Note from Bill: SHARK is the same group that was protesting at the Gloucester City July 4th fireworks display paid because it was paid for by Tom Holt, an active hunter and president of Holt Terminals in Gloucester City.
TRENTON -- An anti-hunting, animal rights group said Wednesday it had filed a complaint with the state elections commission alleging a hunting-related group gave, and Gov. Chris Christie accepted, donations to the governor's election campaign "far in excess of what's allowed by law."
Speaking at the State House, Stuart Chaifetz, from the group Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, said the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance held a rally just days before the 2009 election with the intent of campaigning for Christie, who appeared and spoke at the rally held in New Egypt.
While Chaifetz admitted he has been against a bear hunt in New Jersey for more than a decade, and appeared at the news conference with Doris Lin, who Tuesday filed a lawsuit to stop the hunt, he said the campaign law violations are being leveled because "if PACs (political action committees) can bypass the law, where will it end?"
Anthony Mauro, executive director of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, said Wednesday the 2009 rally was in no way an endorsement of Christie or an encouragement to vote for him. The rally was issues-oriented and included Republican and Democratic candidates, as well as current and former office holders, and discussed various aspects of conservation and hunting. Christie was one of many speakers at the rally, he said.