Bureaucrats Secretly Implement ObamaCare
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sarah Palin warned of them. And this weekend, The New York Times reported that the infamous “death panels,” which had been stripped from ObamaCare due to the public’s outrage, were revived stealthily by unelected bureaucrats through the regulatory rulemaking process. John Haywarddiscussed the potential ramifications, and Jason Mattera noted that the brains behind the Obama Administration’s rulemaking process should be called “The Grim Reaper and Dr. Death.”
In light of recent electoral and legal defeats of ObamaCare though, the ongoing attempt to create the bureaucratic framework is even more brazen.
During the midterm elections, Democrats ran from ObamaCare because it was so toxic, and nearly 60% of those who showed up to the polls in what was a historic election for Republicans said they wanted ObamaCare repealed.
Earlier this month, a federal judge in Virginia ruled that the individual mandate requirement of ObamaCare was unconstitutional. In oral arguments in a federal court in Florida the same week, another judge seemed receptive to the same arguments against the individual mandate.
If the Obama Administration can revive death panels, which were not even in the bill, imagine what they could do with provisions that they actually rammed through Congress.
It is time for conservatives to be vigilant and monitor the Obama Adminstration’s health care regulators and marshal resources and public pressure to prevent unelected bureaucrats from surreptitiously writing aspects of ObamaCare into law that Congress and the courts may soon repeal or reject. Click Here to read more.
— Tony Lee