegal alien could be interpreted as administering the Sacraments, as well as providing material assistance. In April, an amendment was introduced by Senate...
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Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won’t be long before $2,000 will only buy a used one. Did you hear the post office is thinking about charging 7 cents just to mail a letter. Info submitted by Hank Miller, author unknown...more to come Related articles Arrest Warrant Issued for the Former Treasurer of the Gloucester City Swim Club ( LOOKING FOR THE BEETLE? Dept. of Agriculture to Survey Gloucester ( Attention Gloucester City ( Murphy chosen as Washington Township GOP Mayor (
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On August 29, 2011. Age 78. Of Gloucester City. Loving and devoted husband to the late Doris M. (nee Babcock). Loving father of William George Wagner, George William Wagner III (Debbie) and Donna Marie Dileo. Cherished grandfather of Nicole, Kyle, Keith (Nicole) and John and great-grandfather of 4. Dear brother of Eugenia Papaycik. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. George was a 1950 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School in Camden. He proudly served our country in the U.S.M.C. and U.S. Air Force during the Korean War retiring after 20 years of service. He was a proud member of the Townsend C. Young V.F.W. Post #3620 in Gloucester City and Brooklawn American Legion Post #72. George was the owner of Occasions LTD in Gloucester City and had a passion for photography. He was retired from NJ Bell, Bell Atlantic and Verizon Telephone and was the Past President of the...
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As John Hayward points out in his post this afternoon, the Gunwalker saga continues to take more bizarre turns. Ken Melson, ATF’s acting director, is being moved out of his position at the ATF and reportedly being transferred over to the Department of Justice. Now, as we reported a few weeks ago, Melson was supposed to be the White House’s sacrificial lamb to protect the administration from any blame, however, Melson turned the tables on everyone and blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious. He stated that there is a “smoking gun” indicating that there are political appointees in Obama’s DoJ who knew what was happening, and that the memo is being withheld from congress as part of a cover-up. Shocking isn’t it? Or perhaps not. This administration knows no bounds when it comes to protecting their Chicago-style politics. Human Events has been all over this issue, while the...
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A Bronx boom-and-bust story shows why the nation hasn’t yet recovered from the financial crisis. As the American economy limps through its second “recovery summer,” hobbled by trillions of dollars in bubble-era debt, politicians and regulators should take a long look at an unlikely place: Kingsbridge, a neighborhood in the northwest Bronx. In some ways, Kingsbridge’s credit-bubble experience was no different from the rest of the nation’s. As the bubble reached its greatest size in late 2006 and early 2007, the financial system—aided by dizzyingly intricate instruments and coddled by the government, which had long kept investors from facing the consequences of bad decisions—piled too much debt on Kingsbridge’s modest dwellings. As a result, the buildings’ owner abandoned them, leaving tenants to bear the brunt of somebody else’s mistakes. continue via Related articles Why We Don't Recover by Nicole Gelinas - City Journal ( Bailed-Out Petroleum -- By: Nicole...
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On August 26, 2011. Age 42. (nee Makis) Of Williamstown. Loving wife of 8 years to Joseph Pitzo. Also survived by her daughters, Ashley, Crystal, Danielle and Jackie and her sister, Zena Makis. A memorial service will take place on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 7:30 PM at the Westville United Methodist Church: 14 Center Street, Westville, NJ. Condolences and memories may be shared at under the obituary of Josie Pitzo. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME , 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142 Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta: Nancy Quinton, of Gloucester City; Avid NASCAR and Phillies Fan Damian D. Scott, of Bellmawr age 29 Teresa M. Cooney, of Gloucester City age 77 Matthew C. Spencer, St. Mary Church Sexton, GCHS Alumni Class of '54, Ironworker Local #399, VFW Post 3620 Daniel K Patton Jr., of Gloucester City; WW II...
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Image via Wikipedia Some wonder why church leaders speak out on what are often considered merely political issues. However, what are called political issues really affect people, their lives, their present and their future. These issues do not exist in a vacuum detached from human beings. So very often what are seen as mere “political” issues touch upon moral concerns. Religious leaders have a responsibility to teach about what is just, right and moral. Such issues are not spoken of because of a particular political party affiliation but rather because they touch the lives of so many people. One of these issues is what is called the “Dream Act.” This proposed law being considered in Congress offers the possibility for young people who are in the country as undocumented persons to be able to achieve citizenship. They will be able to do this, if the act becomes law, by completing...
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A documentary will celebrate a West Passyunk-based girls’ soccer team. By Joseph Myers Posted Aug. 25, 2011 The Anderson Monarchs have conquered many foes, including racism, in their 13 years. A notable filmmaker will look to bring their inspirational story to the masses next year with a full-length examination of their handling of all opposition. Photo by Rob Torney Rain rushed the Soccer Sisters United Soccer Club off Smith Playground, 2100 S. 24th St., Friday evening, sending 17 sets of talented legs scampering. Securing shelter mattered more than converting kicks for one night, but the nation next year will learn the girls have forged quests with setting and netting literal and figurative goals. A documentary will laud the African-American youngsters, who have extended their predecessors’ legacy as gifted athletes hoping to overcome stereotypes and scarce resources to achieve greatness. continue via Related articles Boat People filmers evaluate bike-lane shortage...
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Wilmington, DE - The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) have established the 2012 commercial quotas and recreational harvest limits for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish. The Commission's actions are final and apply to state waters (0-3 miles from shore). The Council will be forwarding its recommendations to NOAA's Northeast Regional Administrator for final approval. (A table which summarizes those actions/recommendations can be veiwed at on the ASMFC website.) The Commission approved and Council recommended a 7% increase in the summer flounder harvest limits from 2011 using the process detailed in the recently approved Annual Catch Limit and Accountability Measure Amendment. The commercial quota was set at 18.95 million pounds and the recreational harvest limit at 12.63 million pounds for the 2012 fishing year. The Commission approved and Council recommended a commercial quota of 34.43 million pounds and a recreational...
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Joseph H. Ball, a radio show producer and founder of one of Philadelphia's longest- established full service advertising/promotion firms, has been named a member of Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia. Ball started a radio and publishing career while a student at Central High School. He was a 16-year-old co-publisher of "Campus Town" magazine, which resulted in his being interviewed on various radio shows such as the 950 Club (WPEN) hosted by Joe Grady and Ed Hurst. He was also one of the first advertising agency owners to produce local television shows. One was a travel show production on TV-17 that featured Tallmadge Tours, with interview guests reporting on a variety of destinations. Radio shows he created include, "The Marketing of Business" and "The Business of Sports." His firm continues to create radio, TV and Internet commercials. Many members of the organization are considered broadcast legends in Philadelphia. They include: Bill Campbell,...
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Mayor's Column Mayor Michael R. Mignogna This year marks the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a day that changed America forever. To commemorate this occasion and pay tribute to those we lost, Voorhees Township will be participating in a National Moment of Remembrance at 1 p.m. on September 11, 2011 when all residents are called upon to stop and remember the victims for one full minute. As part of the remembrance, I have asked the Voorhees Township Police Department and Fire Department to sound their sirens and all Voorhees' houses of worship to ring their bells as a signal for each person to stop and reflect. Almost 3,000 innocent people were killed on that fateful day, including more than 700 from New Jersey. The Fire Department of New York suffered 343 fatalities, the largest loss of life of any emergency response agency in United States...
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modified 2PM ( Gloucester City Mayor and Council at the August 26 regular meeting authorized a municipal referendum to be placed on the November ballot pertaining to Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages. Residents will be asked to vote for or against changing the operating hours of Sunday sales to 12 noon to 2AM. Local tavern owners contend the present Sunday hours, 1PM to 10PM, is hurting their business since liquor sales between the proposed hours (12 noon-2AM) are allowed in neighboring towns. The owners also argue that the extra time will allow their customers to watch Sunday night football to the end of the game. Likewise it will help them on Super Bowl Sunday. The last time the question was placed on the ballot it was defeated. Council awarded a $112,200 bid for various resurfacing projects in the City to Gres Paving Co., of Trenton, the low bidder. Authorized the...
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Thursday, August 25, 2011 Squrt 1331 was notified via a drive up report by a NJ DOT driver of a car fire in front of the WaWa on Route 70 and Marlkress Rd. Squrt 1331 arrived to find an engine compartment fire and went into service with the car fire line. The DOT truck that reported the fire, provided traffic control on the busy highway. via
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Image via Wikipedia Atlantic City (August 26, 2011) – The Casino Association of New Jersey (CANJ) supports the passage of the November sports betting ballot question, which asks voters whether they support amending New Jersey’s constitution to allow sports betting in the State. “The November referendum, if passed, would provide an important step in the continuing process towards overturning the federal sports betting ban. If the referendum is passed and if the federal ban is subsequently overturned, legal sports betting would provide an economic boost for Atlantic City and the entire state of New Jersey,” said Robert Griffin, CEO of Trump Entertainment Resorts, Inc. Legalized sports betting will attract more tourists to visit our city and enjoy our world-class entertainment, thriving restaurant industry, brand-name retail shopping and famous Boardwalk. Sports betting will allow Atlantic City to better compete, grow and reinvest in the region.” Senate Resolution (SCR) 132, if approved...
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By Bill Cleary WAKE UP PEOPLE! A number of local governments are still not using the world wide web properly. They haven’t a clue it seems on what is available for their use to alert residents of important happenings or disasters. The emergencies this past week (earthquake, hurricane) highlight why they need such a system in place. A good program for this purpose that some communities use is offered through a company named From Nixle’s website, “Nixle is a Community Information Service dedicated to helping you stay connected to the information that matters most to you, depending on your physical location. You stay connected to your local police department, your children’s schools, your local community agencies and organizations, and the important information from other locations throughout the country that are relevant to you. Our service is built on the most secure, reliable, and high-speed distribution platform, ensuring that you...
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A local jewelry designer will try her hand as a dancer in this year’s Philadelphia Fringe Festival. By Jess Fuerst Posted Aug. 25, 2011 Sara Schuenemann Photo by Greg Bezanis The Philadelphia Fringe and Live Arts Festival has always been a platform for redefinition — whether it is a dance style, the concept of a performance venue or anything in between. This year, Sara Schuenemann is looking to take a negative event often gracing Philadelphia’s latest news headlines and spin it. continue to read via Related articles Boat People filmers evaluate bike-lane shortage | Cover Story | News | South Philly Review ( Mayor responds to flash mobs | South Philly Review ( Philadelphia Neighborhood of the Week: Rittenhouse Square ( Alleged mobsters post bail | South Philly Review ( Classic Philly: The Rowhouse Revisited ( Taxes wither on the vine (
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SEE VIDEO ONE By Bill Cleary (CNBNEWS.NET)Touring Gloucester City Sunday around 10 AM looking for storm damage from Hurricane Irene. Starting at the former CG Base on King Street, stopping at Proprietors Park and taking a ride on Water Street and Charles Street. What we found was some fallen trees (photo, Martins Lake)and fallen tree branches along with local flooding. Two streets that always flood are Water and Charles Street. A van can be seen in this video stuck on Charles Street, and also in the photo below. These two streets border the proposed South Port Development area. Before any development can proceed in this area it is obvious that the infrastructure on these streets needs to be repaired. You would have thought by now after all these years that this work would have been the first thing completed. As for the hurricane, Gloucester City Police Chief George Berglund said...
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(CNBNEWS.NET)Touring Gloucester City Sunday around 10 AM looking for storm damage from Hurricane Irene. The video begins at Greenwood Avenue, to Highland Blvd/Johnson Blvd. to Essex Street ending up at the former CG Base on King Street. What we found was some fallen trees and tree branches along with local flooding. Gloucester City Police Chief George Berglund said there were no problems except a couple people did get stuck when they drove through a flooded street. He also said some trees did fall down because of the storm but no one got hurt. Berglund said, "Gloucester City Marine Terminal, (Holt) offered the police department the use of a 21/2 ton army surplus vehicle for any emergencies. We did use the vehicle to aid some people who were stuck in the middle of a flooded street. We also used the truck to help the Brooklawn Police Department with people who needed...
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011 At just before 2 PM on August 23, 2011, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter in Virginiawas felt for hundreds of miles up and down the mid-Atlantic region, including Cherry Hill. For most, the earthquake consisted of some uncomfortable moments of light shaking. For those in bigger structures and high rise buildings, it was a little more unnerving. Across town, there were many buildings that were completely evacuated. On duty Cherry Hill Firefighters & EMTs also experienced the same shaking in their firehouses. Once the effects had subsided, it was apparent that calls for help were going to start coming in. Within minutes of the earthquake, several off duty personnel who were working on the September 11 Memorial at Marlkress Road, manned the Cherry Hill Emergency Operations Center there. This center offers a central location, during emergencies or events, for all essential agencies to operate...
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posted 9:20AM Modified 12:13PM photo by CL Woods ( UPDATE: The wind knocked the tree down around 2 AM Sunday morning. Mr. Stecklair along with several other neighbors were working on removing the tree from the street when the photo was taken. Later in the morning the City Highway Department was on the scene to haul the branches away. The street is now opened. For the record, Mr. Stecklair was NOT being paid by the taxpayers for his work on the fallen tree. We apologize for giving anyone that impression. We were trying to put a little humor into the article. Apparently, from the comment received on this post, we failed. -Bill Cleary ( Irene Storm Damage-A large tree fell early this morning blocking Rutgers Avenue in Gloucester City. Joe Stecklair of the Gloucester City Housing Office was on duty cutting limbs off the fallen tree. If you have any...
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By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Aug. 26, 2011 – As Hurricane Irene bears down on the East Coast, a senior TRICARE official said the storm highlights the importance for people to practice emergency preparedness before such potential natural disasters occur. “We are very aware that when people leave their homes [during an evacuation], they may [develop] new medical issues, become acutely ill while away from their homes,” said Navy Rear Adm. Christine Hunter, the deputy director of the TRICARE Management Activity. People can also be in a situation outside their homes without their regularly taken medication during an emergency, Hunter said, something she calls a “real concern.” Missing a dose of regular medication can sometimes lead, Hunter said, “to a chronic illness becoming worse than it was, or being exposed to something like an air conditioning issue that can worsen an illness.” If someone needs medical...
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President Obama's New Economic Plan Must Reign in the EPA, says National Center for Public Policy Research Washington, D.C. - Due to the severe negative impact regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency are having on jobs and economic growth, policy experts from the National Center for Public Policy Research today are urging President Obama to reign in the EPA as the fastest and cheapest way to stimulate the economy. "If President Obama is really serious about stimulating economic growth he must get control over the EPA bureaucracy, which is operating as a job killing machine. The EPA is infecting the business environment with a plague of new regulations and is compounding its affliction on the economy by denying permits for job creating projects," sai said Tom Borelli, Ph.D., director of the National Center's Free Enterprise Project. "In addition to harming today's economy, the actions taken by the EPA will reduce...
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Public Notice: NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City of Gloucester City, 512 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 on August 24, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at which time sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following solicitation: PURCHASE OF ONE (1) 2012 FORD F-550 TRUCK CHASSIS FOR THE GLOUCESTER CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Instructions, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained for a Five Dollar Fee ($5.00) by prospective bidders during regular office hours from the City Clerk's Office, 512 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 telephone no. (856) 456-0205. Bids must be made on standard bid forms in the manner designated therein and required by the specifications; must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidder and solicitation identification on outside; addressed to the City of Gloucester City, City...
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By Jose T. Garza III 502nd Air Base Wing LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, Texas, Aug. 24, 2011 – Air Force Staff Sgt. Craig LeBlanc said the opportunity to honor U.S. veterans and meet with baseball heroes during a near month-long journey from New Orleans to ground zero in New York City earlier this year was an experience he’ll never forget. Air Force Staff Sgt. Craig LeBlanc, who was a member of the "Heroes of the Diamond" baseball club earlier this year, stands alongside U.S. Navy veteran Everett Swanson, a survivor of the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor that caused America to enter World War II. LeBlanc is a military training instructor assigned to the 331st Training Squadron at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Courtesy photo (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. LeBlanc, an instructor assigned to the 331st Training Squadron here, was selected as one of several...
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To all Audubon residents: Hurricane Irene is expected to hit our area early Sunday bringing with it high winds and more rain in one system than we have experienced in decades. We may experience many downed trees and flooded basements in our area and possible power outages as a result. PSE&G will have additional crews out to service our area and will coordinate their efforts with Audubon's Office of Emergency Management (OEM). I am declaring a State of Emergency in Audubon effective 8:00am Saturday August 27, 2011. As such, we are requesting the following from residents: • those who have driveways, please remove your vehicles from the streets to aid in our emergency response efforts • secure any loose items around their properties such as lawn furniture, grilles, and trash cans • make sure you have candles and flashlights and other emergency provisions • call 911 to report any emergencies...
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BUTTON James F. On August 23, 2011. Age 74. Of Gloucester City. Formerly of Girardville, PA. Loving father of Mary Capasso (John) and Joanne Williams (George). Cherished grandfather of John Capasso III, Jade Capasso and Brandon Williams. Also survived by many loving nieces and nephews. James proudly served our Country in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. At the request of his family, Cremation will be private. Funeral Service with Military Honors and Inurnment will be held in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Fountain Springs, PA. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of James F. Button. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 Ph: 856-456-1142
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WRIGHT Elizabeth A. “Betty” On August 21, 2011. Age 83. Of Gloucester Township. At Betty’s request Cremation and Inurnment will be private in Calvary Cemetery, Cherry Hill. Condolences and memories may be shared at under the obituary of Elizabeth A. Wright. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME , 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142
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BIRD Elizabeth M. On August 21, 2011. (nee Miller) Age 92. Of Smyrna, DE. Formerly of Gibbsboro. Loving wife of 15 years to the late Charles T. Bird. Loving mother of Elizabeth Mackie (Ray), Ronald J. Henry (Leona), Diane Reif (Tom), Charlotte Kormann (Rocky), Unity Sowers (Rick) and the late William Henry. Cherished grandmother of 17, great grandmother of 23 and great-great grandmother of 13. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Elizabeth was a longtime parishioner of St. Mary’s Church in Williamstown. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to her viewing on Friday morning from 9:30 to 11 AM at Saint Mary’s R.C. Church: 426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 11 AM in the church. Interment Gate of Heaven, Berlin. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to a charity of the donor’s choice. Condolences and memories may be shared at...
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Grizzly men have won three-straight NCAA cross country team crowns August 24, 2011 NEW ORLEANS – On Wednesday, the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) released its national team preseason rankings for the 2011 NCAA Division II cross country season. The men’s team of Adams State College was picked as the season’s first No. 1 team as the Grizzlies will be defending a three-peat of NCAA crowns. Western State was picked as the top-ranked team to begin the DII cross country season on the women’s side while defending champ Grand Valley State was chosen at No. 2. Adams State has won the past three NCAA cross country titles and took last year’s event, 57-102, over nearest challenger current-No. 2 Western State. At last year’s snowy championships, Adams State placed five of their runners in the race’s top 25. Of that group, Craig Hugger and Keegan Calmes...
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Koch’s own reports to the U.S. government were reviewed by iWatch News. The records, known as risk management plans, are maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency. Access is strictly controlled: members of the press and public can only examine 10 plans per month, under the watchful eye of EPA officials.A decade after the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, Koch insists that its neighbors are safe, and are adequately protected by federal and state regulations. All chemical firms are “vulnerable to human error, acts of nature, theft and sabotage,” Koch acknowledges. “It is impossible to completely eliminate every threat.” But “chemicals are at the heart of many of our businesses,” the firm says, in a section titled “Chemical Safety” on Koch’s website. “The ones used in our facilities are handled with care and by trained professionals.” The Kansas-based conglomerate vows that it “places compliance and safety before profit.” Koch did...
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Gloucester City Administrator Jack Lipsett released the following statement regarding the community’s readiness for Hurricane Irene. “We have had a conference call with our OEM Coordinator and Camden County officials regarding the impending Hurricane. We have made the necessary preparations. The Department of Public Works, City Police, City Fire and Utility Department are on standby and will be ready for what may come.” Lipsett directed the public to the city’s web site for tips on being prepared for the storm. Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta: Hurricane Irene Hurricane Irene: Links roundup New York evacuates infirm ahead of rare Hurricane Irene - Reuters Headed East? Hurricane Irene Might Mess Up Your Travel Plans Hurricane Irene Heads for New England Irene is not Katrina Hurricane Irene Is Shutting Down the Entire NYC Subway Tomorrow [Blip] Hurricane Irene clears the Bahamas and heads towards North Carolina
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By Neal Boortz Union workers for Verizon have been protesting for weeks. You’ve read the stories and seen the videos of their antics throughout this strike: putting children in front of moving cars driven by “scabs” or staging a mock funeral outside a Verizon executive’s home. Well you will be happy to know that they will be heading back to work on Tuesday, though without an agreement. But in all of the shenanigans, we have lost sight of exactly why these people were protesting in the first place. Enter: ObamaCare. Thanks to ObamaCare .. which these unions supported, by the way .. Verizon is looking at healthcare cost increases of as much as $200 million. Why the increase in cost? Because ObamaCare levies a 40% excise tax on Cadillac health plans, which have been negotiated by these unions. What’s amazing is that Verizon warned about the consequences back in March...
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National Weather Service has issued a Hurricane Watch for the Borough of Mt. Ephraim until Sunday night. The Mount Ephraim Police would liket to update all on hurricane Irene. The storm is currently at category 3 located in the Bahamas. It is forcasted to inpact our area on Saturday night into Sunday nights. The forcast track the eye making landfall in Cape May County at 0900 hours Sunday as a Category 1 (90 mph winds and heavy rain) due to all the rain and wind, low lying areas will flood so be ready. Also be preparied to loose power due to down trees and wires. The MEPD will be ready for the strom along with the Emergency Managment. If any more information or action is needed we will post same. Be ready and be prepared and all will be ok. A weather watch indicates the potential for severe or damaging...
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Middlebury’s women have won NCAA cross country team crowns in 2010, 2008, and 2006 August 24, 2011 NEW ORLEANS – The U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) announced on Wednesday the results of a national preseason cross country coaches’ poll for NCAA Division III. The men of North Central College was chosen as the No. 1 team in the land according to the poll. Defending women’s national champion Middlebury will begin the 2011 season as a top team as well. North Central’s men placed second last year at the NCAA Division III Cross Country Championships to current-No. 4 Haverford. The Cardinals last won the national crown in 2009 as part of a three-sport sweep over the 2009-2010 academic year. North Central received seven of eight first-place votes while No. 2 Calvin notched the remaining FPV. St. Lawrence checks in at No. 3, matching their 2010 final...
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press release Delaware Avenue Enterprises Inc, (DAE) located on the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal in Philadelphia, handled its first loads of Wine & Spirits last week. International Shippers of all commodities use DAE’s on-dock distribution center to cut costs and add flexibility to their supply chain. Jim Sinclair operations manager, said “Shippers drastically reduce their inland transportation costs by shipping commodities, like wine and spirits, heavy then transloading cargo into 53ft trailers for delivery to customers. We now have our permit for handling wine and spirits and have increased are capacity for bonded storage which makes DAE the perfect distribution solution for wine and spirits shippers. ” For more information on transloading and utilizing DAE as a distribution center please contact [email protected]. via Related articles Philadelphian Leo Holt elected Jackson Laboratory Board of Trustees chairman ( Privatization Plan Would Spark Tax and Price Hikes for Wine and Spirits (
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INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (August 23, 2011) – Laura Barito ’11 (Arkadelphia, Ark.) was recently announced as a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Woman of the Year finalist. Thirty women, 10 from each NCAA membership division, have been selected as the top 30 honorees for the award. Barito was a two-sport star at Stevens winning NCAA National Championships in swimming and outdoor track and field this past year. Barito was the two-time Irvin “Buzz” Seymour Athlete of the Year at Stevens and a 19-time All-American over the course of her career. An 18-time All-American in swimming, Barito became the first Stevens NCAA national champion in school history when she captured the 50-yard freestyle at the 2011 NCAA Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships. She finished third in the nation in the 100-yard freestyle in swimming, and was a member of four top-eight and All-American relay teams. “Laura has, without question, established herself as...
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Ferry Vessels to Berth at Port Facilities on the Delaware River (North Cape May, NJ) Due to anticipated high winds and rough Delaware Bay conditions related to the approaching hurricane, Cape May - Lewes Ferry (CMLF) officials announced late this afternoon that all vessel departures are canceled for the following dates: Friday, August 26; Saturday, August 27; and Sunday, August 28. click For the safety of the ferry vessels, CMLF marine personnel will be transporting them upriver tomorrow morning. The MV Twin Capes and MV Delaware will berth at the Port of Wilmington while the MV New Jersey and MV Cape Henlopen will moor at Holt Marine Terminal in Gloucester City, New Jersey. Due to the uncertainty associated with the track of Hurricane Irene and the travel time associated with moving the vessels from the berthing facilities in Wilmington and Gloucester City to the CMLF Terminals, the departure schedule may...
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Emergency management information for the City of Gloucester City can be found at this link. Link submitted by Adrianna Parent UEZ office, City of Gloucester City NJ Related articles Attention Gloucester City ( CNBNEWS AREA HAPPENINGS: Wiffleball Tourney; Wine Tasting; Rabies Clinic; The Beetle (
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CONNECTICUT, NOTRE DAME BOTH PLACE 3 PLAYERS ON 2011-12 PRESEASON 'WADE WATCH' LIST ATLANTA (August 23, 2011) – Connecticut and Notre Dame both have three players on the 2011-12 preseason “Wade Watch” list for the State Farm® Wade Trophy, the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) announced today. Now in its 35th year, the State Farm Wade Trophy is named after the late, legendary three-time national champion Delta State University coach, Lily Margaret Wade. The prestigious award, regarded as “The Heisman of Women’s Basketball,” is presented annually to the NCAA® Division I Player of the Year by the National Association of Girls and Women in Sport (NAGWS) and the WBCA. The 25-member preseason list is composed of top NCAA Division I student-athletes from 17 institutions and seven conferences who best embody Wade’s spirit. A committee of coaches, administrators and media from across the United States compiled the list using the following...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News The Board of Commissioners presented Mount Ephraim Police Officer Danielle Perna with a Merit Award during the recent August meeting for locating and then arresting the suspect in the July 2 Wells Fargo Bank robbery. Once Officer Perna had searched the area and spotted a person who matched the description traveling north on the Black Horse Pike, she stopped his vehicle. The stolen money was found in his possession. Christopher Edwards of Lindenwold was arrested and turned over to the Brooklawn Police Department. photo by Leigh Anne Hubbs Mt. Ephraim Commissioner Bruce Greenwald, Public Works Safety Director Christopher Fitzgerald, Commissioner Andrew Gilmore , Mayor Joseph Wolk and Chief Edward Dobleman Public Works Safety Director Christopher Fitzgerald was also presented with a Merit Award for chasing away two men who blocked a woman’s car with their own on Linden Avenue on July 25 in...
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This cut may sound small, but it adds up over time. A person in their 70s who had been getting benefits for ten years would see a reduction of 3 percent. By the time they were in their 80s, the cut would be 6 percent. And if they lived into their 90s, their benefit would be more than 9 percent lower as a result of President Obama's proposal. For an average retiree who can expect to get benefits for 20 years, President Obama's plan would cut their lifetime Social Security benefits by roughly 3 percent. By comparison, his much feared tax increases on the rich would reduce the after-tax income of someone earning $300,000 a year by just 0.5 percent. In this case, a beneficiary who will be mostly dependent on their Social Security income in retirement will take about six times as large a hit relative to their income...
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By James Osborne Inquirer Staff Writer The shouting grew louder as the meeting wore on, echoing across Camden City Council's art deco-style chambers. From the audience came cries of "Norcross nephew!" and "Because George says!" The proposed takeover of the city's Police Department by the Camden County government had brought out a large crowd, and as Council members tried to explain their position this month, the hecklers jumped on them. But their real target was not even in the room: George E. Norcross III, an insurance executive and chairman of Cooper University Hospital. He holds no elected office, but is referred to by a former governor as the second most powerful figure in New Jersey politics. Mostly out of public view, Norcross has in the last two decades created a Democratic Party empire in South Jersey that has become the stuff of legend, a political machine that has made or...
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On Friday afternoon, Governor Christie vetoed a bill that would have continued New Jersey’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is a 10-state agreement to cap power plant emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), require polluters to pay for their emissions, and invest those payments in clean energy projects. Matt Elliott, Global Warming and Clean Energy Advocate at Environment New Jersey, issued the following statement: “It comes as little surprise that the governor vetoed this bill late on a Friday when few people were paying attention. The people of New Jersey support RGGI and want our state to do more to tackle pollution and promote clean energy. A majority of New Jersey legislators strongly support RGGI. And over 10,000 citizens have recently emailed or called the governor to urge him to stay in the program. And yet governor Christie refused to listen and plowed ahead on his own,...
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( van der Merwe (left), chairman of the Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum (WCCPF), the consortium of South African citrus producers eligible to export citrus to the United States, discusses the importance of the South African citrus program with South Africa’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ebrahim Rasool, at a recent event held at the Port of Gloucester City, NJ. The purpose of the event was to highlight the importance of South African Summer Citrus in creating jobs in both South Africa and in the greater Philadelphia area and how trade between the U.S and Africa benefits the economy on both continents. In his remarks to local, regional and state officials and fruit industry representatives, Mr. Rasool paid tribute to the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, known as AGOA, whereby the U.S. extends trade preferences to African countries. The WCPF is certified under AGOA to export citrus to the U.S. “This...
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Addendum Proposes Establishment of Coastwide Sampling Program to Improve Data used in Stock Assessment Wilmington, DE - The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's Bluefish Management Board has approved Draft Addendum I to Amendment 1 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bluefish for public comment and review. The Draft Addendum proposes a coastwide sampling program to improve the quantity and quality of information used in future bluefish stock assessments. The last peer-reviewed stock assessment, conducted in 2005, supported the finding that the bluefish stock was rebuilt and not experiencing overfishing. However, the peer review panel expressed concern regarding the level of uncertainty in the assessment, particularly with regards to bluefish ageing data. It noted discrepancies in ageing protocols (e.g. the use of scales versus otoliths), gaps in the age-length keys from a lack of samples, and samples being geographically limited to Virginia and North Carolina. Age information is an...
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By Kaitlyn Gurcik Gloucester City News Throughout the Summer, students ranging from Fourth to Sixth grade were busy running in and out of Mary Ethel Costello School (MEC) in Gloucester City. The students each had 45 minutes of math, 45 minutes of language arts, and 55 minutes of enrichment time. Besides spending time in the air-conditioned classrooms, students took trips to the bowling alley and sailed on the City Schooner. Not only did the students have fun off campus, they also had fun right in the school yard. They participated in “Water Day,” which included many games – such as being bombed by the maintenance staff from the roof top with water balloons. There was also “Craft Day,” right after the Fourth of July, where students made red, white, and blue cookies and many other crafts. Another highlight of the summer program was International Foods Day. Each student brought a...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News During last week’s Mount Ephraim Board of Education (BOE) meeting, President Dominick Cipolone said that teacher contract negotiations are headed towards mediation. School Board Member Carl Ingram said he is looking forward to a new page in the negotiation process. In other business, Superintendent Joseph Rafferty said that one of the goals of the upcoming Back to School Night is to encourage parents to register to vote. He said that all too often parents wish to vote in the annual School Election in April, but are unable to do so because they did not register early enough. The district and the Mount Ephraim Police Department have reached an agreement to share information. This agreement has the potential to help prevent incidents before they occur, which should improve the safety of students and staff as well as the community, Board members said. A few...
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To determine the richest lawmakers, Roll Call adds up the minimum value of total assets reported by each Member on their annual financial disclosures and subtracts the minimum liabilities. Percent change refers to the change since last year's disclosure forms. An asset valued at $5 million to $25 million is counted at the lesser amount, as is a liability valued at $1 million to $5 million. You can visit previous editions of 50 Richest lists here. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) $294.21 Million Assets $294.21 Million Liabilities $0.00 Million Change 298.9% Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) $220.40 Million Assets $295.40 Million Liabilities $75.00 Million Change 37.7% Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) $193.07 Million Assets $232.39 Million Liabilities $39.32 Million Change 2.5% Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) $81.63 Million Assets $86.63 Million Liabilities $5.00 Million Change 0.2% Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) $76.30 Million Assets $76.32 Million Liabilities $0.02 Million Change 8.7% Rep. Jared Polis CONTINUEvia...
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