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Sale of Borough Homes Gives Brooklawn a Budget Surplus

By Sara Martino

Gloucester City News

  Pine Grove Tower Ad During a special budget meeting recently, Brooklawn Borough Clerk, Barbara Lewis said the fund balance, which is surplus, is higher than it has been in the last few years due to sale of borough-owned property.

  Also, a full year of new sewer charges that were collected and a larger reserve appropriation balances from the year 2009 contributed to the surplus, Lewis said.

  At that time, after working diligently on the budget numbers, the auditor along with Lewis came up with a budget that could mean a 13 cent increase per $100 assessed value.

  This budget increase is in compliance with state mandated Appropriation Cap and the Tax Levy Cap. 

  Council members and Lewis went over the appropriations page by page and some changes were made to increase and/or decrease budget lines.

  The 2011 Municipal Bud-get will be introduced at the March 21 meeting of Borough Council.

  Mayor Theresa Branella and council members authorized the advertisement of bids for painting of the borough water tower during February’s meeting.

  The mayor may meet with the owner of Shop Rite regarding advertisement that could be displayed on the water tower after the painting is completed.

  Discussion was made on the CDBG project that once approved, will create funds to repair sidewalks and heating repairs and a front door at the Community Center. 

  Councilwomen Julie Mc-Cleary reported that she is working on a project that is intended to attract more people to the community.

  Council members Greg Gilbert, Michael Mevoli and McCleary were appointed by the mayor as a separate Environmental Committee to discuss a possible Brooklawn slogan.

  Councilwoman Rickie Boulden discussed the work needed on borough-owned homes, and is getting estimates on the costs of repairs for rehabilitation at some of the properties.

  One property at 212 Hannevig Ave. may be rented out unless it is sold.

