NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Hunting and Fishing: Calling All Volunteers!
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Bellmawr Fire Department Aids Westville with Pine Street

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Sunday, July 10, 2011  The early morning hours of Sunday July 10th were spent operating at a 2 alarm fire in the Borough of Westville. District 7 (Westville/National Park) was dispatched for a reported dwelling fire on Pine St, which was automatically upgraded to an all hands fire. 

Chief 701 (Farley) arrived with heavy fire throughout of a 3-story twin vacant dwelling and requested a 2nd alarm. Squad 32 staffed by the regional duty crew quickly responded on the transmission of the all hands followed by Ladder 33, Rescue 32 & Battalion 303 (Christinzio). Companies operated on the fireground for several hours.



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