NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Nicholas J. Martino, of Bellmawr
Nancy Quinton, of Gloucester City; Avid NASCAR and Phillies Fan

WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: America Standing Together with Friends in Japan-

A Happy Fourth Of July America

 Commentary By Hank f. Miller Jr.

Note: Hank  is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Animated Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST

(CNBNEWS.NET)Today, millions of Americans will look to the sky to watch brilliant displays of fireworks in celebration of Independence Day. As they have done every fourth of July for the last 235 years, Americans will take a moment to reflect on what these fireworks represent--the liberty, equality, freedom and democracy that our founders fought so hard for. These principles have since become the cornerstones of American society. For those of us overseas, the Fourth of July takes on even a greater importances we celebrate the values that so strongly define and unite us as Americans,despite being far from our own shores.


At times, these fireworks have burst over cloudy skies, during periods that sorely tested our great nation. As President Barack Obama noted at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy commencement back in May: "We haven't always been the biggest or strongest nation.There have been moments in history when others have counted the United States out or predicted the demise of our improbable American experiment. But what naysayers and doubters have never understood is that our journey has always been propelled by our spirit and strength that sets us apart from all others."


Every Fourth of July, Americans pause to reflect on"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" that was sought by our founders, but these values need no special occasion in America.They are part of the great American fabric of our nation.


There is another American value that I'm proud of, and that is our compassion and the willingness to help others in need.This has never been more true than in the aftermath of the terrible earthquake and Tsunami that struck this country of Japan on March 11. The tragic events of March 11 marked a new chapter in this relationship between our two countries.

For example, Operation Tomodachi (Japanese meaning "friend"). There was complete devastation but the remarkable capabilities demonstrated by the U.S. Military and the Japanese self-defense forces, also the generosity of these men and women who defend both our countries working together as a team, along with numerous American citizen volunteers and organizations reached out to help Japan.


Despite the horrific devastation of the earthquake and tsunami,the resilience of the Japanese people has served as an inspiration to people around the world.I am confident that Japan will survive and emerge from this crisis even more stronger then ever before.


Warm Regards from Kitakyushu City,Japan, Happy Fourth of July to everyone in and around my hometown of Gloucester City,New Jersey.


Have a Great Day. Also in remembrance of my two sons

Lucas who is deployed in Afghanistan & Max who is deployed in Iraq.


God Bless our Troops !

Hank F. Miller Jr.


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