NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

The Move to Consolidate Churches in the Camden Diocese Continues

New Search Engine Offered to Readers of

Image representing TypePad as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

TypePad, the blog service that is used by ClearysNoteBook ( to post articles, photos, and videos has just released a new robust search tool. Readers of will now be able to quickly search posts, pages and comments.  For example enter ScottMac comments and you come up with a bevy of remarks posted by Scott over the last couple of years. Search for Tips and Snippets and every column that was written by yours truly will appear without leaving the site. 

The new search tool appears at the top of the right column. 

There are over 11,000 articles posted on CNB along with 12,000 plus comments. Give it a try, it is an excellent search tool.

Let me know if you find it helpful. ~Bill

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