NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« February 2011 |
| April 2011 »
Welcome Home From Afghanistan When: Saturday, April 2nd 2011 Time: approx. 10-1030am Where: 1031 Cumberland Avenue Deptford, NJ 08096 Please come out to welcome home PFC Andrew Foy from serving in Afghanistan. Andrew was born and raised in Deptford Township. While deployed, he was injured by and IED. He received the Purple Heart, Nato Medal, ARCOM Medal, and CIR Medal. His family is requesting a big welcome home for their hero. The Warrior Watch Riders and Friends will do their magic with providing an awesome escort from the airport and deliver him home in rock star style. The Deptford Township Police Department, Fire Department and Township will be on hand as well as the Yellow Ribbon Club. A Heroes Welcome will start the festivities at the airport when our hero gets off of his plane. By the time Andrew gets home, he will know that there are a lot of...
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(Deptford, NJ) - Each year the Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders join the national tradition of proclaiming May as Older American's Month to show appreciation and support for our seniors as they continue to enrich and strengthen our communities. The County Division of Senior Services has organized several events to honor county's residents aged 60 and older to celebrate Older Americans Month 2011 including the Golden Follies Entertainment Show on May 11, 2011 and the Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 17, 2011. "Gloucester County is home to more than 46,300 residents aged 60 and above. We actively seek getting our older residents engaged in programs that promote healthy lifestyle choices and support systems so that they can maintain their independence and quality of life as they age," said Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger. Freeholder Deputy Director Warren S. Wallace said, "By providing fun events like the Golden...
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Home of Baseball Welcomes Fans From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 31st March 30, 2011 The Baseball Hall of Fame will mark the start of the 2011 season on Thursday. (Milo Stewart Jr./National Baseball Hall of Fame Library) COOPERSTOWN, NY – The long winter for baseball fans ends Thursday with the start of the 2011 season. And at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, Opening Day means a chance to celebrate at the home of the National Pastime. The Hall of Fame will offer fans the opportunity to watch live coverage of Opening Day baseball where the game's pulse beats the strongest, starting with the Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees game at 1:05 p.m. in the Museum's Bullpen Theater. Fans can also test their knowledge of Opening Day history with trivia contests. Admission to the celebration is included in the cost of...
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It appears the next move for the United States is to put boots on the ground in Libya. Promises made by the President on Monday night when he spoke to the nation about Libya not to commit ground troops is changing already according to Fox News...When will our country learn? How many people will die in this war in the name of democracy? ~Bill Cleary From Fox News...President Obama has signed a secret presidential finding authorizing covert operations in Libya, although the administration still hasn't decided whether to arm rebel forces there, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News. The presidential findings establish a framework of legal authorities for covert action. They can authorize specific actions, such as arming the rebels, or establish authorities under which future actions might be taken after permissions are given to undertake them. In other words, covert actions won't start until the president signs off...
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Spring is here, so bring lawn chairs and head on down to Proprietor's Park Saturday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for the third annual Art/Music Festival. Rain date is May 7. There will be face painting, balloon art, music from several area bands, fine art and crafters, and food. Still needed are artists, crafters and food vendors for the event, sponsored by the Gloucester City Cultural Arts and Heritage Society. Also, there will be two art contests during the festival. Adult Artists 18 and over are asked to do a rendering of the riverfront and park, and prizes will be awarded. Also, the Art Contest for Teens, 13 to 17, will involve them creating a picture of a Gloucester City church or business. The new website is up: gloucestercityarts.webs.-com, or locate it on On May 20 at 7:30 p.m. musician Michael London will appear at King...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News Perry Refolo of TTI Environmental presented plans for continued groundwater quality testing at Kershaw School and the municipal building during March’s Mt. Ephraim Board of Education (BOE) meeting. In attendance were Mayor Joseph Wolk, Commissioner Bruce Greenwald and Borough Clerk Terry Shannon. Refolo said that in 1998 a gasoline tank was removed from the ground on the other side of town hall. It had leaked, contaminating the soil and groundwater. The soil was removed in 2000, and six monitoring wells were installed to track the spread of the contaminated groundwater. As of 2003, Refolo said, well tests showed acceptable groundwater quality on the Kershaw property. However, a well on the municipal building property did not have acceptable levels, prompting the borough to have an air quality test performed by the County Health Department. Ms. Shannon said the results revealed that there was not...
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Dear Neighbors, I recently met with the Editorial Board of the Courier-Post to report on the progress of the Freeholder Board’s Transformation Initiative. To date, the Transformation Initiative has reduced the cost of county government by $1.2 million a year – and we’re not done yet. The goal of the Transformation Initiative is to provide governmental services in a more efficient and cost effective manner, including looking at the number and structure of independent agencies and authorities and duplicative services within county government. The most recent example of this was the consolidation of the Pollution Control Financing Authority into the Camden County Improvement Authority that was approved by the Freeholder Board on March 17. The reduced overall costs of the combined operations will result in significant savings to county taxpayers. Last week the Courier-Post published an editorial supporting our efforts: Transformation initiative helps Camden County chip away at costs large...
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The Memorial Athletic Association’s Annual 7th and 8th Grade Basketball Tournament was once again a great success. Teams from Gloucester, Brooklawn, St. Mary’s, Holy Trinity, St. Margaret’s, Our Lady of Hope, Barrington and Merchantville competed in the tournament. The Memorial Athletic Association would like to thank all of the schools and their fans for a great week of basketball. We would also like to thank the Gloucester City Board of Education for their continued support of youth sports programs in our city. Special thanks to GHS Athletic Director Leon Harris, Ron Garrison and his staff, and the many referees that volunteered their time. This year’s tournament was dedicated to Rich Bucher. Rich was a Memorial A.A. Member and dedicated worker at our tournament in previous years. Rich’s spirit will live on with his family and friends. Tournament Champions are: Girl’s Team Tournament Champion, St. Margaret’s, 2nd place, Brooklawn; Girl’s Hot...
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By Sara Martino Gloucester City News There was a small turn-out of Gloucester City residents who attended the Camden County Board of Chosen Freeholders meeting at Cold Springs School on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. Prior to the start of the regular meeting, there was a Town Meeting, where Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. took questions from the audience. Former Westville resident and Camden County employee, Gina Tomasetti Forte, handled the microphone for residents asking questions. Theresa Graham told the director that the bridge from Brooklawn to Gloucester City was very dangerous and needed repairs. “We want better than that. We need safety while using that bridge,” Graham said. Cappelli directed her comment to Dominick Vesper, the deputy county administrator. “We are designing a bridge and hopefully bids will be going out for the work this year,” Vesper said. Louisa Llewellyn asked for support for NJ Senator Donald Norcross (D-5),...
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Surrounded by her loving family, on March 29, 2011. Age 88. (nee Williams) Lifelong resident of Gloucester City. Loving wife of 60 years to the late Richard J. Devine, Sr. Loving mother of Richard J. Jr. (Barbara), Paul (D’Ette), William (Hazel), Lois Heister (Stephen), Gary (Roseann), Elizabeth, David (Mary) and Joseph. Loving grandmother of 10 and great-grandmother of 11. One of 12 children, Grace is survived by her sisters, Pat Lanzilotti, Mary Weber and Irene Howe and her brothers, Steve Williams and Edward Williams. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Monday morning from 9 to 11 AM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth St. Gloucester City. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11:30 AM at St. Mary’s R.C. Church: 426 Monmouth St. Gloucester City. Interment New St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr. There will be no evening viewing. In lieu of flowers, the family...
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press release Trenton, NJ – Governor Chris Christie today exercised his veto authority to guard against potentially wasteful or unnecessary spending by partially rejecting the minutes of the March 9 meeting of the Urban Enterprise Zone Authority in connection with $45,700 in promotional and entertainment-related expenses for the Long Branch UEZ. Long Branch requested the use of $135,800 in UEZ funds to support concerts, special events and marketing initiatives. Governor Christie noted in his veto letter that, while much of the Long Branch project fulfills laudable goals of attracting and promoting businesses within the UEZ, the project budget also contains $45,700 in unnecessary spending in a time demanding fiscal restraint. “Such expenditures contradict my stated goals of fiscal prudence and are not critical to furthering the goals of the Long Branch Project,” the Governor said in his veto letter. “For these reasons, I am compelled to veto the action which...
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press release TRENTON – Six capital projects in Gloucester County are scheduled to advance with a total of nearly $20 million in funding under the proposed $3.5 billion FY 12 Transportation Capital Program, the Christie Administration announced today. The program represents the first year of a five-year Transportation Capital Plan that Governor Chris Christie announced in January to put New Jersey on the path toward fiscal health by prioritizing projects, decreasing borrowing and increasing pay-as-you-go cash funding. “New Jersey’s transportation system helps drive our economy,” Governor Chris Christie said. “The projects being funded in the FY 12 capital program reflect our focus on maintaining road, bridge and transit assets in a state of good repair and will benefit residents in every county throughout the state.” The Gloucester County projects include: · Nearly $12 million to advance the replacement of the Route 322 Raccoon Creek Bridge/Mullica Hill Pond Dam, located in...
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TRENTON – Eleven capital projects in Camden County are scheduled to advance with a total of $144.6 million in funding under the proposed $3.5 billion FY 12 Transportation Capital Program, the Christie Administration announced today. The program represents the first year of a five-year Transportation Capital Plan that Governor Chris Christie announced in January to put New Jersey on the path toward fiscal health by prioritizing projects, decreasing borrowing and increasing pay-as-you-go cash funding. “New Jersey’s transportation system helps drive our economy,” Governor Chris Christie said. “The projects being funded in the FY 12 capital program reflect our focus on maintaining road, bridge and transit assets in a state of good repair and will benefit residents in every county throughout the state.” The Camden County projects include: · $96.7 million to advance Contract 1 of the Direct Connection project to relieve a bottleneck and improve safety at the interchange of...
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WHERE DID THAT MONEY GO? So far, the state’s school construction agency has wasted millions of dollars, rushing to acquire properties and break ground for schools without sufficient planning. A few of the biggest examples: GLOUCESTER CITY — Nearly $13 million was spent to buy and tear down 70 properties, amounting to a $3.5 million loss in taxable properties, to make way for a school that still doesn’t exist. CAMDEN — The state bought 34 properties — gutting three city blocks next to a downtown area that local leaders had hoped would lead the city’s revitalization — and there’s still no new school. PHILLIPSBURG — Hundreds of high schoolers still take classes in dozens of trailers, which the state has leased for more than a decade at a cost of more than $100,000 annually. The state built seven athletic fields and sank millions into site development for a planned school...
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By Albert Countryman Jr. GLOUCESTER CITY NEWS Nine candidates will vie for three seats on the Gloucester City Board of Education, and voters will decide on the 2011-12 school budget during the annual School Election Wednesday, April 27, from 2 to 9 p.m. This is the first time in recent memory that the election has not been on a Tuesday – but the school district did confirm it will be on a Wednesday this year. The deadline to register to vote in the School Election is Wednesday, April 6. The Gloucester City Clerk’s office is open for voter registration from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Complex, 512 Monmouth St. Call 456-0205. Seeking three, three-year terms on the School Board are incumbents Kathleen McHugh, Robert H. Bennett Sr. and Jacqueline Borger and newcomers John P. Schmidt, Amelia Stebner, Shawn Mahoney, Eric Cassidy, Gina Levins and Kelly Erlink. The...
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NOTES FROM THE Gary Devine (SOUTH JERSEY) Our next door neighbor Peggy stop by our house, with flowers to welcome us to the neighborhood. She has the first house built in the development and had lived here for 15 years. She noticed all the rack buck trophy mounts on my wall. She said "did you notice the white deer out back in the woods?" I told her I have night time photos of it with my motion trail camera. I asked her "how long has this white buck been spotted around the neighborhood?" She said that buck has never been seen until just recently. I ask her about the same time we moved in? She said "yes pretty close to that." Now, you tell me that deer wasn't a house warming gift from God. After neighbor Peggy left, I went out that evening in the dark to pull my...
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TIPS AND SNIPPETS BY BILL CLEARY Lourdes Health System’s three year contract with the City of Gloucester City to provide basic life ambulance service to residents will start Friday, April 1. The controversial measure was approved at the February council meeting by a 4-1 vote. The lone nay vote came from Councilwoman Kellie Ferry. Absent were Councilmen Nick Marchese and Dan Spencer. The City laid off 8 of the 31 member fire department in December because, according to the statement released by mayor and council at the time, “Refusal of union leaders to revise their position on onerous, expensive work rules have left Gloucester City with no choice but to issue layoff notices to eight fire-fighters, effective December 23." No explanation has been given to the public by city officials on why the ambulance service was put out for bid. Residents have been left to wonder what were the reasons...
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By Bill Cleary STOP AMERICAN IMPERIALISM...The United States policy of interfering in foreign affairs in the name of democracy is wrong. Ten years of fighting the endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should have been reason enough to stay out of the turmoil that is presently going on in Libya. Let’s suppose the so called coalition is successful and removes Muammar Qadhafi, the leader of Libya for the past four decades, what happens next? The country will still be in turmoil as the civil war will continue. Is the United States or any other country prepared to send “boots on the ground” to maintain order. There is little evidence that any of this has been thought out. And then there is the cost of yet another war. Each one of those missiles/bombs launched at Qadhafi cost well over a million dollars. Instead of fighting battles in the Middle East we...
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Marconi, John J. "Meatball" of Deptford on March 26, 2011, his 70th birthday Meatball, the Mayor of Me & U Pizza, was a generous, honest, hardworking, jack-of-all-trades who would give you the shirt off his back to help anyone in need and do anything to cut a deal. He grew up in the Woodbury Heights area, was known as one of the fastest men in town, played football for Woodbury High, and nearly played for the Eagles! He loved to dance, play cards and became a respected, well-liked and well-known man of the area. John loved to meet new people and offer a friendly smile and get them to laugh. Since 1960 he attracted customers to his road stand on Delsea Dr. selling flowers and trees. At work he would sell watches and anything to make a buck. In 1962, John joined the Army Infantry and proudly served his country....
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I'm writing today with an update on the situation in Libya, including the actions we've taken with allies and partners to protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar Qaddafi. For further details, please take a moment to watch this morning's Weekly Address: Sending our brave men and women in uniform into harm's way is not a decision I make lightly. But when someone like Qaddafi threatens a bloodbath that could destabilize an entire region, it is in our national interest to act. In fact, it’s our responsibility. Our mission in Libya is clear and focused -- and we are succeeding. Along with our allies and partners, we are enforcing the mandate of the United Nations Security Council. Working with other countries, we have put in place a no-fly zone and other measures that will help prevent further violence and brutality. Qaddafi's air defenses have been taken out, and...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. Japan at this time is preparing for the higest alert code-Pink .I'm referring to the cherry blossom season alert. which takes place each year after a cold winter when the Japanese people welcome the coming of Spring.The blushing blossoms carpet Japan with pink all the way up the Japanese archipelago from Southern Kyushu to Hokkaido.Full pink alert is when cherry blossoms are mankai-in full bloom. IMAGE: The Fuji Japan Cherry Blossoms The cherry blossom report is broadcasts on the nightly news during the weather report, cherry blossom reports in Japan are extremely accurate.When reported here in Fukuoka Prefecture the blossom should burst fourth their buds on about March 26, but I believe they have been delayed for about two more days. It shouldn't be any surprise that cherry blossom come and go Japanese-style-in a very orderly fashion.Those of us here in Kitakyushu City for...
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PRESS RELEASE MARCH 26TH In these tough economic times, many Atlantic City Casinos are under financial pressure for multiple reasons, with healthcare playing a major role. As health care costs continue to rise and double every five years, the Casinos have been forced to lower their total insurance program costs by cutting employee hours and benefits. Most have already downsized significantly and some are planning to reduce full-time status employees to part-time status by April of this year. Unfortunately, this solution will leave hundreds if not thousands of casino employees and their families without affordable healthcare coverage. Without a group policy in place and reduced hours, these displaced individuals and their families will not be able to afford major medical insurance on their own. The Casino Employees Association, a new association based in Atlantic County, is speaking for these employees and it seems to have some promising solutions. “These are...
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The American Legion - March 24, 2011 As the 2011 American Legion Baseball season swings into gear, teams and coaches now have the ability to add the official Legion Baseball emblem to their team caps through their local Richardson cap dealer. Founded in 1970, Richardson Sports is a leader in the team headwear industry and is now an official provider of Legion Baseball team caps. The company is headquarted in Eugene, Ore., and distributes headwear only through authorized distributors, dealers and retailers. To order custom team baseball caps with the Legion Baseball emblem, visit your local or online sporting goods dealer and request Richardson by name. Or to find a dealer in your area, send an email to Richardson Sports at [email protected].
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Summer Field Experience at Sedge Island for Grades 7-9 Students (pdf, 145kb) Field Experience Application Cover Page (.doc, 52kb) Internship Opportunity at Sedge Island Conserve Wildlife Foundation Contest Winners Visit Sedge Island ( video report) WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITIES Interested in earning professional development credits in a fun and unique setting while learning about NJ's remarkable estuarine environment? We have the opportunity for you! The New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife offers an extraordinary learning experience at our Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center, located within NJ's first Marine Conservation Zone, just off Island Beach State Park in Barnegat Bay. A 15-minute ride to the island within the Sedge Islands Wildlife Management Area via the Division's pontoon boat sets the stage for the experience. The shallow water surrounding the group of islands serves as a nursery for many species of marine animals. Blue claw crabs, hard clams and fish abound. In...
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On March 25, 2011, a lifelong resident of Gloucester City, NJ, age 89 years. Beloved husband of the late Jane E. (nee Hughes). Loving father of John W. Alexander, Jr., Jane Seymour, Joan Alexander and Janette Multanski. He was the devoted grandfather of 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Mr. Alexander was the long time owner of Jack’s Auto Repair Shop in Gloucester City. He was a proud Army Veteran of WW II and was also a member of Gloucester City American Legion Post #35, and the Townsend C. Young VFW Post #3620. Relatives and friends are invited to meet Monday morning from 10:00 to 11:00 AM at the ETHERINGTON-CRERAN FUNERAL HOME 700 Powell St., Gloucester City. Catholic Prayer Services will be held 11:00 AM at the Funeral Home. Interment to follow at Locustwood Memorial Park, Cherry Hill. There will be no evening
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press release The Brooklawn Board of Education held a public hearing and then approved the district’s 2011-2012 budget of $5,087,799 at the meeting of the Board on March 24. There will be no tax increase in the district. The district remains at the state minimum tax levy, which means that state law will not permit the Board to reduce taxes below this amount. Superintendent Dr. John Kellmayer remarked, “Everyone is aware of the difficult economic times that school districts and tax payers alike are experiencing. We have not increased taxes for many years now, while maintaining high academic standards. Our per pupil spending is among the lowest in the region. The district was recently cited by the New Jersey Commissioner of Education as high achieving. To achieve such success while keeping taxes at the lowest level permitted by state reflects very positively on the Board and staff.” The district plans...
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ATLANTA – The Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA), in cooperation with State Farm®, today announced the finalists for the 2011 NCAA Division I State Farm Coaches’ All-America Team. The 40 finalists, who are voted upon by WBCA-member coaches in each of the eight WBCA geographical regions, are now in the running for selection to the 10-member State Farm Coaches’ All-America Team. The finalists are: Name Institution Year Pos. Height Danielle Adams Texas A&M University Sr. F-C 6-1 Kachine Alexander University of Iowa Sr. G 5-9 LaSondra Barrett Louisiana State University Jr. F 6-2 Kelsey Bolte Iowa State University Sr. G 6-1 Cierra Bravard Florida State University Jr. F 6-4 Skylar Diggins University of Notre Dame So. G 5-9 Victoria Dunlap University of Kentucky Sr. F 6-2 Dawn Evans James Madison University Sr. G 5-7 Brittney Griner Baylor University So. C 6-8 Keisha Hampton DePaul University Jr. F 6-2 Amber Harris...
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Who: LCpl. Samuel Jeremy Nieves When: Saturday, April 2, 2011 Time: 12:00 Noon Where: 811 Kingston Drive Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Contact: Leslie (Yellow Ribbon Club) 609-980-4175 Please come out and welcome home LCpl. Samuel Jeremy Nieves from serving in Afghanistan. Jeremy is with the US Marine Corp. He is presently assigned to the Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron-3). He has been serving our country since 2009. In Afghanistan, he served as a combat photographer and with a unique photographic ability and incredible eye behind the lens; Jeremy has captured phenomenal photographs while documenting bits and pieces of our country’s war “vignettes”. Jeremy was born in Philly. He is a graduate of Cherry Hill High School East and married his high school sweetheart, Brianna. His family is requesting a little extra noise to celebrate his safe return from Afghanistan. The Warrior Watch Riders, Yellow Ribbon Club, Cherry Hill Police and Fire...
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CARINE John On March 14, 2011. Age 68. Of Deptford. Went Home to the Lord in Heaven. Cherished Son of the late Frank and Catherine Carine. Survived by cherished and devoted caregivers who cared for his needs. John enjoyed watching TV, listening to music and shopping. John’s Catholic Rite of Committal and Burial are private. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under online obituaries of John Carine. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142 PRESSLEY Brian Howard On March 19, 2011. Age 50. Of Lindenwold. Formerly of West Deptford. Loving son of the late Dennis Charles Pressley and Margaretta Fox Pressley. Loving brother of Dennis C. Pressley, Jr. (Veronica), Harry Fox Pressley (Irma) and Suzanne McInnis (Dwayne). Cherished uncle of Joshua, Jason, Rachel, Jonathan, Jennifer, Timothy, Katrina, Ruth Ann, Harrison, Suzanne, Joseph, Robert and Christina. Relatives and...
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By J. DAVID McSWANE Published: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 8:31 p.m. Last Modified: Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 11:02 a.m. ENGLEWOOD - About 70 residents gathered in the shade of Englewood Firehouse No. 4 on Wednesday morning to tell their firefighters they loved them — but they hate their pensions. "This is absolutely ridiculous," yelled Englewood resident Richard Doonan, chiding the third proposed bump to firefighters' pensions in as many years. Scarcely attended in better economic times, the meeting of the Fire District Board of Commissioners swiftly erupted with angered debate — a foreshadowing, perhaps, of what is to come in public employee pension bouts boiling up in Florida. Locally, Sarasota and the town of Longboat Key are also feeling pressure from citizens bent on trimming pensions for public employees. Dubbed "Wisconsin micro" by one attendee, citizens butted heads with firefighters in their own house. They came to oppose...
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ATLANTA – The Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) and State Farm® announced today the 2011 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II State Farm Coaches’ All-America Team. The 10-member team was selected by a vote of the selection committee. The committee is comprised of one representative from each of the eight geographical regions and a chairperson. The members of the 2011 NCAA Division II State Farm Coaches’ All-America Team are as follows: Name Institution Year Pos. Height Ashley Arlen Wayne State College Jr. F 6-2 Catherine Carr Holy Family University Sr. F 6-0 Reyana Colson California State Polytechnic Univ.-Pomona Sr. G 5-6 Gabby Curtis Northwest Missouri State University Sr. G 5-7 Mystee Dale University of West Alabama Sr. G 5-8 Shannon McKever Lander University Sr. C 6-0 Kayla Smith California University of Pennsylvania RS-Sr. F 5-11 Veronica Walker Delta State University Jr. F 6-1 Jasmine Webb Northeastern State University Sr. F...
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Effective Immediately The branch, brush and soft vegetation recycling program will be combined into one recycling program. These items will all be collected on Wednesday of each week. Items included in this recycling program include: BRANCHES, BRUSH, GRASS, OTHER VEGETATIVE YARD WASTE and SMALL AMOUNTS OF LEAVES. BRANCES should be cut into four foot lengths and placed into orderly, untangled piles. It will no longer be necessary to call to arrange a special pickup for branches, unless you have a very large amount. If the amount is very large you should call 456-0781 prior to Wednesday to arrange for a special pickup. GRASS should be placed in trash cans or plastic bags without the tie DO NOT EXCEED 50 LBS. PER CONTAINER DO NOT MIX ANY NON-VEGETATIVE ITEMS WITH THESE RECYCLABLES If you have any questions about these new guidelines, please call the Public Works Department at 456-0781. Your cooperation...
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March 23, 2011 | Posted by Speaker Boehner's Press Office | Permalink “If there’s a constant in the story of ObamaCare, it’s broken promises,” House Speaker John Boehner says in a new video marking one year of the job-crushing health care law, and all its fewer jobs, higher costs, and reduced coverage. Watch Boehner here: As Boehner says in the video, “Instead of creating jobs, employers have been handed more uncertainty and more headaches. Instead of lower costs, families and small businesses are being squeezed even further. Instead of keeping what they like, millions are being forced off their coverage.” It's no wonder that a majority of Americans opposed the law a year ago -- and still oppose it today.Republicans are listening and made a Pledge to America to repeal ObamaCare and replace itwith common-sense reforms that lower costs and protect jobs. Since January, the House has worked to keep...
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United States Justice Department March 18th, 2011 Posted by Tracy Russo The following post appears courtesy of Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas E. Perez and Russlynn H. Ali, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office recently reached an agreement with the School District of Philadelphia to address reports of severe, pervasive bullying of Asian American students at South Philadelphia High School. Students at the school described chronic harassment that ultimately led to violence, as well as the failure of the School District to take sufficient action to stop it. We hope this agreement serves as a template for other districts to evaluate their practices, take active steps to prevent harassment, and ensure they have policies in place to protect students. It should also serve as a reminder to...
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Pearl T. Dolan DOLAN, Pearl T. On March 21, 2011, (nee Hampton) lifelong resident of Gloucester City, NJ, age 85 yrs. She is the beloved wife of John A. Dolan, Sr., loving mother of John A. Dolan, Jr. (Pamela) and Geraldine M. Dolan, cherished grandmother of Jack, Mike, Patty, Colleen and Brian and 10 great grandchildren. She was also the dear sister of Marie Spencer and is survived by many loving nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends are invited to meet Saturday from 10:30 to 12:00noon at St. Mary's Church 426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 12:00 noon at the Church. Entombment to follow at New St. Mary's Cemetery, Bellmawr. There will be no evening viewing. In lieu of flowers the family requests Memorial Donations in Mrs. Dolan's name be made to the Alzheimer's Association , 3 Eves Drive, Suite 310, Marlton, NJ...
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On March 21, 2011. Age 69. Of Gloucester City. Loving father of Daniel W., James A. and Brian J. Welsh. Loving brother of James T. and Kenneth Welsh. Predeceased by his sister, Jacquelyn O’Connor and brother, Patrick Welsh. Cherished grandfather of Alyssa Rae Rogers. Wayne proudly served our country in the U.S. Navy and was a member of the Townsend C. Young V.F.W. Post #3620 and Sportsmen A.C. in Gloucester City. Relatives and friends are invited to attend his viewing on Monday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 AM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth St., Gloucester City. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 11 AM at St. Mary’s R.C. Church: 426 Monmouth St., Gloucester City. Interment with U.S. Navy Honors, New St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr. In lieu of flowers, donations to Msgr. Lucitt’s Needy Children’s Christmas Fund: P.O. Box 87, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Please write in the...
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CHRISTIE ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCES AWARD OF FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT TO CAMDEN COUNTY MUNICIPALITY TRENTON – The Christie Administration today announced the award of a $500,000 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program grant to Gloucester City in Camden County. The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) receives, distributes and administers the grant funds for the State of New Jersey. “It is essential that we take action to address local community development needs, which is why these Small Cities Community Development Block Grants are so important,” said DCA Commissioner Lori Grifa. “This funding will lead to lasting improvements for the residents and businesses of Gloucester City.” The Small Cities CDBG grants are used for housing rehabilitation, development of public facilities, and improvements to public infrastructure. They are designated to benefit people of low and moderate-income or to address recent local needs for which no other source of funding is...
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The American Legion - March 23, 2011 Photo by Wayne St. John Today, March 24, The American Legion/David Law Firm 76 Freedom Car and driver Jerick Johnson visited the VA Outpatient Clinic in Greenville, S.C., and the nearby James F. Daniel, Jr., Post 3. The Freedom Car crew expressed their support for The American Legion, racing and most importantly, our nation’s veterans. “The American Legion does so much for our veterans, our active military and their families. Stopping by VA centers and letting patients know that they are appreciated for what they have done and saying ‘Thank you for your service’ is very important to our team,” Johnson said. “A visit to a post by American Legion Racing may provide that post with that much needed spark of excitement and stir up their ambition to get out and do more for their post and their surrounding community. I have met...
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Brooklawn American Legion Baseball legend Joe "Pop" Barth (photo) is one of a 100 semifinalists in the Energizer Keep Going® Hall of Fame contest. At 89 years of age, Joseph Barth, Sr., also known as Coach Barth, truly embodies the spirit of the Energizer Bunny®. He started and serves as the manager of the Brooklawn American Legion Baseball team and has led the team to win several State and Regional Championships as well two World Series Championships. Joseph’s goal for the team is to make baseball affordable for great, young players and he hosts fundraisers to help support those who may not have the funds to play, but have the determination and dream. The top 10 finalists will be announced April 4th. To vote for Pop Barth click the link below. Must be 13 years of age or older to place a vote. Help the Energizer Keep Going® Hall of...
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NOTES FROM THE FIELD by Gary Devine: I looked out my kitchen window, on the third day after Roseann and I moved in to our new house. It was March 2, 2011 and to my surprise I spotted a half white pie-bald four point buck. I called my NJ bear hunting friend Wayne Cheeseman and he called me a bullshitter. He said "a half white buck with antlers in March". I told him that I will get that buck on film with my Primos motion camera. It took me 19 days to get him. Someone said that is a good omen to see such a rare animal. Yesterday, as I pulled out of my development that rare buck was bedded down, across the street, 20 feet from the road. I hope the cars do not kill him. He should be at least an eight pointer this fall. I love my...
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GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-This was only some of the Girl Scouts that came out to share in our recent Celebration. We had Girl Scouts from 1 year to 50 years (not age this is years in Girl Scouts). I would like to take the time to thank everyone that came out. Most of all I would like to thank Reverand Morgan for a wondeful service and for all she does for the Girl Scouts. Reverand Morgan opened the doors for Girl Scouts in Gloucester City over 1 year ago. My two troops starting meeting there and now we have 4 troops there. Girl Scouts has grown so much here in Gloucester City from 25 girls 5 years ago to about 100 now and still growing. Reverand Morgan is a large asset to our community, she is such a warm and giving person and I treasure her and all she does. Anyone...
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On March 22, 2011 . Age 72. (nee White) Lifelong resident of Camden. Loving and devoted wife of 19 years to the late John A. Panichella. Loving and caring mother of John Panichella (Maria) and Michael Panichella. Cherished grandmother of Michael, Korin, Danielle, John and Rachel. Pearl loved animals and was an avid donor to many animal charities over the years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend her viewing on Friday evening from 7 to 9 PM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth St., Gloucester City. Interment will be private in Harleigh Cemetery, Camden. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of Pearl V. Panichella. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142.
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Note from Tom Crone, SJCU Executive Director It has been one week since SJCU asked the Gloucester Township Council to add individual email addresses to their website in order to facilitate a better duologue with residents directly. Under the current system emails to the GT Council are collected by the Clerk's office, sent to the Solicitors office then to the council President for distribution to council members. Why would the town's lawyer need to review correspondence from constituents, why would citizens be denied a direct line of communication to those they elected to represent them. I met with Mayor Mayer on Tuesday 3/15/2011 to discuss this and other matters. He was almost hostile in his defence of the lack of transparency. Right now we are researching the towns within Camden County that have websites and of those how many have individual emails addresses for their council members. Quick glance puts...
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Medical Marijuana Facility As reported in the news, Compassionate Care Foundation has been approved for dispensing medical marijuana and has mentioned Bellmawr as a site. At this time no plans, building location or other information has be discussed with Mayor and Council on this issue. Compassionate Care has not scheduled any meetings with Mayor and Council, Zoning or Planning Boards with their proposal and site location. Borough Officials are concerned about many issues that they would like answered before they make any decisions on the proposed site. Please see this link for some additional information. via
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Despite spending levels that meet or exceed virtually every state in the country, and that saw a significant increase in spending levels from 2000 to 2008, our 'at risk' children are now moving further from proficiency. -Judge Peter Doyne Westfield— Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union), in response to a special master’s findings in the latest school funding lawsuit pending before the Supreme Court, said that Judge Doyne’s report affirms the need for outcomes-based education reforms in New Jersey: “Judge Doyne’s report proves that money is not the problem for chronically failing school districts in New Jersey.” “His assertion that the former Abbott districts are moving ‘further from proficiency’ despite spending more per pupil than almost every other state in America is a condemnation of education policies that favor money over accountability and innovation.” “What state government and the education establishment have been doing in New Jersey isn’t...
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RONEY, William H. Jr 64, of Gloucester City, Peacefully passed away March 19, 2011 surrounded by his family. Survived by his loving wife of 43 yrs, Dorothy (nee Louis), sister Lillian Sneddon (nee Roney), late brother Tom Roney. Dear father of Cynthia (Michael) Kopras, Michael (Karin) Roney, William Roney III and Jeffrey (April) Roney, as well as 5 grandchildren. He was involved in the Mummers (String Bands) for 50 yrs. He also enjoyed camping with his family. He will be dearly missed. Services will be private.
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The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) announced today that six nonprofit entities have been selected to operate Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) for the state’s Medicinal Marijuana program. The successful applicants are: · Breakwater Alternative Treatment Center, Corp., Ocean, Central Region; Board of Trustees/Officers: Richard Lefkowitz, CEO; H. Alexander Zaleski, COO. The ATC would be located in Manalapan, Monmouth County. · Compassionate Care Centers of America Foundation Inc. (CCCAF), Jersey City, Central Region; Board of Directors: David Weisser, Michael Weisser and Anastasia Burlyuk. The ATC would be located in New Brunswick, Middlesex County. · Compassionate Care Foundation Inc., West Trenton, Southern Region; Board of Trustees: William J. Thomas, David Knowlton, James C. Herrmann, Ann Marie Hill, Jeffrey Warren, JoAnn Lange, Mark Dumoff. The ATC would be located in Bellmawr, Camden County. · Compassionate Sciences, Inc. ATC, Sea Cliff, NY, Southern Region; Board of Trustees, CEO Richard Taney, Dr. Steven...
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NOTE : CNB has posted this advertisement as a public service Department: GLOUCESTER EMS Category: Technician Hours Per Week: Part Time Shift Details: 6p-6a Days: varies Week End Req: Every other weekend Location: Gloucester City, NJ Requisition Number: 452823 Lourdes Health System is one of southern New Jersey’s leading healthcare providers. The system is comprised of Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County, and other offsite satellite services. Lourdes Health System is sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, N.Y., and is a member of Catholic Health East, a health system with 33 regional health corporations on the East Coast. Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center Ø 410-bed tertiary care center Ø Home to the New Jersey Heart Institute at Lourdes Ø Only NJ hospital certified for three solid organ transplants Ø Dialysis Units which encompass our acute hospital, chronic outpatient, home dialysis, and transplant...
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By Sara Martino Gloucester City News During a special budget meeting recently, Brooklawn Borough Clerk, Barbara Lewis said the fund balance, which is surplus, is higher than it has been in the last few years due to sale of borough-owned property. Also, a full year of new sewer charges that were collected and a larger reserve appropriation balances from the year 2009 contributed to the surplus, Lewis said. At that time, after working diligently on the budget numbers, the auditor along with Lewis came up with a budget that could mean a 13 cent increase per $100 assessed value. This budget increase is in compliance with state mandated Appropriation Cap and the Tax Levy Cap. Council members and Lewis went over the appropriations page by page and some changes were made to increase and/or decrease budget lines. The 2011 Municipal Bud-get will be introduced at the March 21 meeting of...
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