NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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July 2011

Brookers Win 25th State Championship Title

CNBNEWS.NET Moody Park Ewing NJ-The Brooklawn American Legion Baseball Team won its 25th state championship on Saturday night (July 30) beating Bordentown by a score of 19-7. The Brookers were down 5-2 before their bats got hot. In the sixth and seventh innings they came alive scoring 17 runs. click advertisement This is the second consecutive year that the Brookers have won the state title. They now move on to the Mid-Atlantic Legion Baseball Tournament in Boyertown, PA. Play begins on Thursday, August 4. The American Legion World Series (August 12-16th) is being held this year in Shelby, North Carolina. NOTES: The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting that Gloucester Catholic rising senior John Brue, a first-team All-South Jersey selection as a junior, has committed to attend St. Joseph's on a baseball scholarship. Brue, a left-handed hitting first baseman, batted .551 as Gloucester Catholic went 31-2 and won the NP-B state title.... Read more →


The Program is Open to the Public and Offers Kayaking and Swan Boating On the Delaware River “Paddle Penn’s Landing” is making a splash for the 2011 season. The Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) and the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) are partnering to bring back the popular “Paddle Penn’s Landing” program, which features kayaks and foot-pedaled swan boats. Outdoor enthusiasts, families and kayakers of all levels can rent boats and enjoy the river in a safe and supervised environment. The program will be operated on-site by Hidden River Outfitters, Philadelphia’s premier kayak outfitting company. “As part of Philadelphia’s goal of becoming the greenest city in America, we want to encourage those who live in, work in and visit Philadelphia to participate in the many outdoor activities our city has to offer,” said Mayor Michael A. Nutter. “Over the past two years, nearly 4,000 people have participated in the experience, and... Read more →

Response from Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams on New Archbishop « Philly DA

By tashaj4 July, 19, 2011: My thoughts and prayers go out to Cardinal Rigali as he makes this transition in his life. I respect the Cardinal very much and recognize the positive impact he has made in the history of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He came into a very difficult situation and I think he tried to do what he thought was best for the Church. I’m not going to comment on the findings of the Grand Jurors, but I will say that Cardinal Rigali’s response to their report has been constructive. Rather than attacking the messengers, he has listened to their criticisms. I understand that he has initiated changes that should help to protect Philadelphia’s children and better serve victims going forward. I commend him for promptly removing over 20 priests with outstanding allegations of improper relations with minors after the latest Grand Jury investigation was announced, and I... Read more →

TIPS AND SNIPPETS: Long Overdue; No Pot for Bellmawr; Poo Poo Ruins Camden County Park

BY BILL CLEARY CNBNEWS.NET LONG OVERDUE!-The Gloucester City governing body passed a resolution at the July 28 council meeting that could change the City’s charter in two years if the question is approved by voters in the upcoming November election. The question to be placed on the ballot reads, “Should Common Council petition the State Legislature to amend the Charter of the City of Gloucester City to provide for the election to Common Council of three at-large-members and the election of one member each from the three City Wards?” The state legislature would have to approve the move before it proceeds to the voters on the November ballot. Another study would need to be completed before residents would have a chance to vote on the final draft. Under the present system a candidate/incumbent must live in one of the three Wards to run for election. Each Ward has two representatives.... Read more →

China Train Crash May Scare off Overseas

Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. A fatal crash on China's high-speed train network could scuttle Beijing's ambitions to sell the technology overseas and could also hit its existing rail exports.Shares in Chinese rail and train builders have fallen sharply since the accident,which killed at least 39 people and injured 200, and raised questions as to the passengers who are still missing after the crash. PHOTO CHINESE PREMIER WEN JIABAO Beijing's rush to develop the world's biggest high-speed network. Initial reports blamed Saturday's collision on a lightning strike that knocked out power to the first train, which was rammed from behind by a second express, crushing some cars and shunting others off the viaduct. Chinese railway officials are now blaming design flaws in signaling equipment for the crash, the official Xinhua news agency said Thursday. The system "failed to turn the green light... Read more →

Republican House Proposed 2011 Budget Cuts ...TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years

submitted by George C. Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy. $445 million annual savings. Save America 's Treasures Program. $25 million annual savings. International Fund for Ireland . $17 million annual savings. Legal Services Corporation. $420 million annual savings. National Endowment for the Arts. $167.5 million annual savings. National Endowment for the Humanities. $167.5 million annual savings. Hope VI Program. $250 million annual savings. Amtrak Subsidies. $1.565 billion annual savings. Eliminate duplicative education programs. H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually. U.S. Trade Development Agency. $55 million annual savings. Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy. $20 million annual savings. Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding. $47 million annual savings. John C. Stennis Center Subsidy. $430,000 annual savings. Community Development Fund. $4.5 billion annual savings. Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid. $24 million annual savings. Cut Federal Travel Budget in... Read more →

Bellmawr Fire Department Aids Westville with Pine Street

click advertisement Sunday, July 10, 2011 The early morning hours of Sunday July 10th were spent operating at a 2 alarm fire in the Borough of Westville. District 7 (Westville/National Park) was dispatched for a reported dwelling fire on Pine St, which was automatically upgraded to an all hands fire. Chief 701 (Farley) arrived with heavy fire throughout of a 3-story twin vacant dwelling and requested a 2nd alarm. Squad 32 staffed by the regional duty crew quickly responded on the transmission of the all hands followed by Ladder 33, Rescue 32 & Battalion 303 (Christinzio). Companies operated on the fireground for several hours. via Related articles Fatal Fire in Bellmawr Nj ( Bellmawr Fire Dept.:Over-Ride/Under-Ride on Route 42 - ( Tragic Loss to the Bellmawr Fire Department ( Bellmawr Police Officers Receive Promotions; Three New Patrolmen Are Hired ( Robbery Suspects Apprehended by Bellmawr Police ( Read more →

Hunting and Fishing: Calling All Volunteers!

The 2nd annual New Jersey Wild Outdoor Expo slated for September 17 and 18, 2011 is rapidly approaching. The Expo hosts, DEP's Divisions of Fish and Wildlife and Parks and Forestry, the Green Acres Program, and the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, are looking for volunteers excited by the thought of helping people connect to the natural world. The Expo is a free event that seeks to help people connect with the natural world by providing a unique blend of conservation information, education and hands-on opportunities to learn outdoor skills and activities. Visitors can learn about and try a wide array of activities including fishing, hiking, shooting sports, kayaking, rock climbing, camping skills, wildlife watching and much more. The Expo will be held on Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily at the Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area in Jackson Township,... Read more →

Camden County News for

Freeholders to Meet in Berlin Township The Camden County Freeholder Board invites you to a Town Meeting on Thursday, August 18, 6:30 PM at the Berlin Township Municipal Building, 135 Route 73 South, Berlin Township. The Freeholder Board looks forward to providing you with greater access to your county government. The Town Meeting is an opportunity to discuss issues of importance to you and your family. At 7:00 PM, the Freeholder Board will hold its regular monthly meeting, which you are also invited to attend. Free Senior Citizen Legal Workshops The Camden County Freeholder Board’s Division of Senior & Disabled Services and the Surrogate’s Office will hold free legal workshops for senior and disabled residents to receive a Last Will and Testament, an Advance Directive for Health Care (Living Will) and Power of Attorney. The workshops will take place at the County Store at Voorhees Town Center at 2:00 PM... Read more →


JERSEY CITY, NJ ( Jersey City University will hold tryouts for the 2011 men's soccer team on Wednesday, August 24 at 2 p.m. at the Thomas M. Gerrity Athletic Complex on Route 440. All student-athletes are required to have a physical conducted prior to the tryout. For more information, student-athletes should contact head coach Nansha Kalonji at 201-200-3209 or [email protected]. Physicals for the 2011 season will be held on Monday, August 1 from 8 to 10 a.m. and Monday, August 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Gerrity Complex. Student-athletes must make an appointment by calling the athletic training office at 201-200-3163. Forms can be downloaded here: —— Read more →


JERSEY CITY, NJ ( New Jersey City University 2011-12 athletics calendar is now available to download and import into Microsoft Outlook or any other standard calendar program, including PDA devices and smartphones. Visitors to can choose to download the entire 2011-12 composite schedule or individual sport-by-sport calendars. All schedules are also available on each sport's individual schedule page. By downloading schedules, fans of NJCU athletics can have instant access to the latest athletic events, and the calendars are updated throughout the season to account for any changes. To download the CSV schedules, visit the following link and follow the directions on the page: —— Related articles Nick Cesare Named Pitching Coach for NJCU ( Former Jersey City office manager at N.J City University pleads guilty to helping husband steal more than 400K from student funds ( CNBNEWS.NET SPORTS: NJCU Has a New Baseball Coach; Norton and Christensen... Read more →

Japanese Experts Say: China's train accident unthinkable here

Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. A Japanese expert who analyzed video footage of Saturday's fatal bullet train accident in China said Sunday it was and accident hard to imagine happening here in Japan,even though one of the trains involved appears to be one modeled on a domestic shinkansen. A Japanese Railway official said shinkansen systems have been equipped with automatic train contol devices since they were inaugurated in 1964 because of the understanding that it would be difficult for the driver to rely on visuual traffic confirmation of the need to apply the brakes on the high-speed service. The ATC automatically stops a train if another train is detected ahead. If the system fails or power is lost,the brakes are applied automatically.Shinkansen trains operated by Japanese railway have been designed using the concept that they should stop whenever an anomaly is detected,the... Read more →


The Avalon Lions Charities Foundation Inc held the drawing for the 1st Annual 50/50 Cash Elimination Raffle at their annual Pancake Breakfast on June 18, 2011. The winners of the $15,000.00 in prize money are below: Prize Winner Amount 1st Bud & Eileen Stein $10,000.00 2nd Nancy Dunleavy $2,000.00 3rd Holly Rennie $500.00 Chris Harvey $500.00 Kindle/Woodrow $500.00 Michael Quinn $500.00 Robert Bertrand $500.00 Jane Weaver $500.00 Total Prize Money $15,000.00 The Avalon Lions Charities Foundation, Inc would like to thank all who participated in the raffle and extend our congratulations to the winners. Related articles CNBNEWS.NET: Grillo Family Gives Generous Gift to Avalon Volunteer Fire Dept. ( Community News: Avalon to Present Free Beach Movies ( Community Event:AVALON TO HOST NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EVENT ON AUGUST 2ND- ( 2011 Toyota Avalon News. ( Read more →


HARRISBURG – Early Canada goose and dove hunters will be able to take to the fields of Penn’s Woods on Sept. 1, as part of Pennsylvania’s 2011-12 migratory bird seasons announced today by Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe. Dove hunters will have the opportunity to participate in a triple-split season, which will see some shifts due to the way the calendar falls this year. During the first season (Sept. 1-Oct. 1), hunting will start at noon and close at sunset daily. The second and third splits will be Oct. 29-Nov. 26, and Dec. 26-Jan 4, with hunting hours a half-hour before sunrise until sunset. In all three seasons, the daily bag limit will be 15, and the possession limit will be 30. The early statewide season for resident Canada geese will open Sept. 1, and continue through Sept. 24. The early season retains a daily bag limit... Read more →

Collingswood Squad 16 Responds to Gloucester City Mutual Aid

Saturday, July 23, 2011 02:43 Collingswood Squad 16 responded to Gloucester City for a building fire (Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street at the railroad). They arrived and were ordered to the interior to assist in extinguishment, overhaul and ventilation. Crews worked nearly two hours before they were released. via Related articles Fire Causes Extensive Damage to Gloucester City ( Seaford, Delaware: Gloucester City Resident Involved in Two Vehicle ( Charles L. Gillespie III, of Gloucester City; Vietnam War Veteran ( Attention Gloucester City ( Gloucester City Police Seek Public's ( EPA Seeks Public Input on Cleanup Plan for Welsbach/Gas Mantle Superfund Site ( Read more →

Seniors, TCNJ women’s soccer to celebrate 22nd

click advertisement Ewing, NJ... There is symmetry between this year’s senior class of players and The College of New Jersey women’s soccer program. This season will mark the last group of players that were born during the lifespan of the program’s history. Seniors Annie McCarthy (Brick, NJ/Brick Memorial), Jaclyn Greco (Bridgewater, NJ/Bridgewater-Raritan), and Maria Grady (Sewell, NJ/Our Lady of Mercy Academy) are a few of the players whose birthdates fall in 1990, the same year women’s soccer was born at TCNJ. It’s hard to believe that a storied program so rich in history and checkered with success did not even exist before 1990. When you consider the resume of achievements that bears three NCAA Division III national titles, 21 consecutive NCAA tournament appearances, and 14 New Jersey Athletic Conference titles, you would presume soccer balls have been kicked into nets by women at Lions’ Stadium for generations. Not so. In... Read more →


Image via Wikipedia WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. China has banned local journalist from investigating the cause of the deadly high-speed train crash that has triggered public outrage and raised questions over safety, reports said Tuesday. China's propaganda department issued the order Sunday, according to a copy of the directives published by the China Digital Times, a U.S.-based site focusing on web news from China. News that journalists had been ordered to focus instead on"touching stories"about blood donors coming forward and free taxi services emerged as the death toll from Saturday's crash near the eastern city of Wenzhou rose to 39.Nearly 200 more were injured when two trains crashed during a thunderstorm, apparently after lightning strike knocked out power to the first one, shunting four carriages from a viaduct and forcing two off the rails. The government ordered the media to "use information released from... Read more →

DRWC Master Plan for the Central Delaware

The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) has posted the complete final draft of the Master Plan for the Central Delaware: Transforming Philadelphia’s Waterfront on the website,, beginning the final opportunity for the public and stakeholders to provide feedback, which must be submitted by Friday, August 25 at 5:00pm. An Executive Summary of the Plan was released June 13, following a comprehensive presentation by DRWC and the consulting team. The full draft plan now posted on line is the last chance public comment on the plan. After feedback is incorporated, the Master Plan for the Central Delaware will be finalized by DRWC and submitted to the Philadelphia City Planning Commission for consideration and adoption later this fall. Thank you for your support of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation and of the revitalization of the Delaware Riverfront. Sincerely, Tom Corcoran President of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation Delaware River Waterfront Corporation... Read more →

Beth Feldman Stewart, of Cherry Hill, age 52

On July 27, 2011. Age 52. Of Cherry Hill. Loving Daughter of the late Eugene “Gene” and Barbara “Bobbi” Feldman (nee Martin). Devoted wife of 9 years to the late Michael T. Stewart. Beloved and Cherished mother of Cole Abram Stewart. Jewish Graveside Service at Crescent Memorial Park, Pennsauken was private at the request of the family. Family requests memorial donations to Moorestown VNA Hospice: 300 Harper Drive, Moorestown, NJ 08057. Please write in memo: Beth Feldman Stewart. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of Beth Feldman Stewart. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Ph: 856-456-1142 Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta: Bette J. Brandt of Gloucester City, Hairdresser for Many Years Matthew C. Spencer, St. Mary Church Sexton, GCHS Alumni Class of '54, Ironworker Local #399, VFW Post 3620 Mrs. Catherine M.... Read more →

Nude club in Camco ends fight on alcohol

MOUNT EPHRAIM — A nude-dancing club here has dropped a legal fight to operate as a BYOB. Jersey Girls Gentlemen's Cabaret sued Mount Ephraim last month after its operator was repeatedly cited for allowing patrons to bring their own beer and wine. The club, a longtime fixture on the Black Horse Pike, had tried to introduce the BYOB policy in May. An attorney for the club voluntarily dismissed the federal suit on Friday. The lawyer, Stephen Edelstein, could not be reached Tuesday. "We're pleased with the result," said an attorney for the borough, Eric Riso. The voluntary dismissal came after a number of court setbacks for Jersey Girls. U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Irenas on June 23 dismissed the club's request that he bar enforcement of the borough's BYOB ordinance. continue via Read more →

Bancroft 2011 Golf Invitational Surpasses Fundraising Goals

Haddonfield, NJ – July 26, 2011 – Bancroft, a leading nonprofit care provider for people with neurological challenges, recently held its 2011 Golf Invitational at Galloway National Golf Course near Atlantic City. Sixty-nine golfers, including former Philadelphia Eagles player Ken Dunek and N.J. Assemblyman Louis Greenwald (D-Camden), took on one of the nation's best golf courses in support of Bancroft’s programs. The event grossed more than $64,000, exceeding the organization’s original $50,000 goal. Following the event, golfing participants enjoyed dinner, awards and mingling with fellow Bancroft supporters. The event “was a wonderful day,” said golfer Tom Csapo from Freedom Builders. “I golfed, met new friends and helped celebrate a well-deserved cause." To help connect golfers to those benefitting from the outing, the event included a “Captains’ Challenge,” with each foursome assigned a “team captain” – someone from one of 13 Bancroft programs. These captains each provided written information about themselves,... Read more →

Most say they succeeded in reducing their taxes

EAGAN, Minn., July 21, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Some homeowners are taking matters into their own hands when it comes to their property tax bills. One in four homeowners say that at one time or another, they have attempted to reduce their property taxes by challenging the tax-assessed value of their homes. And the majority who did so say that they were successful in lowering their tax bills. That's according to a new nationwide survey by, the most popular legal information website. As home values have declined as a result of the housing crisis, some homeowners feel that the tax-assessed value of their homes – which is the basis for calculating their property taxes – may not accurately reflect actual market conditions. Homeowners may file an appeal or challenge with their local tax authority in hopes of reducing their assessments, and in turn, their property tax bills. According to the... Read more →

Freedom of Speech is Under Attack Says Natural News

(NaturalNews) Freedom of speech is under attack once again as the bloated US federal government continues its quest to destroy the last bastion of free and open communication -- the internet. Sen. Patrick Leahy's (D-Vt.) "Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property" bill, also known as the Protect IP Act, is more oppressive and restrictive to free speech than even communist China's internet censorship protocols, and a group of law professors recently wrote an open letter warning that the bill would allow thegovernmentto freely pull websites without any proper legal restrictions. Last November,NaturalNewsreported that the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had already begun seizingwebsitedomains and ordering that they be shut down permanently for supposed copyright infringement -- and the agency did this apart from due process or a proper trial ( No law or legal precedent permitted this rogue agency -- which is a... Read more →

La Salle Announces 2011-12 Non-Conference Men’s Basketball Schedule; Explorers to open season Nov. 11 vs.

Image via Wikipedia PHILADELPHIA – The La Salle men’s basketball team will play eight teams in non-conference play that recorded 18 or more wins last season as head coach Dr. John Giannini announced the 2011-12 schedule today. Six of those teams played in the postseason last year, including four teams that reached the NCAA Tournament. The Atlantic 10 portion of the schedule will be announced at a later date. “Our non-conference schedule has a lot of challenges and strong opponents,” Giannini said. “Many of our opponents had outstanding seasons last year and will be picked to finish very high in their conferences. We feel this schedule gives us an opportunity for success, a good strength of schedule and excellent preparation for A-10 play.” In addition to visiting NCAA participants Villanova (21-12) on Nov. 15 and Pitt (28-6) on Nov. 22, La Salle hosts defending conference champions and NCAA qualifiers Bucknell... Read more →

Post Office To Close 3700 Retail Locations; 50 in New Jersey

Image via Wikipedia USPS Press Release WASHINGTON — As more customers choose to conduct their postal business online, on their smart phones and at their favorite shopping destinations, the need for the U.S. Postal Service to maintain its nearly 32,000 retail offices — the largest retail network in the country — diminishes. To that end, the U.S. Postal Service announced today that it will be taking the next step in right-sizing its expansive retail network by conducting studies of approximately 3,700 retail offices to determine customer needs. As part of this effort, the Postal Service also introduced a retail-replacement option for affected communities around the nation. “Today, more than 35 percent of the Postal Service’s retail revenue comes from expanded access locations such as grocery stores, drug stores, office supply stores, retail chains, self-service kiosks, ATMs and, open 24/7,” said Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe. “Our customer’s habits have made... Read more →

AARP List Top 10 Retirement

**Portland, Winchester, Gainesville, Wenatchee and Tulsa among cities selected*** WASHINGTON, July 22, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Always looking for ways to enhance life after 50, AARP The Magazine toured the nation to find the top 10 retirement destinations that offer a fabulous lifestyle without outrageous costs. To determine the list, AARP The Magazineexamined financial data on more than 350 cities across the country including the median housing price, cost of living, tax rates on pensions and Social Security, recreation, climate, and health resources. The September/ October issue in homes July 24th and online now features the annual top 10 list of retirement hot spots that combine affordability and a rewarding environment. Gainesville, Georgia Water sports like boating, sailing and kayaking on Lake Lanier make Gainesville the perfect destination for an active retirement; not to mention the area's 15 golf courses and shop-filled town square. How far your money goes in Gainesville:... Read more →

Join Melissa Gilbert for LIVE Facebook Chat and Insights on Recovery and Parenting

Celebrity Champion & Mom, Melissa Gilbert Hi, I'm Melissa Gilbert. I'm the national spokesperson for The Partnership at, and you probably know me best as Laura on "Little House on the Prairie." I'm still acting, and I'm also an author, a mother and, most importantly, a person in recovery from alcohol abuse. I'm very excited to be taking part in this month's "Meet the Parents Hour." This is a LIVE Facebook Chat and Q&A session, taking place on Thursday, July 28 at 12 p.m. EDT/9 a.m. PDT. I know the toll addiction takes on families. I experimented with drugs as a young adult, but I was not overwhelmed by my own addiction until I was married and a mother. In my first book, Prairie Tale: A Memoir, I describe how one of my blackouts convinced me that I needed help with my drinking. Today, nearly seven years later, my... Read more →

Florida State's Semrau Elected Vice President of Women's Basketball Coaches Association

Image via Wikipedia ATLANTA (July 25, 2011) – Florida State University head coach Sue Semrau has been elected vice president of the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) by a vote of the organization’s membership, the WBCA office announced today. As vice president, Semrau also serves as president-elect and will automatically succeed incoming WBCA President Charli Turner Thorne, head coach at Arizona State University, when her term expires in two years. Beth Burns, head coach at San Diego State University, joins Thorne and Semrau on the WBCA Executive Committee as its secretary. Burns replaces University of Notre Dame associate coach Carol Owens, who will now represent the Black Coaches & Administrators (BCA) on the board. Both Semrau and Burns previously served as NCAA Division I at-large representatives on the association’s board of directors. Outgoing WBCA President Geno Auriemma, head coach the University of Connecticut, will remain on the executive committee as... Read more →

Alice M. Lee age 92, of Thorofare, formerly of Gloucester City

Alice M. Lee AGE: 92 • Formerly of Gloucester City On July 23, 2011, (nee Alton) of Thorofare, formerly of Gloucester City, NJ, age 92. She was the beloved wife of the late Frederick A. Lee, Sr., loving mother of Frederick A. Jr. (Wendy) and Extended Family in Florida, dear sister of the late Blanche Di Paul, Rose Kalesek, Ed and Bill Alton. She is also survived by Brother in-law Henry Di Paul, and Her cherished Niece, Nephew, and Great Nephew, Blanche Di Paul-, Robert P. and Robert D. Hunsberger, and dear nieces and nephews Louise Mount, Rosemary Nucifore, Joan Solomon (J.R.) and Alice Fossell (Michael). Alice previously served as a Eucharistic Minister and a Volunteer at Underwood-Memorial Hospital. Relatives and friends are invited to meet Thursday from 10:00 to 11:00 AM at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 426 Monmouth St. in Gloucester City. A Mass of Christian Burial will be... Read more →

Gov. Christie's Office Responds to Gawker's

You may have heard the news this week about Gawker, the governor and the Fox News executive, but here’s the latest. When Gawker reporter John Cook read that Fox News head Roger Ailes had met with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to urge him to run for president, it piqued his journalistic interest. Cook asked the New Jersey government for more information using the state’s open records law. The governor’s office replied that any records that existed would be protected from public view by the governor’s executive privilege. But that response from the governor’s office wasn’t exactly correct. That’s why the ACLU-NJ filed a lawsuit on behalf of Cook and Gawker on Monday. Executive privilege doesn’t automatically apply to everything the governor does – only his constitutional obligations as the state’s chief executive. Just hours after the ACLU-NJ filed its lawsuit, the governor responded with the information Cook had requested... Read more →


Contact Consumer Affairs (free senior hotline 1-877-746-7850) to see if consumers have filed any complaints against the contractor and to ensure the contractor is registered. Get written estimates from at least three contractors. Get references and check them. Ask the contractors how long they have been in business, if they have liability insurance (as required by law) and whether they will be using subcontractors on the project. Investigate financing options for your project. Shop for credit and be sure you understand the annual percentage rate you will have to pay. Do not pay for the entire job up front. The customary arrangement is one-third in advance, one-third half-way through the job, and one-third upon completion. Do not pay with cash. All jobs over $500 require a written contract that includes the contractor’s legal name, business address, and registration number, start and completion date, a description of the work to be... Read more →

Philadelphia-area home prices, sales down so far in 2011 - Philadelphia Business Journal

The Philadelphia region’s median home sale price declined by 4.8 percent of this year and sales tumbled 21.5 percent compared to the same period last year, when a federal tax credit program was in full throttle, according to Prudential Fox & Roach Prudential Fox & Roach Latest from The Business Journals Boogie no more: Last remnant of Pulsations for saleReal Estate: Sluggish, but positive signs are emergingArea home sales, prices down in 1Q Follow this company ’s HomExpert Market Report. But in the second quarter the median sales price recovered a bit, and ended up 1.2 percent higher than midyear 2010 at $207,400. In other key housing indicators, the average number of days a home remained on the market increased from 86 in the first half of last year to 104, and absorption of existing housing stock lagged as the number of homes on the market was basically unchanged in... Read more →

Biggest dog in the world: Meet George the 7ft long Great Dane | Mail Online

The first time we saw George, our beloved Great Dane, he was no more than a tiny, cowering ball of fuzzy fur. As my wife Christie opened the door of the crate he’d travelled in, he teetered to a standing position and looked out at us, moving his head slowly from side to side, taking in the wonder of it all. Finally, as if weighing us up and deciding we were acceptable, he tentatively pushed his little nose forward and gave Christie her first lick. Man's biggest friend: Devoted owner Dave Nasser with George, the world's biggest dog Though it didn’t really register, George’s paws were comically large even then. But all we saw was this cute puppy. We certainly never dreamed he would one day become the biggest dog in the world, standing nearly 4ft high at the shoulder, 7ft long and weighing nearly 18 stone. Right now, he... Read more →


(11/P89) TRENTON * Department of Environmental Protection Assistant Commissioner Wolf Skacel joined Camden Mayor Dana L. Redd and other local officials today in dedicating a new rain garden at the site of an abandoned gas station, transforming the unsightly land into an attractive and ecologically functional asset at a key gateway to the Waterfront South neighborhood. "The DEP is extremely proud to make a difference in this neighborhood by helping clean up this site and transform it into a rain garden that will serve many important functions * controlling flooding, cleansing stormwater before it enters the ground, and serving as an attractive gateway to the Waterfront South neighborhood," said Skacel, Assistant Commissioner for Compliance and Enforcement. "The addition of this rain garden, and others that are being planted across the City, truly help make Camden a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful City," Mayor Redd said. "I thank the DEP and... Read more →

CDC urges: Stay cool to stay healthy as temperatures soar

Image via Wikipedia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials are warning people to stay cool, hydrated and informed to prevent illnesses and injuries as cities across the Midwest, South and East Coast continue to issue heat warnings and watches. Extreme heat can lead to very high body temperatures, brain and organ damage, and even death. On average, 675 people die from complications related to extreme heat each year in the United States – more than tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, lightning or any other weather event combined. “Extreme heat affects all of us but the most vulnerable are the elderly, those who work or exercise outdoors, infants and children, the homeless or poor, and people with a chronic medical condition,” said Christopher Portier, PhD, director of CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health. “Taking precautions to stay cool, hydrated and informed helps to prevent serious health effects such as heat exhaustion or... Read more →

Derailment rises doubts about China's fast rail system

WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Note: Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who resides in Kitakyushu City, Japan. category WHEN EAST MEETS WEST Doubts about China's breakneck plans to expand high-rail across the country have been underscored by a bullet train wreck that killed at least 36 people. Image via Wikipedia Railways Minister Sheng Guangzu has apologized to the victims of Saturday's crash, and their families. "As I watched on TV the complete broadcast',I noted most for my commentary from many other news sources to bring this news to you first hand that came out of China."The U.S. Embassy in Beijing said two U.S. citizens were among the dead. A train rammed into the back of another train that was stalled after being hit by lightning in China's deadliest rail accident since 2008. Six carriages derailed and four fell about 20 to 30... Read more →

Philadelphia: Nutter Signs Order Creating Mayor's Task Force on City Owned

Philadelphia, July 20, 2011 – Mayor Michael A. Nutter signed an executive order creating the Mayor’s Task Force on City-owned Facilities. The Taskforce will be chaired by Tom Knox, businessman and former Deputy Mayor for Management and Productivity in the Rendell Administration. The Task Force will review the City’s owned and leased facilities and will make recommendations to the Administration to ensure the City obtains the best financial terms for housing City operations. The Task Force will report to Deputy Mayor for Administration and Coordinator Richard Negrin. “In City government, we are constantly re-evaluating how we do business to become more efficient, more transparent and more responsive,” said Mayor Nutter. “The Task Force will evaluate where the business of the City takes place, and how we can improve it. I would like to thank Tom Knox for agreeing to chair the Task Force, and helping the City in our ongoing... Read more →

A Reading List for Following the Debt Ceiling

by Braden Goyette ProPublica, July 26, 2011, 2:14 p.m. We’re updating this reading list continuously as new stories and resources on the debt ceiling debate come out. The most recent updates are starred (*). Congress has until a week from today to raise the debt ceiling, the cap on the amount of money the Treasury can borrow to pay the government's bills. As the clock keeps ticking, you may still have unanswered questions. How dire could the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling be? What are the possible solutions? Here's a reading list to help you keep up. *The Debate Today (Tuesday, July 26) After President Obama and Republican House Leader John Boehner addressed the nation last night, there’s still no sign of a deal on the horizon. Politico has a good recap of the speeches with discussion of strategy. Some Republicans have denounced Boehner’s plan; CBS news sums... Read more →

Kate "Dorothy" McIntosh, of Medford, age 73

On July 22, 2011, surrounded by her loving family. (nee Coyle) Age 73. Of Medford. Loving and devoted wife of 48 years to Major General (R) James McIntosh. Loving and cherished mother of James, Timothy and Bridget. Beloved grandmother of James Jr., Olga, Victoria, Benjamin and Leonardo. Dear sister of Mary Susan Shinners. Kate was keeper of the home fires during her husband’s 40 year military career and in retirement, traveled the world. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Thursday evening from 6 to 8 PM at the MATHIS FUNERAL HOME: 58 N. Main Street, Medford, NJ. There is no viewing Friday morning. All are invited to her Mass of Christian Burial on Friday morning at 11 AM at St. Mary of the Lakes R.C. Church: 40 Jackson Road, Medford. Interment Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Arneytown. In lieu of flowers, the... Read more →

EPA Seeks Public Input on Cleanup Plan for Welsbach/Gas Mantle Superfund Site

PRESS RELEASE JULY 26 (New York, N.Y.) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a plan to clean up radioactive contamination on the portion of the Welsbach/General Gas Mantle Superfund site located in Gloucester City, N.J. The site consists of two former gas lamp manufacturing facilities –Welsbach in Gloucester City and the General Gas Mantle property in Camden County, New Jersey. Postcard showing the outside of the former Welsback factory, King and Essex Sts. The Welsbach Company and the General Gas Mantle Company used the radioactive material thorium from the late 1890s to 1941 to make the gas lamps manufactured at the facilities glow brighter. It is believed that thorium-contaminated waste from the manufacturing process was used as fill in the surrounding area. As a result, the soil and buildings on the Welsbach and General Gas Mantle properties, as well as surrounding properties, were contaminated. EPA is encouraging public comments... Read more →

CNBNEWS HUNTING AND FISHING NEWS: Bear Sighting in Millville; U.S. Senate Stands with NRA on Gun Control

Bear sighting in Millville another sign of animals' move south - By DEREK HARPER, Staff Writer MILLVILLE - Beverly Steward never expected to see a bear walking in her backyard, but one did just that Wednesday. State reports show that an unexpected visit by a bear, which has become common in North Jersey, is now part of a growing trend in southern New Jersey. Steward lives on the 300 block of Cedar Street, a busy road about a half-mile from downtown. Behind her home, however, trees thicken around several houses whose backyards are adjacent to hundreds of acres of woodland that bracket the Millville Airport and New Jersey Motorsports Park. Anything, it seems, could live back there. On Tuesday, she let her two dogs out at about 9 a.m. They quickly started barking and chased something out of her yard, she said. She checked on them, then went... Read more →

Charles L. Gillespie III, of Gloucester City; Vietnam War Veteran

On July 25, 2011. Age 66. Of Gloucester City. Survived by his devoted and cherished daughter Patricia Ann Gillespie Kropp and son-in-law Richard Kropp. Dear brother to John Gillespie (Elaine), sisters Virginia Emerson (Ralph) and Lynda Gillespie. Devoted Son of the late Charles L. Jr. and Virginia R. (nee White). Loving Uncle Bub to many nieces and nephews. Dear step-father to Richard Dolson (Cindy) and Theresa Ritchie (Robert). Loving Poppy to six grandchildren. Charles was a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School. He was a United States Marine who proudly served in Vietnam with the First Force Reconnaissance Company 1967-68. Charles was a lifetime member of the Townsend C. Young VFW Post # 3620 in Gloucester City. He was a long-time avid Eagles fan, and he enjoyed fishing, boxing, boating, collecting antiques and gardening. Relatives, friends and members of Townsend C. Young VFW Post are kindly invited to attend his... Read more →

GCHS Junior High Registration Tuesday, July

Gloucester Catholic High School (GCHS) will expand its programs to include a junior high for the coming academic year. The school will host an Information and Registration Night for prospective students, and their families, Tuesday, July 26, at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Administrators, faculty and current GCHS students will be there to discuss academics, athletics, extra-curricular activities, transportation and related concerns. Applications are available on the website, For additional information contact Admissions Director Tony Powers at [email protected] or 856-456-4400. Gloucester Catholic made the decision to expand its program to include seventh and eight grade students in response to the closing of its next-door neighbor, Saint Mary’s School, in Gloucester City. The new partnership will provide opportunities for junior high students to share the expertise of high school personnel in academic areas, as well as art, music and technology. The junior high will maintain an independent identity with a... Read more →

AMERICAN LEGION: Bordentown Post 26 wins twice; Will Play Brooklawn-

With yesterday’s pair of wins and Brooklawn Post 72 winning the District 3 tournament without a loss, Bordentown will get to play Brooklawn 7 p.m. tomorrow night at Moody Park, this year’s host to the American Legion Final 8 tournament. Dolan’s squads just continue to excel at the best time of the season. After beating a good Gibbsboro team 6-1, it followed with a 16-hit attack against Watchung Hills, Post 26’s district tournament record from 2006 to the present is an eye-popping 20-3 and they roll into the state finals having won 17 of their last 18 games. “I don’t know what it is about our team and district tournaments,” said Dolan. “We talked before we came here today and these guys have made it hard on themselves all year. They’ve been resilient all year and this is a close group and we needed a win like this one to... Read more →


EDITOR’S Note: We have written several commentaries on why local governments should not be involved in real estate dealings. The last one was in 2009. We have some new information to discuss so we decided to explore the topic once again. BILLS POINT OF VIEW: By Bill Cleary (CNBNEWS.NET) If anyone needed an example on why government should not be involved in real estate they need to look no further then the 2001 lease agreement between the City of Gloucester City and Holt/Cresmont/Gloucester Marine Terminal. That agreement signed by former Mayor Robert Gorman and Tom Holt Sr. gave the City’s biggest taxpayer a 99-year lease for the former Coast Guard building. If the deal was handled by someone with any business sense the agreement would have included a condition that the yearly rent of $152,000 would rise annually based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Although members of the present... Read more →

What’s the Deal With News Corp’s Other, U.S.-Based, Hacking Scandal?

reprinted with permission of ProPublica by Braden Goyette ProPublica, July 22, 2011, 3:20 p.m. News Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch arrives home with his wife Wendi Deng in New York on July 20, 2011. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters) After testifying before the British Parliament this week, Rupert Murdoch returned to the United States to be greeted with more bad news: The Justice Department is opening up an inquiry into allegations of computer hacking by News Corp's American advertising wing, News America Marketing. The New York Times' David Carr revisited News America's troubled history with "anti-competitive behavior" in a column on Monday. On Wednesday, New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg wrote to Eric Holder calling for a federal investigation into the hacking claims, pointing back to a similar request he had made back in 2005. What's this other hacking scandal all about? News America was accused in a 2009 lawsuit of hacking... Read more →

Mother of six priests and four religious sisters mourned in India :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Image via Wikipedia Kolkata, India, Jul 21, 2011 / 04:36 pm (CNA).- Elizabeth Anikuzhikattil, a Catholic mother whose 15 children included five priests, a bishop, and four religious sisters, died at the age of 94 on July 14. “We mourn the death of a holy mother,” said Fr. Augustine Kootala, a family friend, in an interview with India's Bosco Information Service. photo: Don Bosco Elizabeth Anikuzhikattil and her husband Luke, who died in 2006, raised eight boys and seven girls. Four of her daughters became religious sisters. Two joined the Sacred Heart Sisters in Kerala, one is a Salesian Sister, and another is a Franciscan Missionary of Mary. Six of her sons have become priests, with the oldest going on to become the current bishop of the Diocese of Idukki in southern India. “Don Bosco's promise of heaven for her is surely fulfilled,” said Archbishop Dominic Jala of the Diocese... Read more →

Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs

Council Refuses to Consider Evidence that HOFNOD Works Press Release Belmar, NJ July 22, 2011 "How does the same state government... which dispensed over 700,000 syringes to people whose lives are being destroyed by illegal drug use... conclude that HOFNOD is a gamble...?" Anthony Mauro Ed Markowski, President NJOA (EP), addressed the Governor's Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse to educate council members about the proven effectiveness of the Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs program. The Council had recently voted against the HOFNOD program based on false and misleading information, but in spite of being presented with proof of the program's effectiveness refused to reconsider its position. Markowski told the committee about the nation-wide success of the HOFNOD program, and provided a sample of the NJ core curriculum. He also discussed a positive evaluation of the program that was conducted by Dr. John Jackson, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Fisheries and... Read more →

Andrews Announces Pennsauken Transit Center Will Put Hundreds to Work

Haddon Heights, NJ – Last week, Congressman Andrews announced that the final phase of construction on the Pennsauken Transit Center had been approved and will begin in September – creating and sustaining hundreds of construction jobs in the region. The $39 million project is funded entirely by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), a bill that Congressman Andrews strongly supported because it enabled local governments to address their infrastructure needs without overburdening taxpayers. This new center will make travel more convenient for passengers by directly connecting the River Line and Atlantic City Rail line. Currently underway, the first phase of the project improves River Line service and includes the construction of a 200-foot platform with a 60-foot canopy, the installation of infrastructure and the addition of a conduit for communications. The first phase also features security upgrades, ticket machines, grading, drainage, lighting and public art. The newly approved final... Read more →

Obama Certifies Military Ready for ‘Don’t Ask’ Repeal

WASHINGTON, July 22, 2011 – Based on recommendations from military leaders, President Barack Obama has certified to Congress that the U.S. armed forces are prepared for repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. There is a 60-day waiting period before the repeal goes into effect, so the law will officially come off the books Sept. 20. After that date, gay service members can be open about their sexual orientation. The president signed the certification and delivered it to Congress today. Congress passed the repeal law in December. The legislation gave the military time to prepare the force and said repeal would happen only after the president, the defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certified the force as ready for repeal. The Defense Department chartered a repeal implementation team to coordinate the necessary changes to policy and regulations, and to provide education and training to... Read more →