NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Election 2010: Councilman Marchese Urges Voters to Re-Elect Incumbents
Letters: Brooklawn Council Candidate Questions Incumbent Perks

Vandals Messing With Political Signs



Photo and Caption By Amicus T. Pardie

DIRTY POLITICS-With just a week left until the voters get to have their say, Unknown it seems like the ugliness is coming to the surface with more boldness.  These sign arrangements were observed along Market Street but others like them were found around Gloucester City.  Is this the way the George Norcross Machine trains their workers to behave?  Is this the tactic they choose to influence voters?  Is this the way the Democrat Party in Camden County AND Gloucester City wants to show us that they are the party of integrity and fair play?

   By the way,  didn't Bill James run as an "Independent" last cycle?  Didn't he campaign on a platform of "fighting the machine".  Well, it didn't take Bill James long to crawl into bed with George Norcross's political machine and become just another puppet.  Nick Marchese also ran as an independent and lots of us voted for him.  Today he has been quoted as saying, "You have to join the machine to get things done."  No so, Nick!   Look at Governor Christie, he's getting alot done, but you probably wouldn't give him any credit because Christie isn't a Democrat and party means more that progress right, Nick?

    On November 2, remember the things that really matter.  Remember that the Courier-Post endorsed Harry Trout over Donald Norcross for a reason. Vote Column 2.

