NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Pearl V. Panichella, of Camden City, age 72
Hunting and Fishing News: The Pie Bald Buck and more...

Gloucester City Girl Scouts Celebrate


GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-This was only some of the Girl Scouts that came out to share in our recent Celebration. We had Girl Scouts from 1 year to 50 years (not age this is years in Girl Scouts). 

I would like to take the time to thank everyone that came out. Most of all I would like to thank Reverand Morgan for a wondeful service and for all she does for the Girl Scouts. Reverand Morgan opened the doors for Girl Scouts in Gloucester City over 1 year ago. My two troops starting meeting there and now we have 4 troops there. Girl Scouts has grown so much here in Gloucester City from 25 girls 5 years ago to about 100 now and still growing. Reverand Morgan is a large asset to our community, she is such a warm and giving person and I treasure her and all she does. 

Anyone interested in Girl Scouts can contact me at 856-349- 2031  or [email protected].

Thank You
Helen John
Leader and Service Unit Manager
