NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia Sports:MIKE LAMB SIGNED BY THE YANKEES
Gloucester City School Board Votes 5-3 Not To Renew Supt. Contract

Camden County Named Green Community by State |

Camden County has been awarded a Green Community Grant from the State of New Jersey.  The Green Communities Grant is a cost-sharing grant that requires a 33.3% match of the total project amount by the recipient.
“We are proud that Camden County’s hard work has been recognized by the state,” said Freeholder Jeffrey L. Nash, liaison to the Camden County Division of Environmental Affairs.  “This is part of Camden County’s continued commitment to our environment.”

Under the New Jersey Shade Tree & Community Forestry Assistance Act of 1996, the New Jersey Community Forestry Program awards Green Community Grants to county and municipalities to hire an outside firm to assist in the production of a community forestry management plan.
Camden County has two years to complete a Community Forestry Management plan which will be an essential five year guide to successfully achieving a healthy and safe community forest.  
“By developing and implementing a management plan, the tree program can become more proactive and efficient,” said Freeholder Nash.  “This program will lead to a decrease in tree maintenance and hazardous tree situations in Camden County.”
Camden County’s implementation plan includes:
1. Tree Inventory / Assessment
2. Hazard Tree Identification
3. Tree Planting
4. Tree Maintenance and Care
5. Public Education/Awareness/Outreach
6. Training Plan
7. Community Stewardship Program
“Once the management plan is in place, community representatives will complete the state's training skills and accreditation program,” said Freeholder Nash.  The Shade Tree and Community Forestry Assistance Act provides liability protection under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act for shade tree programs.”

