NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Brooklawn Council Hires Real Estate Broker to Sell Borough Homes
Obits: Ralph Hutchinson, of Westville; Chadd Denton, of Gloucester City


R5892_a-1 Gloucester City NJ-I just got word from Howard Clark's office that Comcast has fixed the transmission problem that shut down the broadcast of the local cable Channel 19. It hasn't worked for three weeks or more.

The channel is also viewed in Brooklawn and Mt. Ephraim as well. According to people I spoke with in those communities they too were without the channel. 

Besides being Gloucester City's UEZ Director, Clark operates the local channel network. After being contacted last week about this problem Clark said his equipment was working that the problem is with Comcast,  and the level of transmission they are supply to the City. He suggested that the public contact Comcast. "I have already told them about the problem as people keep calling me. Maybe if they received more complaints they will do something about it."

Thanks to all those who took the time to call, your voices were heard. ~Bill Cleary 

