NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Hunting and Fishing: Video of Hunters helping Bucks Locked in Battle
Seasons Greetings from New Mexico; Two Feet of Snow in Key Largo Florida

Mary Bray Families Donate 136 sets of PJ's to Bedtime Story PJ Drive



By Leigh Anne Hubbs

Gloucester City News

  IMG_0132 MOUNT EPHRAIM NJ-During December's Mount Ephraim Board of Education (BOE) meeting, members conducted interviews in executive session in order to fill the vacancy left by former board member Delores Ward.



photo by Leigh Anne Hubbs

Two candidates interviewed for Ms. Ward's former position, who resigned last month for personal reasons.

  After returning from executive session, School Board members made a motion to elect Michael Iovacchini, who was then sworn in by Business Administrator Melissa Raywood.

  In other news, Mary Bray families have donated 136 sets of pajamas to the "Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive," which is a charity where Scholastic will match every set of pajamas with a book before sending it on to a child in need.

  The Kershaw Honor Society will be working at the Ronald McDonald House in Camden on two occasions in January. Superintendent Joseph Rafferty said this is a “great opportunity for the kids.”

  The district received a thank you letter from the John D. West Center after students sent items to the residents.

  On Saturday, January 15, the Winter Festival Honors Band will perform at 1 p.m. in the Audubon High School auditorium.

  The following field trips have been approved: 1st grade to Wells Fargo Center for the Circus on February 17; 4th grade to the Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor on May 26; 5th grade to Historic Philadelphia on May 13; and the 6th grade to Medieval Times in Lyndhurst on April 14.

  Board President Dominick Cipolone announced that Keith Allen has been approved to be a substitute classroom teacher, as well as a substitute paraprofessional, at a rate of $80 and $60 per day, respectively.

  Principal Michael Hunter announced the November Student of the Month winners.

  They are: 1st grade Ricky Henderson, 2nd grade Olivia Malinowski, 3rd grade Hunter Capner, 4th grade Robert Snyder, 5th grade Bianca DiPadova, 6th grade Austin Rampolla, 7th grade Stephanie Miles and 8th grade Kirsten Hoffman.

  The next BOE meeting will be Tuesday, January 18, at 7:30 p.m. in Kershaw School's Media Center.
