Election 2010: Councilman Marchese Urges Voters to Re-Elect Incumbents
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Vote Democrat and allow the Incumbent Candidates to complete what they started.
I would like to ask the voters of Gloucester City to vote for Mayor William James on November 2nd. I ask that our current Mayor remain as our future Mayor. Bill James has shown his leadership abilities and his commitment to making Gloucester a better place to live. Having a full time Mayor who helps attend to the day to day activities of the city as well as the long term future projects goes above and beyond what can be normally be expected of any Mayor. Bill has helped the city immensely over the past four years. I am proud to be serving and working alongside Mayor James and this team and look forward to what we will be accomplishing in the near future.
Kellie Ferry is our Third Ward Incumbent Council Candidate and the driving force behind our City Celebrations Committee. She has been able to revamp many of the city’s events even with a shrinking budget. Her attention to detail and love for the city and the people who live in the city help her to be a valued member of this Council. One I whole heartily support and ask for your continued support of this fine person as Third Ward Councilwoman.
John Hutchinson has been a big help with the Southport Project, Police contract negotiations and our Housing Department.
I also support Bruce Parry as our Second Ward Incumbent Council Candidate. Bruce is a valued member of City Council while serving on our Public Works, Celebration and Fire Committees. He has helped the City’s Fire Committee by working very hard to enhance our Volunteer Fire Fighters Department while providing valuable input and experience in the negotiations with our Paid Fire Department. Bruce has been of great value in the rehabilitation project of Chatham Square and has dedicated himself to helping change this complex into the new Townhouse facility know now as Meadowbrook Mews. Bruce’s dedication to Gloucester City is evident by his strong work ethic, his ability to listen to the citizens and tax payers and respond to their needs.
Thank you,
Councilman Nicholas Marchese