Mt. Ephraim Commissioner Reminds Residents about Snow Removal Rules
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
By Leigh Anne Hubbs
Gloucester City News
MOUNT EPHRAIM NJ-As the weather becomes increasingly colder and with the start of winter only a few weeks away, Commissioner Bruce Greenwald, reminded residents that in the event of snowfall they should obey parking rules and clear their sidewalks of snow as soon as possible.
Commissioner Bruce Greenwald, right
Now that the holiday season is here, Commissioner Andrew Gilmore requested that residents use common sense when decorating and to keep the doors and windows of their homes and vehicles locked.
In other business, Greenwald said the second round of leaf collection is currently underway.
“Signs will indicate the collection schedule for your specific street,” he said.
In the Police Department report, Gilmore said that in November there were 330 calls and 19 arrests, including five for DUI and two for simple assault.
Commissioner Andy Gilmore, left
Patrol officers issued 185 motor vehicle summons last month, which included both moving and equipment violations.
In November the Fire Department received 38 calls, which included three dwelling fires, nine motor vehicle accidents, one vehicle fire and 16 calls for mutual aid. The department has logged 745 volunteer man hours since October 1.
Greenwald said that Mount Ephraim recycled close to 100,000 pounds last month, and the more that residents recycle the more money the borough will save.
The Public Works Department is responsible for the beautiful winter banners which now hang alongside Kings Highway. Employees responded to six sewer calls in November.
Borough Engineer Joe Federici said the Delaware Avenue resurface project has been completed and that the Linden Avenue sewer project is expected to be finished within the next few weeks.
Commissioner Joseph Wolk, right
Mayor Joseph Wolk said that Delaware Avenue looks great, and the workers did a good job.
Mayor Wolk and the Commissioners wish everyone happy holidays and a prosperous New Year.
The next meeting will be Thursday, January 6, at 8 p.m. in Borough Hall.