NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Just Sayin': Shrinking Pants
Olga Marie Zalewski, of West Collingswood Hts., Co- Founder of Crown Photo, Gloucester City

All Hands Fire in Barrington; No Injuries Reported

Monday, August 23, 2010
Late Monday night, Rescue 32, Ladder 33, & Battalion 303 (Kibler)  assisted neighboring Barrington FD with a working fire at 139 Woodland Avenue. Battalion 91 (Houck) arrived with fire showing from a 2 story single family dwelling w/ reports of people trapped. Rescue 32 conducted the search and outside vent  with Ladder 33 opening up the 2nd floor. Occupants were accounted for and no injuries were reported.

Pictures Courtesy of Bill Reiger & Philly Fire News
Pictures Courtesy of Bill Reiger &
Philly Fire News

