NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Obits: Florence E. Snyder, of Gloucester Heights; Claire E. Wilkins of Gloucester City
Welcome Home Spec. Michael Rogers, Spec. Daniel Marquez, Cpl. Brendan Gillen, Cpl. Ryan Eugene Radwanski

Dreaming of a White Christmas? Bah! Humbug!


Be careful what you wish for, remember the winter of 2009-2010? 

As a reminder I posted two photo albums one from the December 19, 2009 storm and the other from the February 2010 storm.

Jess and Harriet Torres took the above photo of the December storm, A silent night on Bergen Street, Gloucester City and Coleen Pittman of Gloucester City took the photo of Danny and Patrick in the igloo.

  Snow is pretty coming down and it does add something to the Christmas spirit.  And as long as someone comes around an shovels my walk, Let it Snow! Let it Show! Let it Snow!

~Bill Cleary


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