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WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Cherry Blossom Viewing In Japan


Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr.


Fuji-Japan-Cherry-Blossoms-and-Mount-1-2TELRXMJHD-1600x1200 Japan at this time is preparing for the higest alert code-Pink .I'm referring to  the cherry blossom season alert. which takes place each year after a cold winter when the Japanese people welcome the coming of Spring.The blushing blossoms carpet Japan with pink all the way up the Japanese archipelago from Southern Kyushu to Hokkaido.Full pink alert is when cherry blossoms are mankai-in full bloom.


IMAGE: The Fuji Japan Cherry Blossoms


The cherry blossom report is broadcasts on the nightly news during the weather report, cherry blossom reports in Japan are extremely accurate.When reported here in Fukuoka Prefecture the blossom should burst fourth their buds on about March 26, but I believe they have been delayed for about two more days.


It shouldn't be any surprise that cherry blossom come and go Japanese-style-in a very orderly fashion.Those of us here in Kitakyushu City for example, must wait for the cherry blossoms to first bloom in Southern Kyushu and slowly make their way northeast up the Japanese archipelago till they reach us,then move on to Hiroshima,Osaka,Kyoto,and finally Tokyo and onwards to Hokkaido. The people in Hokkaido must be tickled pink when the blossoms finally arrive there in May.


the Japanese people have a special affection for the cherry tree with it's transient blossom.

The subject of cherry blossom viewing has a long occupied an important place in Japanese fine arts and literature.Even today cherry blossom viewing is very popular among the Japanese people.

When cherry blossoms are at their best, groups of friends, families and business colleagues,arrange picnics under the trees  in popular areas around Japan.


In our area of Kitakyushu there are many favorite places for viewing these beautiful blossoms and very close by our home,within walking distance.When these blossoms are seen with a clear blue sky or at seen at night with lights all around they are just beautiful,and enchanting to see especially when seen at night. Some people enjoy their beauty in a quiet mood,when others spread straw mats or plastic sheeting on the ground to sit on under the trees.People like to drink Japanese Sake, while eating and singing traditional songs.For many Japanese , cherry blossom viewing is mearly a pretext  for having a drink at an out of doors party and living it up a bit.


Unfortunately I will not be able to view these beautiful cherry trees this year because,I must enter hospital on March 29th and have open heart surgery which is scheduled for April 6th,it seems that I have valvular heart diseased , AortaValvular Stenosis ,the valve must be replaced.I will be in hospital for about a month after surgery.So about May I should be back at my computer writing my commentary once again so until then.


Warm Regards and Best Wishes to all from Kitakyushu City, Japan

Hank F. Miller Jr.    

