NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

South Philly Rambots seek FIRST place finish | South Philly Review


  MVC-014L I am writing this letter to Gloucester City residents to show my support for a young, well-educated man who is running for a seat on the Gloucester City School Board.

  John Schmidt a lifelong resident of our city from a family which has long history of good community service and leadership to our city. John is not afraid to ask the hard questions, he has high expectations and his enthusiasm is unrivaled when it comes to doing what is right for his community.


John is one of our new young future professionals who want to give back to his town with his public service.


Vote for John Schmidt and give our kids a chance to achieve the American Dream. It is there for all of us.

Jess Torres, Gloucester City


published in the Gloucester City News 4/21

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