NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Obits: Mrs. Marianne M. Davila, Mrs. Jean S. Jost, Mrs. Charlotte P. Ritchie
Letters: Resident Upset with City Solicitor's Behavior

Letters: Regarding Reorganization Meetings of Municipalities

Every January, most municipalities hold their "reorganization meetings." Today, I looked at the 6a00d8341bf7d953ef0115709f053f970c-800wi minutes of several municipal governing bodies to learn whether or not they set aside a portion of their 2010 reorganization meetings for citizen comments. Interestingly, I found that a significant minority (approximately 20%) of the small sample of bodies I checked did NOT have a public portion set aside even though one is required by law.

I urge readers to see if their municipal governing bodies set aside a portion of their 2010 Reorganization Meeting for citizen comment.  Most municipalities have Internet sites and list them at .  And, many of those that have Internet sites post their agendas and minutes on-line.

If you find that your governing body did not provide a public comment period at its 2010 reorganization meeting, you should contact the municipal clerk to make sure that the public will be allowed to comment at the 2011 reorganization meeting.  Following is my e-mail to the Clerk of Readington Township (Hunterdon County) which cites the applicable law and may otherwise be helpful.

John Paff
Somerset, New Jersey

December 2, 2010

Vita Mekovetz, Clerk
Readington Township
509 Route 23
Whitehouse Station, NJ  08889

Dear Ms. Mekovetz:

In our telephone conversation today, December 2, 2010, I noted that the agenda and minutes of the Township Council's January 4, 2010 Reorganization Meeting indicate that no portion of that meeting was set aside for public comment.  (The agenda and minutes, respectively, are on-line at and .)

During our conversation, you confirmed that the 2010 Reorganization Meeting did not have a portion set aside for public comment but assured me that such a portion will be set aside for the 2011 Reorganization Meeting.

As we discussed, N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 requires that "a municipal governing body . . . shall be required to set aside a portion of EVERY meeting . . ., the length of the portion to be determined by the municipal governing body . . . for public comment on any governmental . . . issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the municipality . . ." (I have emphasized the word "every.")  In sum, the public is allowed to speak at every Township Council meeting, regardless of whether it is labeled a "regular," "special," "workshop," "reorganization" or other type of meeting.

As I'm sure you're aware, a municipality's reorganization meeting is often well attended by the public and sometimes has senators, assembly representatives and other high-ranking public officials in attendance.  Given these often large and influential audiences, we believe that is especially important for the public to be heard.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.


John Paff, Chair
New Jersey Libertarian Party's
Open Government Advocacy Project
P.O. Box 5424
Somerset, New Jersey  08875-5424

