Haddon Heights Headlines
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Rock Band 3 Hits the Library!
The Haddon Heights Library continues to run successful Rok Band Jam Sessions every Friday night from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. A newer version has come out and the Library has gotten ahold of it! Rock Band 3 introduces a keyboard and vocal harmonies, allowing for more particiapants at the same time. We welcome children and adults to join us, free of charge. Rock out in the Library! Please call 547-7132 for more information.
Senior Community Table, December 28th, Anthony's Restaurant, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Senior Men's Morning Out - Fridays, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the Senior Room, Community Center, 7th & Lippincott Lane
Please join us for Men's Morning Out, held every Friday morning with coffee, donuts, cards, puzzles and conversation. This activity is open to all Haddon Heights senior men.
Senior Ladies Needleworks - Wednesdays, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the Senior Room, Community Center, 7th & Lippincott Lane
Please join us for Ladies' Needleworks, held every Wednesday afternoon. Bring your quilting, knitting, crewel or sewing project for encouragement, conversation and cookies and tea. All Haddon Heights senior women are welcome to join in.
Senior Bridge Club, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of every month, 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. in the Senior Room, Community Center, 7th & Lippincott Lane.
Come and enjoy the new Senior Center while enjoying a game of Bridge. All Seniors are welcome to join.
Photo Class: Solar Powered Prints, February 3rd, 10th and 17th, 7:00 p.m., Cabin
Feeling Blue? Let the sunshine brighten your day. Using a modern day non-toxic cyantotype which is a blue light-sensitive photo emulsion, students will expose a digital negative to cyanotype paper using solar power. Make fascinating white-on-blue prints from your digital camera. Try this class and see what develops! Ages 14 & up. Fee is just $30 for our residents (3 classes). If interested, contact Kelly Santosusso at 546-2585.
Senior Community Table, January 4th, Kunkel's Restaurant, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Retired? Free for Lunch? Haddon Heights seniors have been meeting at a Community Table in our local restaurants for a year now! What's a Community Table? A long table where people come for lunch, sit together, order from the regular menu, pay their own bill and socialize with new and old friends. Join us!
Babysitting Training, American Red Cross Instructor, January 22nd, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Cabin, Ages 11-15
Care for children and infants, be a good leader and role model, make good decisions and solve problems, keep the children you babysit and yoursefl safe, handle emergencies such as injuries, illnesses and household accidents. Write resumes and interview for jobs. And much more! Complete the course in just one day and begin babysitting with confidence the next! A complete kit will be provided along with a certification card. Ages 11-15. Fee for our residents is $55.
Basic Self Defense Class, February 9th, 7:00 p.m., Cabin
In today's world, it is important to know how to protect yourself. Learn basic self-defense - blocks, punches and kicks. Self-defense moves will be taught by Officer Lou Baselice from Haddonfield. You will learn how to get out of wrist grabs, front chokes, rear chokes, bear hugs and collar grabs. Empower yourself by signing up! Fee is just $12 for residents and $15 for non-residents. If interested, please contact Kelly Santosusso at 546-2565.
Circolo Italiano Club, January 10th & February 14th, Borough Hall Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
DVD 'Pane Amaro' (Bitter Bread). It will be shown in two parts because of the duration of the tape. This is about the result of over four years of research. The film traces the social, economic and political transformation of Italians from immigrant victims of violence and prejudice to prominent members of American society. The title of the film comes from a popular Neopolian song of the early 1900s which spoke of the immigrants' pain at being separated from home and family. Plan to attend this fantastic historical film. For more information, call Kathy Terranova at 547-3110.
Senior Community Table, January 11th, Village Cheese Shop, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Retired? Free for Lunch? Haddon Heights seniors have been meeting at a Community Table in our local restaurants for a year now! What's a Community Table? A long table where people come for lunch, sit together, order from the regular menu, pay their own bill and socialize with new and old friends. Join us!
Woman's Club, 'Alice Paul: New Jersey's Heroine for Equality' January 14th, 12:00 p.m., Borough Hall Auditorium
Come learn about Alice Paul, one of the most influential women in America leading the final fight for womens' suffrage. She champoined equal rights for women through most of the 20th century. Kris Myers, who has been with the Alice Paul Institute since 2004, will present a slideshow presentation of the life of Alice Paul, a native to Mt. Laurel, New Jersey.
Haddon Heights Library, 100th Anniversary of Boy Scouts, January 17th, 7:00 p.m.
Come out to hear a talk by Sanley Lipson on the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts in America.
Senior Community Table, January 18th, Station House Restaurant, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
The Delaware & Susquehanna Model Railroad Club Show, January 21, 22 & 23rd, Borough Hall, Auditorium
The highly detailed HO scale model railroad is a representation of northeastern railroads from the 1950-2000 eras. For those who have seen a portion of the layout in the Haddon Heights Passsenger Station, this will be a chance to see the entire layout in operation. Hours are: Friday, 4-8 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, 12-4 p.m. Club members will be available to answer questions about the layout or to answer questions about your trains. Plan to attend the event and continue the holiday train season in Haddon Heights!
Senior Community Table, January 25th, Anthony's Restaurant, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Retired? Free for Lunch? Haddon Heights seniors have been meeting at a Community Table in our local restaurants for a year now! What's a Community Table? A long table where people come for lunch, sit together, order from the regular menu, pay their own bill and socialize with new and old friends. Join us!
Sugar Blues Nutrition Workshop, January 26, 2011, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Cabin, Lippincott Lane & 7th Avenue
If you've ever had the cravings for sweets, this workshop is for you. This class has been designed to permanently change your relationship with sugar. You will leave the class understanding the causes of your sugar cravings and you'll receive practical tools for dealing with them. Please join our lecture with Laurie Denton, Health Counselor. Laurie received her training to practice Health Counseling at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which is the only nutrition school integrating all the different dietary theories -combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone and raw foods. Fee: $12 resident/$15 non-resident. If interested, please contact Kelly Santosusso at 546-2585.
Haddon Heights Elementary Parent Teacher Group, Longaberger Basket Bingo, January 26th, 7:00 p.m., Seventh Avenue School.
Haddon Heights Elementary Parent Teacher Group, Sweetheart Dance at Seventh Avenue School.
Haddon Heights Elementary Parent Teacher Group Meeting, February 16th at Seventh Avenue School
Woman's Club of Haddon Heights Soup & Sandwich Luncheon, February 22nd at First United Methodist Church, 7th & Garden Street from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lunch includes homemade vegetable beef soup, hot ham and cheese sandwich on a roll, coffee tea and scrumptious desserts prepared by the ladies of the club. Adults $7, children $4. All proceeds from this event will benefit many worthwhile local needs. Tickets available at the Library, from members of the club or at the door. For more information, call 856-546-5811.
Town Wide Food Drive, Saturday, April 9th, First United Methodist Church, 704 Garden Street
Haddon Heights Elementary Parent Teacher Group, Family Fun Night, January 28th, 7:00 p.m., Atlantic Avenue School.
St. Rose of Lima School celebrates Catholic Schools Week, January 30th through February 5, 2011