Breaking News: Teenager Hit By Train
Monday, September 20, 2010
By Bill Cleary
GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-A young man crossing the railroad tracks in the vicinity of George Street and the railroad was hit by a freight train around 3 PM today. According to neighbors in the area, who didn't want their names used, the teenager was wearing headphones and he didn't see or hear the train coming. He was dragged several feet and laid under the train motionless said one man. Pedestrians use this area as a shortcut to get to nearby Broadway.
"We knew someday there would be an accident at this location said the neighbors. CONRAIL should be made to put a fence up to keep people from crossing the tracks here, said one neighbor. And if they don't do it then the City should erect the fence."
The name of the victim and his condition are not known.
Above police are interviewing witnesses to the accident. At 5 PM the train was still stopped and auto traffic was blocked from crossing into the east side of the City at Kohler Street.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following day Police Chief George Berglund said that the teenager, Michael Battersby was not wearing headphones.