CANJ Applauds the State Senate for Bi-Partisan Effort to Create Jobs in Atlantic City
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Legislation Would Provide Atlantic City Stakeholders with Vital Tools for Future Success
Atlantic City (December 20, 2010) – The Casino Association of New Jersey (CANJ) applauds the Senate for passing a slate of legislation today that will be integral to revitalizing and expanding Atlantic City in the coming years.
This legislation is the direct result of hard work on the part of Governor Christie, the New Jersey State Senate, and its leadership. The Senate and the Governor were able to create a bi-partisan legislative package that thoroughly addresses the state’s needs through their careful study of the myriad of issues Atlantic City faces in trying to attract more tourists and improve its marketing efforts. Their ability to craft a thoughtful compromise amongst the various stakeholders across the state illustrates how critical both this legislation and Atlantic City are to helping New Jersey grow its economy.
“This legislation demonstrates a bi-partisan commitment to Atlantic City and recognizes the economic engine the industry is for the entire state. If enacted, it will empower Atlantic City’s stakeholders to transform this city into a true resort destination, solidifying its place as a vibrant jobs engine for New Jersey,” said Bob Griffin, President of the CANJ.
The CANJ is committed to working with Governor Christie’s administration and the legislative leadership of both parties in assuring the successful implementation of this legislation once it is passed. The CANJ believes this legislation will empower Atlantic City’s stakeholders to address important issues such as:
- Addressing the safety and cleanliness of Atlantic City’s streets and the boardwalk
- Improving and more greatly investing in joint marketing to boost tourism to the City
- Attracting more convention activities and visitors
- Attracting more tourists and families by making Atlantic City more of a destination resort
- Investing in more non-gaming amenities
“If this legislation is passed it will create an environment that will allow New Jersey’s casino resorts to continue to be a net positive for the state of New Jersey, as we have been for three decades. A successful Atlantic City will benefit our tens of thousands of employees, our customers, our New Jersey-based vendors and the taxpayers of the state,” added Griffin.
The casino industry directly employs more than 38,000 New Jersey residents, pays almost $1.7 billion in annual payroll, spends nearly $2 billion dollars a year to purchase goods and services from small businesses across the state, and annually pays more than $900 million in State and local taxes and fees which fund more than half the bill for vital government programs for senior and disabled citizens of New Jersey.
“We recognize the need to attract more visitors to Atlantic City, and are committed to utilize the tools provided to us with this legislation to work with the government and the community to make Atlantic City a world-class destination resort,” added Griffin. “We have invested billions of dollars in New Jersey, and we will continue to invest.”
CANJ is a not-for-profit organization which represents operators of New Jersey casino resorts. It serves as a collective voice for the industry and concentrates on the betterment of industry employees, government relations, casino-affiliated businesses and the casino industry itself.