Meet John Featherman, Candidate for Mayor | PhillyNow
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
by Aaron Kase
Did anyone know there’s a mayoral race next year? While we wait with baited breath
to see if any Democrats will actually nut up and challenge Mayor Nutter in the primaries, let’s not overlook the fact that there is already one contender for the general election, Realtor John Featherman, who announced his candidacy as a Republican back in June.
Featherman has run for office a number of times previously as a Libertarian and Republican (he says he grew tired of fighting for third-party ballot access and recognition, which is why he signed up with the big R), including for Congress, twice for Senate, and most recently for the now-defunct Clerk of Quarter Sessions in the 2007 elections. Though he hasn’t yet won an election, and knows first-hand how poorly Republicans tend to poll in overwhelmingly Democratic Philadelphia, Featherman remains encouraged, forging ahead without even the support of his own party– he’s a member of the Loyal Opposition, a group that has split with the Republican City Committee.
Featherman is almost sure to face an RCC challenger in the spring primaries, but no one has stepped up yet. For now, this is still a two-horse race, the Nutt vs. the Feather. Like many other past and future candidates, including Nutter himself, Featherman talks a lot about eliminating waste and cleaning up corruption in City Hall, and his take-no-prisoners mantra of “cut cut cut” sounds reminiscent of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But can Featherman deliver the goods to finally make an impact on our bloated budgets? Read on to find out where he stands on various subjects of interest:
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