NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Catholic Star Herald - Father Killeen to retire; Msgr. Morgan to serve as pastor of St. Mary and St. Thomas More
After 55 Years Sister Nora Foley Retires

Save St. Mary Grammar School Committee Meeting Tonight at 8 PM

CNBNEWS.NET-The committee to Save St. Mary Grammar School, Gloucester Images-1 City invite all those interested to attend tonight's Committee meeting, 8 PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Monmouth Street at the railroad. The primary item on the agenda will be to calculate all money earned by fund raising and pledges to date. 

Committee member Jamie Hutchinson states, "We invite and encourage all to attend.  Anyone who has yet to make a pledge, but is still interested in doing so, will be able to do so at the meeting. Anyone with questions can feel free to email me at [email protected] "

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