Welcome Back from Iraq Specialist Daniel Marquez, of Gloucester City
Friday, December 17, 2010
ETA 8 PM (to 8:30 PM as we are dependent on the flight arrival status)
Pinegrove Firehall, 829 Jersey Ave Gloucester City, NJ 08030
Please come out to welcome home Specialist Daniel Marquez from serving in Iraq.
This was Specialist Marquez’s 2nd tour in Iraq
He is now 24 years old and has been in the Army since graduating Gloucester City High School where he played football
His wife is Moana with son Jason and Daughter Neyla
Specialist Marquez is a rank of E-4 and is a tank diesel mechanic
He will be deploying to Afghanistan in 2011
Friends, Family, The Warriors Watch, The Yellow Ribbon Club, The Gloucester City Police Department, and The Gloucester City Fire Department along with Gloucester City will be on hand to make some noise and welcome home this hero in Rock Star style.
Hope to see you there.