I was reading the Gloucester City News headlines on ClearysNoteBook.com this morning and I read that
"Brooklawn council passes resolution to curtail official perks"
What perks would they be talking about? Any ideas? Did they think cheating on their taxes was a perk?
I am really curious about this, and at the next council meeting I intend to ask what perks they intend to "curtail", as I was not aware the position of Mayor or Council Person does, or should, have any additional "perks" to it.
I know they get a small stippen at the end of the year, not sure the exact amount of it. I got one many years ago as well, as I remember it was around 1200.00 I think. If they still do that, I intend to donate mine back to a fund I want to get our ambulance moving towards soft billing and keeping money in town, but aside from that, I am not aware of any other "perks" that should or do come with the position. This headline is most curious.
These so called "Perks" are what leads to "career politicians", which makes for bad government and does not provide proper representation. It promotes self gain and personal interest which is never good for governing bodies.
I am running for councilman, because I wish to represent the people of my town and their best interest which happen to include my own interests. I do not wish to obtain "perks" for being elected to do so. Any one seeking public to obtain "perks does not deserve the position or your vote.
If you agree, please pass the email along to friends and neighbors. I ask that you consider my position on issues on this town and consider me for the office of town councilman. I am asking for your vote on Nov 2nd. More importantly I am asking that you make an "informed decision". Proper representation is something we should all have. As council person or Mayor, you should always be of the mind that you are a "public advocate" selected by the people you represent. I plan to do exactly that and nothing short of that is acceptable to me.
If you agree, please pass this along and consider voting for Earl Foster for Brooklawn Borough Council on Tue, Nov 2nd.
Earl Foster
from the desk of Earl Foster
"Giving people a choice is what Government should do"