NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

The American Legion opposes last-minute DADT appeal
Welcome Back from Iraq Specialist Daniel Marquez, of Gloucester City

Welcome Home Spec Jose Acevedo of Gloucester City


When:     Saturday, December 18, 2010

Time:      2:30 PM
Where:   129 Princeton Ave 60soldier
                Gloucester City, NJ 08030

We have one Soldier coming home in the evening in Gloucester City. 

Great news....we have another coming home earlier in the day. 

As fate would have it these guys have known each other for some time, but don’t know they are returning home the same day.  With a little luck and encouragement, we will be putting these two heros together for a memorable re-union they will not soon forget.  Daniel’s Mom is going to be at Jose’s Welcome Home at 2:30 and Invite him to join them at Daniel’s at 8:00. This is one not to be missed.

Army Specialist Jose Acevedo is returning from a tour in Afghanistan. 

Jose was born and raised in Gloucester city, and actively involved in all sports when he was in school. Gloucester city little league, Carmen Palmiero basketball and Gloucester City Mustang football and a member of St Mary’s Parish. As he entered High School he became involved with NJROTC training and focusing on his career in the military that he decided he was going to take. Jose graduated in June 08 and went right into the US Army. He went to Basic combat training at Ft Sill in Oaklahoma, where he was an honor grad. From there he went to training for transportation in Ft Leonardwood in Missouri. Jose received 2 promotions in the first year of his career. He has recently served the last year in Afghanistan with the 24 trans. He has 1 brother and a nephew. Jose enjoys his career path and always says that they do not do it for the glory. After his brief return home he will be stationed at Ft Riley and will continue his career in the United States Army.

Please join the WWR, YRC, Family, Friends, Gloucester City Police, Fire and EMS in welcoming home another Hero in a way that makes America the great country it is. 

*Media Welcome* 

The Yellow Ribbon Club
[email protected]

