NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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JEER-The NJEA, the union that represents teachers in the state of NJ has spent Images-12 over $7 million on advertisements blasting Gov. Christie. What a waste of money. WE are not in alone in our feelings about the union leadership. From a recent Asbury Park editorial: Banner plane carries more union hot air..."There probably were any number of teachers enjoying the Memorial Day weekend at the Jersey Shore. As they sat on the sandy beaches or strolled along the boardwalks, how many of them looked up an saw a plane in the sky trailing a banner reading, ''? And how many of them were outraged that their union, the New Jersey Education Association, was spending their hard-earned money on such a ridiculous stunt?" 


CHEER-AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is working with Camden Children's Garden to supply the citizens of Camden with urban gardens and education on healthy eating in order to help them move away from being a "food desert". Together, Camden Children's Garden and NCCC will hold family festivals at the children's garden as well as maintain and develop urban gardens around the city. 


JEER-To President Obama for not releasing the photos of a dead Bin Laden. Echoing that sentiment American Legion National Commander Jimmie L. Foster said, “The American Legion does not rejoice at any death. But let us remember what bin Laden has wrought. He is the reason more than 6,000 U.S. military families have buried loved ones lost in combat since 9/11. He is the reason our children are now groped in airports by security officials. He is the reason for the high level of mistrust between the overwhelming majority of peaceful Muslims and those of other faiths. It is not about gathering trophies or “spiking the football,” as the president mischaracterized it. It’s about showing a replay to season ticket holders who were barred from entering the stadium.”


CHEER-There were several National Appreciation weeks in May, one for teachers and the other for police. We want to take a moment to not only thank those who are employed in those two professions but also firefighters, EMS, along with municipal workers throughout the United States. Thanks to all of you who go the extra mile in the performance of your job.


CHEER-The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation, formed just two years ago , were able to get private donations along with several grants to help build the one acre Race Street Pier, formerly Municipal Pier 11. The Pier, which opened on May 12, was designed to create a strong physical experience that reconnects the City to the River.  Speaking of Piers, Gloucester City’s Freedom Pier originally scheduled to open in November 2010 is now scheduled to open sometime this summer. The delay according to Bob Bevan, of the City’s Community Relations Department, is getting security camera’s installed.  


JEER-Governor Christie announced at a  May Town Hall meeting in Evesham that Legislative Democrats plan to increase gas taxes by as much as $2.4 billion. No more taxes please you are killing the middle class in the State of New Jersey.


JEER- Gloucester City Public School teachers have been working without a contract since June 2010.  Requests were made to both sides by a Gloucester City News/CNBNews reporter for information on what is causing the delay. Neither side responded to the request. Apparently they feel the public doesn’t need to know what is keeping the two sides apart. Even though it will be the public’s tax dollars that will be paying for the final agreement when it is reached.



JEER-The Government Accounting Office released a report in May that revealed government contractors who owed millions in taxes received multiple awards of money under President Obama’s 2009 stimulus program. One company failed to pay taxes, entered into a payment plan with the Internal Revenue Service, and then repeatedly defaulted on that agreement - and still won stimulus contracts worth more than $1 million. Just wrong!


CHEER-The Brooklawn American Legion baseball team is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Congratulations to all those responsible for their success, including players, parents of players, fans, Legion members, coaches and financial supporters. Special Kudos to Joe Barth, who has been coaching/managing the team since it began, along with his family for all their sacrifices.


If you know of someone or something you would like to nominate for a cheer or a jeer, please send the information to Cheers and Jeers, [email protected] or mail to CNBNEWS Cheers and Jeers PO Box 151, Gloucester City NJ 08030.




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