NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Welcome Home Spec. Michael Rogers, Spec. Daniel Marquez, Cpl. Brendan Gillen, Cpl. Ryan Eugene Radwanski
Rumor of the Week: Gloucester City Providing Fire Services to Fairview

Cancer Doesn't Stop 86-Year Old Hunter; Gun For Hire; NRA University


compiled by CNBNEWS.NET

Cancer doesn't stop hunter, 86, who kills deer from his recliner Hunting-and-fishing

ALLENTOWN, Pa. - Lester Warner left the hospital in a weakened state last month, his frail body racked by late-stage cancer. At 86 years old, he and his family had decided to stop treatment. But that didn't mean he planned to stop hunting. Pennsylvania's highly anticipated two-week rifle deer season was fast approaching, and the lifelong hunter from Dover township, about 30 miles south of Harrisburg, wanted to take to the woods one last time. Brian and his brother Scott were skeptical. But when their father started to rally - gaining strength with the help of a physical therapist - they decided they had better accommodate him, said Brian, 51. So Brian lugged an old recliner up the side of Broad Top Mountain, near his Huntingdon County dairy farm, to the small hut the family had built for Les Warner years ago. His father would hunt in comfort.

It was 19 degrees as the sun rose on opening day last week, the valley floor white with frost. Warner eased his old man's frame into the recliner, sipped his coffee and waited, armed with the .243 Winchester that Brian had selected for its mild recoil.

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This is the facility you have all been waiting for and we are now offering all
of our classes here. It is worth the trip!

Saturday 12/18/2010
9:00 am - 1:00 pm – Gun For Hire Tactical *Pistol, Level 1 - $225

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Due to the intensive nature of the course, NO spectators are allowed. Only staff
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Gun For Hire South LLC
888-GunForHire Ext. 1
New Jersey's Defensive Training Facility since 1992

NRA University-- Bring Us To Your Campus This Spring!

  Friday, December 10, 2010  

In an effort to educate the next generation of gun rights advocates on exercising and ILA_logoTop maintaining their constitutionally-guaranteed Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the NRA has developed a comprehensive program for college students called “NRA University”-- NRA U for short.

NRA U is a two-hour training seminar for college students interested in learning more about NRA, the Second Amendment, gun safety, legislative threats to gun rights and the gun control debate.  NRA-ILA staff will travel to a college campus and provide seminar attendees with the tools they’ll need to become more effective activists in the fight to protect our freedom, both on and off campus.

Staff will address the myths of gun control, covering topics such as the history of the Second Amendment and the use of guns for self-defense, and provide the NRA’s solutions to reducing gun crime and accidents.

In addition to ensuring a more balanced discussion of this issue on campus, NRA staff will talk about the various NRA programs in which students can participate.  Students will also learn about opportunities to work with like-minded activists in their area.

Students will receive a free one-year NRA membership along with free fraternal items, such as NRA U hats, t-shirts, and stickers.

Contact NRA-ILA today to bring NRA U to your campus this spring!  And be sure to join our group on Facebook too. 

For more information, please visit the NRA University Home Page at, e-mail us at[email protected], or call us at 800-392-VOTE (8683).


