NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Obits: Baby John Joseph McGLINCHEY; Robert Steven PAROLY of Delran
Big bucks for big buck; NJ Bear Season Dec. 6; Results of PA Bear Season; Angler registration to cost $15 next year

November 2010 CHEERS AND JEERS

By Bill Cleary

CHEER-The Gloucester City BLUE Minors AAA team, in the Blackwood Kiwanis   Little Images-12 League 2010 Fall Ball Season , went 12-0, undefeated for the season. They were the only team in the entire league to do so, out of 52 teams.  The boys and coaches worked hard all season for this and they deserve some kudos!!  The team members are as follows:  Nick Zingaro, Kyle Murphy, Matt Kramer, Mike Mairono, Evan Gramley, Jeffrey Lankford, Juan Velez, Dan Walton, Nathaniel Roberts, Chaz Reed, Noah Howey, Ethan Moyer, Dylan Caporaletti, Ethan Carpenter, Dan Clifton, and Nick Stewart.  The coaching staff is:  Chuck Reed, Dan Caporaletti, Tim Wilke and Jeremy Gramley.

CHEER-Business Tax Climate Index rankings for 2011 have been released.  New Jersey has moved up from the worst-in-the-nation ranking it has held for the last four years to 48th place.  As the report notes with regard to New Jersey’s ranking change, “The principal change was elimination of the top two personal income tax brackets when the governor vetoed a measure that would have extended the existing, higher rates.  After the veto, the top tax rate fell from 10.75% to 8.97%.”  

CHEER-Winners of the annual Bellmawr Fire Dept. Fire Prevention Poster contest: Ethel M. Burke Elementary School -- Jake Commander, Special Education; Jacob Knowles, Special Education: Kaylee Osario, kindergarten; Riki Patel, 1st grade; Kaila Corgliano, 2nd grade; Regine Palconit, 3rd grade; Amanda Morales, 4th grade. Bell Oaks Middle School – Alexis Gonzales, 5th grade; Vicki Lin, 6th grade. Bellmawr Park Elementary School – Noah Baji, Special Education; Brandon Przbyszewski, Special Education; Chloe Henry, kindergarten; Rebecca Clift, 1st grade; Kevin Huang, 2nd grade; Janell DeValerio, 3rd grade; Tyler Bell, 4th grade; Jennifer Shannon, 5th grade; Ashley Dieppa, 7th grade.
CHEER-Sora Holdings, the developer of  Glassboro’s  $300 million Rowan Boulevard downtown revitalization project, donated a new aerial ladder truck to the Glassboro Fire Department. The new $800,000 apparatus, features a 100’ ladder.  The new truck will replace an older, outdated truck with shorter ladders, aiding the borough’s safety and insurance classification.

CHEER-Gloucester City Council approved the appointment of Jack Lipsett as manager of the RCA-administered Municipal Housing Liaison program. The position will not incur any costs for the city. Eric Fetterolf, now deceased, worked in that capacity as part of his duties as the Housing Project Co-coordinator.

CHEER-Two members of Bellmawr’s EMS Unit were honored with citations at the  November Borough Council meeting.   Bellmawr Fire Chief Jim Burleigh presented the awards to Michael Cox Jr. and Charles “CJ” Ruff.   They were honored for saving the life of Joseph Toomey, who went into cardiac arrest August 4. This was one of three cardiac saves within the past year which is unheard of in the EMS community according to EMS Supervisor Chuck Hannum
CHEER-To Sister Christine Hartnett who retired recently after 50 years as a teacher. Many of those years were spent at Saint Mary’s Grammar School in Gloucester City. Thank you sister for your dedication to your profession; enjoy your retirement. You certainly deserve it.  
CHEER-The demolition work of the former Ampsec Chemical plant , Water Street, Gloucester City began this month. And the construction work on the $387,391 Freedom Pier walkway that will connect the former Coast Guard property with Proprietors Park is nearing completion. Both are positive steps towards the development of the City’s waterfront.

JEER-Nearly half of our lawmakers in Washington-261-are millionaires. These bureaucrats are out of touch with the people they represent. Each year they get a raise, presently their salary is $174,000, plus benefits for working on average between 130 to 190 days a year.

JEER-November 24 vandals slashed tires on 15 vehicles in Gloucester City along with trashing the outside of the PAL Building. If you have any information on these crimes call the Detective Bureau at 456-7797.

CHEER- A Camden-based physician has voluntarily surrendered his New Jersey medical license for indiscriminately prescribing controlled dangerous substances (CDS) following an investigation by the Division of Consumer Affairs’ Enforcement Bureau, the Gloucester City Police Department, and the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Camden Office. A good job by all involved in the investigation.

CHEER-A suspect, Gregory John Miller, was arrested within hours after allegedly robbing a bank in Moorestown thanks to the quick work of the Moorestown Police Department. Miller was also charged with the October robbery of the local PNC bank.

CHEER-Applebee's  restaurants throughout the country provided a free dinner to all veterans on Veteran’s Day as a way of saying thank you for serving our country. 

CHEER-The Mount Ephraim Volunteer Fire Department has logged 36,098 hours as of October 2010, according to Commissioner Andy Gilmore.  Kudos to the members of the Borough Fire Dept. and a Tip of the Hat to all volunteer firemen and EMS volunteers throughout the area for their hard work and dedication to their communities.

JEER-For having the benches facing the businesses and stores on Kings Hwy. I don't get why they don't face the street, who wants to sit a look at a store front? Am I missing something? The only one that faces the street is on the corner of BHP and Kings Hwy., in front of Walgreen's.~John Hindsley
JEER-To the voters for electing the same crooks to office each November. Things will never change as long people continue to elect Norcross and people like him to office. signed Anonymous.

JEER-To the people who back their trucks into the parking spaces at WaWa so far that they block the sidewalk and force the kids walking to school to walk in the street to get around them. ~John Carrick

Send your December Cheer or Jeer to [email protected]


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