NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

2-Alarm Fire 100 Unit Block of Atlantic Street, Gloucester City

New Mount Ephraim School Board Member; November Students of the Month

IMG_0132 The Mount Ephraim Board of Education recently appointed a new member to the Board, Michael Iovacchini who is filling a vacant seat. 

Below is a photo of the November Student of the Month winners.
In the photo left to right are:  4th grade Robert Snyder, 8th grade Kirsten Hoffman, 7th grade Stephanie Miles, 5th grade Bianca DiPadova, 3rd grade Hunter Capner, 2nd grade Olivia Malinowski, 1st grade Ricky Henderson.  Not in picture; 6th grade Austin Rampolla.
photos by Leigh Anne Hubbs
Nov Student of the Month
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