Letters: Resident Upset with City Solicitor's Behavior
Friday, December 03, 2010
When I asked about the ambulance service I was told by Mayor James that the city was looking into it. I then proceeded to ask cost involved with it and I understand why the city could not discuss the question. However in response to the question the mayor said the city had spoken to a few companies. I proceeded to ask then what companies have the city spoken to. In my view and in the opinion of a few mayors and council members in other municipalities in this state that question was a fair question.
The response I got from the city attorney was shocking and in my view totally unacceptable and unprofessional. I was hollered and screamed at that “It was none of my business” and that I have no right to ask questions. I was appalled by this response.
Any resident of New Jersey has a right to question their government on any issue pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-12. We live in a democracy not a communist state. Every day Americans in our military are risking their lives and giving their lives to protect that right. No resident should ever be treated the way I was treated last night. I do not expect to hear an apology from Mayor James or City Solicitor John Kearney but I feel that it is important for the people of our city to know what is going on and how their government servants, people who are paid with their tax dollars are acting.