NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« September 2010 |
| November 2010 »
Raymond G. Munyan, Retired member of Local 801 Boilermakers, Raised in Westville Raymond G. Munyan Sr., 76, of Bellmawr, formerly of National Park, peacefully passed away on October 27, 2010. LEGACY Born in Camden and raised in Westville, Ray met and married the love of his life, Patricia Athey and together they enjoyed 53 years of marriage and raised four children. Ray was a boilermaker for Local 801, Camden for many years until his retirement in 1987. Away from his work, Ray enjoyed the company of his family especially his children and grandchildren. Rooting on his beloved Phillies and Eagles; long rides with his wife in the country and walks on beautiful sunny days were activities that Ray enjoyed as well. Ray leaves a legacy of a sweet, kind hearted man who would do anything to help someone who was less fortunate. He will be deeply missed by those who...
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Since the public is no longer able to watch Gloucester City Council meetings on local Channel 19 CNB will be providing excerpts of the meetings as a service to the community. video 1
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Since the public is no longer able to watch Gloucester City Council meetings on local Channel 19 CNB will be providing excerpts of the meetings as a service to the community.
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Since the public is no longer able to watch Gloucester City Council meetings on local Channel 19 CNB will be providing excerpts of the meetings as a service to the community. Video 2 Gloucester City Council Meeting Oct. 28 Video 3 Gloucester City Council Meeting Oct. 28
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Shared Services Projects Save Municipalities Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Camden County’s PARIS Grant Records Management Projects Produce Savings Dear Neighbors, Camden County residents have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars so far and had far easier access to government records, thanks to four Public Archives and Records Infrastructure Support (PARIS) Grant shared services projects led by Camden County. This is simply a shared service initiative that makes sense. Camden County has been recognized nationally and within the state as a leader in its records management and retention initiatives and through the PARIS Grant program we are working with municipalities to share our expertise and knowledge. Camden County was the first County in the State of NJ and in the nation to provide individual records management needs assessment reports for 34 municipalities and a county wide records management shared services report. . Local municipal leaders face daunting technological and financial...
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On October 28, 2010. (nee Mills) Age 73. Of Gloucester City. Formerly of North Camden. Loving wife of the late Gilbert L. Foulke. Beloved mother of Sharon, Linda, Russy and Gilbert Foulke. Loving grandmother of Letina Foulke-Polk and husband Keith Polk. Also survived by 11 grandchildren: Chanel, Brenda, Ashley, Michael, Stephanie, Jackie, Nikki, Chrissy, Jenn, Jeff and Tiffany and 13 great-grandchildren. Dear sister of Charles, Betty and the late Frances. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Tuesday morning from 9 to 11 AM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, (at Brown Street) Gloucester City. Funeral service 11 AM in the funeral home. Cremation will be private. Expressions of sympathy may be made through under online obituaries of Pearl M. Foulke. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142
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“Receiving support from others who have been through what you are going through can be very powe rful and often one of the most effective ways to stay hopeful, inspired and sane. You will find out that you are not alone in this fight against addiction. You can learn from other parents. And even though your child may be different than theirs, you’ll discover there are many similarities.” – Lorraine McNeill-Popper, Mom and Parent Advisory Board Member Nine million young people between the ages of 12 and 25 need treatment for substance abuse or addiction. Of those nine million, two million are 12 – 17. Of the two million, ninety percent are not getting the help they need.* By listening to parents and working with experts in the field of teen substance abuse and treatment, we’ve developed Time To Get Help ( Time To Get Help is a new online...
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October 28, 2010 As a resident of Gloucester City for the past 27 years, I have come to appreciate the pride so many people take in this city. From the volunteers that devote so much of their time, to the hard working public that builds the foundation of growth, Gloucester is a city that has a lot to offer. We respect our ability to work, relax, pray, and be protected by the civil servants that we put in office to support our rights and concerns. We want the opportunity to approach our representatives in office for help (when needed) and pray they will not turn a “blind eye” to our problems even when it involves one of their own. We want representatives that will improve our community but we also want them to be people we can look up to, respect and trust. The qualities that we look for in...
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Who: SFC Lewis Nichols (also WWR rider) When: Friday, October 29, 2010 Time: ETA 5:45 PM Where: Venice Plaza 281 Cross Keys Rd. Berlin, NJ 08009 Contact: Leslie (YRC) 609-980-4175 We have a special request/event going on this Friday. A long overdue homecoming for an honored guest as well as 5 soldiers who will be in attendance. SFC Nichols is getting married Friday. He will be getting his overdue Welcome Back From Iraq from the WWR and YRC, but there are also 5 of his friends who also served in Iraq at some point and did not get a welcome home either. So we will be doing a BIG BANG of a welcome home at SFC reception. His bio is as follows: SFC Lewis Nichols has been in the Army for 26 years. He was drafted in 1972 for Vietnam War. After his tour he became a civilian for the...
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By Anthony Wojtkowiak The 7:30 pm starting time for the Gloucester City Planning/Zoning Board meeting on October 20 was delayed for approximately 15 minutes as members of the board held a private discussion in a closed door room off of the council chambers, 313 Monmouth Street. This reporter was not invited to enter this room despite knocking on the door and declaring that he was there for the Planning Board meeting. At that time this reporter had not yet identified himself as a member of the press. An email, sent October 21 asking Chairman Francis Wunsch for minutes from that closed session, was not immediately returned. The public meeting began at approximately 7:45pm. According to the Board Chairman the agenda of the public meeting was short so that the members could go home and watch the Philadelphia Phillies play the San Francisco Giants in Game 4 of the National League...
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by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal 24 October 2010 A fierce constitutional battle is being waged between an out-of- control federal judge determined to impose racial quotas on New York City’s fire department and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, equally determined to resist race-based hiring. U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis appointed himself the city’s de facto fire commissioner last week by enjoining the department from hiring any new firefighters without his approval—and he will give his approval only to the racial hiring schemes he has already tried to foist on the department. Mayor Bloomberg has courageously refused to cave in to the judge’s quota demands—a stance vanishingly rare in today’s politically correct world. His refusal is justified, both legally and as a matter of policy. Judge Garaufis’s rulings have been capricious and biased, creating new law while ignoring facts that undercut his radical new doctrines. And Garaufis’s ultimate goal—to craft a future...
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Bill: Last week I went to a girls soccer game to watch my grand daughter play at the Gloucester City High School field. I've seen the school several times riding past on Route 130. As I was watching the game with my son I had a Gloucester City flash back. That area used to be called " The hinkey dinks". Maybe you or one of your readers can remember where it got that name. I remember the cement wall that had " Jesus Saves ". Under the quote someone wrote GREEN STAMPS. DO you remember "Jesus saves Green Stamps "? Back then it was funny now it's a lawsuit. How times have changed. JOE FARRELL, Gloucester City
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Here is the timeline describing ARC project funding and deliberation milestones since Governor Christie took office, particularly how the Governor was forced to re-examine the project in mid-August when the Federal Transit Administration presented its first thorough examination of the potential cost overruns for the project. As we now know, the range given then – $10.878 billion to $13.736 billion, not including the $775 million for a new Portal Bridge – far exceeded the working assumption of an ARC tunnel project at $8.7 billion plus the cost of the Portal Bridge. Also, an important reminder given what is still appearing in some press reports: None of the proposals put forth by federal officials or New Jersey’s congressional delegation – despite unsupported statements to the contrary – eliminate, or even remotely limit, New Jersey’s exposure to the potentially billions in cost overruns. Loans or any phase in of the project merely...
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HUNTING AND FISHING NEWS compiled by link submitted by Bill Schemel by Joe Today while heading home from camp we had the most amazing experience on Winslow Hill. We were driving through just before noon when we noticed 2 cars stopped on the side of the road and someone wildly gesturing towards the field to the left. My initial response was that there was a newbie who spotted an elk in a field and was freaking out. Then I looked and saw about 20 or so elk walking through the field. I was impressed, but that was not too unusual. click on advertisement for photos; story continues below It was just then I was about to pull past the cars and out of the corner of my eye I see about 5 elk sprinting down towards the road. I of course waited for them to cross and then it...
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A reminder to all the family and friends of our "Remember Me " children remember our servise is always held on the second sunday in December. I really would love to be able to hold it outside again it is so much nicer.Any questions you can always email or call. If you signed the form last year to have your child added each year I have your childs name added already if you did not please contact me so they are not left out. Yours Truly Dawn Beebe Millville NJ ,08332
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I’ve tried to begin writing this post and I’ve had a difficult time finding what to say, a fact that is, I must confess odd for me, and probably pretty remarkable to my family. Rarely do I have a problem talking. This may be because in October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, the world is full of pink. In restaurants, department stores and even gas stations, breast cancer promotions abound and everywhere I look I seem to be surrounded by pink ribbons. Now don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled that so many businesses support Breast cancer research and I certainly don’t want that to stop. However it does serve as an almost constant reminder of my journey. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword when a survivor is reminded of her cancer, even by those supporting a cure. It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it, I just...
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Kerry McHugh-Moles is proud of her hometown, her school district, and her profession. And she isn’t waiting for Superman. She believes that Pennsauken’s public schools are full of supermen and superwomen, who can change the course of children’s lives, mold minds with their chalk-dusted hands, and—while disguised as mild-mannered teachers—fight a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and public education. source: NJEA Related articles - NJEA statement on Schundler firing (
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submitted by son Adam Tussey I Am the Democratic Liberal-Progressive's Worst Nightmare. I am an White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, American Veteran, Gun Owning Biker. I am a Master leatherworker. I work hard and long hours with my hands to earn a living. I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don't push it on others. I ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and drive American-made cars, and I believe in American products and buy them whenever I can. I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some liberal governmental functionary, Democratic or Republican, that wants to share it with others who don't work! I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way! I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer; it makes you a smart American. I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle...
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I was reading the Gloucester City News headlines on this morning and I read that "Brooklawn council passes resolution to curtail official perks" What perks would they be talking about? Any ideas? Did they think cheating on their taxes was a perk? I am really curious about this, and at the next council meeting I intend to ask what perks they intend to "curtail", as I was not aware the position of Mayor or Council Person does, or should, have any additional "perks" to it. I know they get a small stippen at the end of the year, not sure the exact amount of it. I got one many years ago as well, as I remember it was around 1200.00 I think. If they still do that, I intend to donate mine back to a fund I want to get our ambulance moving towards soft billing and keeping money...
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Photo and Caption By Amicus T. Pardie DIRTY POLITICS-With just a week left until the voters get to have their say, it seems like the ugliness is coming to the surface with more boldness. These sign arrangements were observed along Market Street but others like them were found around Gloucester City. Is this the way the George Norcross Machine trains their workers to behave? Is this the tactic they choose to influence voters? Is this the way the Democrat Party in Camden County AND Gloucester City wants to show us that they are the party of integrity and fair play? By the way, didn't Bill James run as an "Independent" last cycle? Didn't he campaign on a platform of "fighting the machine". Well, it didn't take Bill James long to crawl into bed with George Norcross's political machine and become just another puppet. Nick Marchese also ran as an independent...
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Vote Democrat and allow the Incumbent Candidates to complete what they started. I would like to ask the voters of Gloucester City to vote for Mayor William James on November 2nd. I ask that our current Mayor remain as our future Mayor. Bill James has shown his leadership abilities and his commitment to making Gloucester a better place to live. Having a full time Mayor who helps attend to the day to day activities of the city as well as the long term future projects goes above and beyond what can be normally be expected of any Mayor. Bill has helped the city immensely over the past four years. I am proud to be serving and working alongside Mayor James and this team and look forward to what we will be accomplishing in the near future. Kellie Ferry is our Third Ward Incumbent Council Candidate and the driving force behind...
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submitted by Bill Schemel Youth Pheasant and Waterfowl hunts set for this Saturday The 2010 Take A Kid Hunting Pheasant Hunt sponsored by the Federation and the Division will take place this Saturday, October 30, at the following Wildlife Management Areas: Whittingham, Black River, Flatbrook, Clinton, Assunpink, Colliers Mills, Glassboro, Millville, Peaslee and Winslow Wildlife Management areas. Story continues below advertisement The hunt is limited to youth who hold a valid youth hunting license. They can be accompanied by family. All hunts will be mentored except for those in Flatbrook and Glassboro. Dog handlers in the guided hunts will give the youngsters an opportunity to have a quality hunt. This year will be the first hunt in Winslow. The Camden County Federation will sponsor the hunt for 25 youth hunters. A breakfast will be served courtesy of the Camden County before the hunt. Ocean and Monmouth counties are sponsoring the...
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We would like to say a special thank you to the Heroes to Hero Committee, as well as the Hero’s helpers, for all their hard work and dedication. We appreciate all that they do to assure that Alyssa, Nichole, Johnny, Nick and Brittany can attend college. God bless you all. The Stewart and Ruggierio Families, Gloucester City
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By Anthony Wojtkowiak Gloucester City NEWS Correspondent GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-The Ninth Annual Heroes to Hero 5k was Saturday, October 9, at 9am. According to event organizer Jerry Hubbs, himself an avid runner, says the event was attended by over 1,000 people and raised close to $40,000. Hubbs says the event has grown significantly since its first year when the total number of participants was “around the 400 range”. PHOTO: CHIEF HUBBS IN FULL GEAR, running in the 2007 Heroes to Hero event. photo by B. Cleary Hubbs, himself a Gloucester City fireman, also addressed the forthcoming layoff of eight City firemen. “I think it’s an incredible step backward,” he said. “What happened on July 4, 2002, was we had four men working at the fire department, and the city administration [wants] to go back to that same situation. We’re going out with the same staffing [of four men] the night...
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"Photo shoots with Drexel Soccer team" by Amanda Stevenson. Amanda Stevenson Photo located at 619 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215) 627-3777 related category Great Photos
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Gloucester City Mayor and council revised meeting dates: Revised Meeting Dates for 2010 Work Session Meetings The following meeting dates are: Monday, November 1, 2010 Monday, December 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 313 Monmouth Street Caucus Sessions Meetings The following meeting dates have been changed due to holidays. Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Thursday, December 16, 2010 at City Hall, 313 Monmouth Street Monthly Council Meetings The following meeting dates have been changed due to holidays. Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at 8:00 pm at City Hall, 313 Monmouth Street signed: Kathy Jentsch , Gloucester City Acting Municipal Clerk
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photo by Frank Weichmann (Phil) Who is this guy? (Jim) I don't know he doesn't have a name tag...(Bud) just smile he is taking our picture. PHOTO-REAL "OLD TIMERS" (L. TO R.) BUD MYERS, JIM TALLEY, PHIL SCHNELL. An estimated 150 members attended the annual event held October 15 at the Gloucester Heights Fire Hall, Nicholson Road. The photo is Ray Ford who began the affair so many years ago. Alumni from Gloucester Catholic HS and Gloucester City HS are shown in the album. click for album Ray Ford 2007 album classic Breakfast Club photos for menu
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By Bill Cleary Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, disability, and age-related contexts. Wikipedia I was astonished last week after hearing that NPR commentator Juan Williams was fired from his job for stating that people in Muslim garb on airplanes make him “nervous”. He told the truth. After 9/11 the majority of us feel that way. But Williams made the mistake of not being politically correct in his conversation with Fox News Bill O’Reilly. Because he didn’t emphasize Muslin terrorists he is being criticized by those that have a far left or right agenda. Speaking on Fox News, where he is a contributor, Williams said, "I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books...
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Jennie T. Rabbuttino (nee Stanish), died suddenly at home on October 20, 2010, of Bellmawr. Age 91. Beloved wife of the late Victor “Vito”. Devoted mother of Jean Moretti and her husband John F., Jr., Richard Rabbuttino and his wife Jean and Thomas Rabbuttino and his wife Janice. Loving grandmother of John V. Moretti (Danielle), Michael Moretti (Ericka Narzkul), Donna Marie Convey (Jim), Nicholas, Christopher and Victor Rabbuttino and great-grandmother of Gia Marie, Karalyn Marie and John Patrick. Dear sister of Vera Kerr, Marie Stampo and the late Elsie Sutton, Anne Cantagallo, Albert and Dominick Stanish and Violet Petrone. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Jennie loved going to the casinos in Atlantic City. She retired from Metrologic after over 30 years of service. There will be a viewing from 6 to 8pm Sunday eve and 9:15 to 10:15am Monday morning at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral Mass 11am...
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This is one of the nicest e-mails I have seen in a long time I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, ' This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received. I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world. Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section. The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." I noticed again how busy...
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Friday, October 15, 2010 Thursday October 14th at 23:59 hours Task Force 75 was dispatched to 220 Pine Avenue in Runnemede for a reported dwelling fire. CFM-13 (County Fire Marshal) reported a two story wood frame with smoke showing from Division ‘A” Squad 32 (Bellmawr) arrived and advanced a 1 ¾ inch water line in through the front door, Engine 75 (Runnemede) supplied the Squad and Quint 91 (Barrington) searched and opened up. Crews quickly located the fire in a utility room on the first floor and were able to hold the fire to the one room with minor extension. The fire was placed under control within ten minutes and held with just the Squad, Engine and Quint. No injuries were reported and the fire has been ruled accidental by the County Fire Marshal’s Office. via
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Msgr. William Francis Poyatt, 85, who served in the Camden Diocese for over 60 years, died Sunday, Oct. 17. Born in Camden on Dec. 30, 1924, and raised in Haddon Township, Msgr. Poyatt attended Camden Catholic High School. He went to St. Charles College, Catonsville, Md., and St. Mary’s Seminary, Md., before being ordained on June 11, 1949, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Camden. His first assignment was at St. Monica, Atlantic City, from 1949-50, as parochial vicar. He was pastor at five parishes in the diocese: Our Lady of the Angels, Cape May Court House (1961-63); Our Lady Queen of Peace, Pitman (1963-67); St. Jude, Blackwood (1967-75); St. Isidore, Vineland (1975-78); and St. Anne, Westville (1978-90). From 1990-2005, he resided at St. Francis de Sales, Barrington, first as Senior Priest, and then as a retired priest, beginning in 2000. He was the first “Senior Priest” of the...
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October 20, 2010 An Open Letter To all Sevier County Tea Partiers- In the next 12 days leading up to the most historic election in our lifetimes, the media and every left wing group out there will seek to tear us down, to deflate our spirits and do everything they can to marginalize and defeat us. There will be dirty tricks galore, there will be push polls that show our candidates are tanking, or that the Tea Party has no real influence. There will be quotes taken out of context, that you fundamentally know aren’t true, but will be published or broadcast anyway. You know this already but - don’t believe any of it. If their lips are moving, they are lying. Period. The last few days before the election, we will see and hear stuff that is beyond belief; nothing will be off limits or beyond the pale. The...
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HUNTING AND FISHING compiled by Stripe Bass Survey During the fall of 2009 the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists had the opportunity to collect striped bass biological samples on the party boat F/V Queen Mary and during several fishing tournaments throughout the state. These types of sampling, in addition to the Division's field surveys, are valuable components of New Jersey's striped bass research and the coastwide assessment of the striped bass resource. To view the results and learn more about the striped bass resource, see biologist Heather Corbett's feature article at on the division's web site. Article continues below advertisement (click ad for photos) Fishing for Stripers in Cape May by Richard Degener CAPE MAY - Maryland resident Joel Goron got to the beach before sunrise, hoping that he would land a striped bass during his two-day mini-vacation. Goron, 47, of Laurel, Md., caught plenty of small...
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Atlantic City Casinos Announce Alliance to Revitalize the Resort Destination Casinos Pledge $30 Million to Boost Tourism and Improve City Atlantic City (October 21, 2010) – Signaling a bold commitment to revitalizing Atlantic City, Harrah’s Entertainment, Trump Entertainment Resorts, Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa and Tropicana Atlantic City Corp. have joined forces and formed an alliance dedicated to making the city a thriving resort destination. The 501(c)(4) organization, known as the Atlantic City Alliance, will work together with the Governor and the Legislature to implement the vision of the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Gaming, Sports and Entertainment which is focused on growing Atlantic City’s tourism economy and making the city a better place to live and work. To further this objective, the casino resort industry will dedicate $30 million annually, plus savings derived from regulatory reform, toward a new marketing initiative for Atlantic City and other objectives of the Atlantic...
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click to enlarge Bill: Your readers seem to be interested in old pictures. I wonder how many of the players for Gloucester Catholic High School Class of 1950 they can remember? A few became active in Gloucester City politics. One is known as Doctor, another married into the Gaudio family. We played football at the Charles Street Stadium and our coach was Monsignor Lucitt aka Big Ed. If you are looking for me I am the good looking guy in the photo. :) Joe Farrell category Rams Alumni related Glou. City History click to visit website
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When first elected in November 2006, this administration promised to address several issues that we thought needed immediate attention in order to move into the future with an improved quality of life for the citizenry. “Work is the soul of progress” and your Mayor and council have been working long diligent hours and days to provide our promise to you. The four years seem to have flown by and we all have learned much. We’ve learned that we don’t have all the answers but that surrounding yourself with good people and listening to ideas and suggestions is a much easier and successful road to travel. We’ve learned that governmental agencies are merely roadblocks for success and that it’s not necessarily what you know or what you want to accomplish but it’s who you know and what professionals you employ to complete the task at hand. We’ve learned that there is...
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Valentine's Dinners Called into Question Barrington, NJ - For the past two years, Rep. Rob Andrews (D-Haddon Heights) has enjoyed an intimate Valentine's Day dinner with his wife, Camille. The only problem is that he apparently charged those meals to his campaign expense account. According to Andrews' Federal Election Commission report, he dined at the exclusive Anthony's restaurant in Haddon Heights on the following dates: February 13 and 14, 2010; and February 14, 2009. The total for the three meals was $460.00. Andrews' FEC report also shows $371.00 worth of meals at Anthony's on May 7 and 8, 2010; and May 8, 2009. All three dates coincide with Mother's Day weekend for the years in question. "Mr. Andrews may have a perfectly good explanation for these expenses," said First District Congressional Candidate Dale Glading (R-Barrington). "However, because of their suspicious nature, I think he owes it to his constituents to...
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Collingswood Is 34th Municipality to Partner with Agencies on Program Collingswood, N.J. – Collingswood Commissioner Joan Leonard today joined New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA) Executive Director Anthony Marchetta at the Zane Schoolhouse at Haddon and Irvin Avenues to announce that the Borough is the newest member of the Live Where You Work program. Collingswood is the 34th municipality to partner with the HMFA on this workforce housing initiative. “By assisting hardworking New Jersey residents who are seeking homeownership opportunities, the Live Where You Work program contributes to maintaining the vitality of our communities,” said Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Commissioner Lori Grifa. “I commend Collingswood for their commitment to improving the lives of the people who work and live in the borough. We encourage more municipalities to join the program.” The Live Where You Work program provides low-interest, fixed rate mortgage loans to first-time homebuyers purchasing homes...
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News Release On Thursday October 21st Students from Gloucester City High School enjoyed a field trip on the Schooner NorthWind. Twenty-one students were accompanied by High School Principal Dr. Jack Don, Officer Bud Blackiston and teacher Amy Kuzyk-Smith. The crew, Captain Chuck Reed, Mates Ken MacAdams and Jack Simila attended to their safety and enjoyment. Photo: The Skipper, Principal Don! Many of the students took a hand at the wheel while learning about navigation. They learned what makes a sailboat go. Some history and information was given about what goes on between the two bridges. The NorthWind will continue to take students on these field trips to get a better understanding of our river. Basics of sailing, ecology and our local history are topics of discussion. The NorthWind is owned by the City and operated by Gloucester City Sail. .
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Calls for Independent FEC Investigation Barrington, NJ - "Where there's smoke, there's usually fire," said First District Congressional Candidate Dale Glading (R-Barrington) in calling for an independent investigation of Rep. Rob Andrews (D-Haddon Heights) and his campaign expenditures. Specifically in question is a series of donations that Andrews made with campaign funds to the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia which totaled over $68,000. Camille Andrews, Congressman Andrews' wife, serves on the Board of Trustees for the theater. In addition, an immediate family member performs at the theater on a semi-regular basis. Rep. Andrews gave a $25,000 donation to the Walnut Street Theater in November 2009, and a second $25,000 gift in January 2010. Those dates coincided with the beginning and end of the family member's appearances in the cast of Oliver. "I am calling for the Federal Election Commission to conduct an independent investigation of these expenses to determine if...
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Barracuda attack leaves woman kayaker with punctured lung | Mail Online...story submitted by Bill Schemel A kayaker is recovering in hospital after a barracuda leapt out of the water and attacked her. The 45-year-old woman suffered a punctured lung and broken ribs after the fish slammed into her chest while she paddle through the Florida keys. Coast Guard officials said the victim had to be airlifted to hospital after the shock of the attack. Razor-sharp teeth: A barracuda like the one that attacked the woman in Florida The woman and a male friend were in a kayak near the Big Pine Key. As they paddled along a barracuda leapt out of the water and buried its razor-sharp teeth into the woman's chest. Her companion told emergency dispatchers that he could not row the kayak to shore because the woman was in so much pain. A rescue vessel from a Coast...
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photo by Amanda Stevenson Lupke Amanda Stevenson (our cousin) recently visited China. Some of the photos she took during her trip are compiled in a HD video montage now being highlighted by Clickbooq. A professional photographer she founded Amanda Stevenson Photo located in Philadelphia in 1994, phone 215-627-3777. To view the video montage click link below. To request portfolio please contact Talel at [email protected] ~Bill Cleary
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